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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Oh christ just in battle tower - nearly done 2 mins!
  2. I'll take it but don't go to too much trouble if you've deleted the game... Appreciate your help.
  3. @Hero of Time @Ike Thanks. So do you think it's easier to just get a load of money together in game and buy bottle caps as breeding sounds like it could take a while. As does finding the right Pokemon in raid battles. I struggle defeating some 5 star ones most of the time as the CPU throws a Magikarp out which is obviously less than helpful.
  4. Ok, thank you Ike, helpful as always. One more question, the max raid battles... does the beam from the well need to be purple to obtain 5 max IV's, or can it be red providing they're 5 star pokemon in them? Also, say I did catch a 5 star max raid Pokemon, would it then need further IV boosting, or would it not benefit from it and be good to use immediately?
  5. So how do you alter the IV stats? I've been using the pokejobs glitch to boost certain stats of pokemon who are lower in some areas (like defence or sp. defence etc), or to give some a speed boost, but is that the same thing or something different?
  6. If anyone has a Ferroseed that would also be helpful. Why is this pokemon so hard to find?!
  7. I don't understand the IV thing. Urgh FML.
  8. Which I get, but this is rank one. Like Glen said earlier, it should be matching you with people who are a similar level to yourself but these people are completely wiping me out. It's not as if I'm throwing any old s*it out either, I'm actually studying movesets, combos and everything myself so it just gets a bit dis-heartening. I'm adding some other Pokemon now anyway, in the hope I can try and get some wins. We'll see.
  9. Still really struggling with this competitive stuff. Spent most of the weekend getting a team together and I'm still 'rank one' as played less than ten matches and only won two, but it's just ridiculous how these are 'rank one' opponents. If this is rank one I'd love to see what Master Ball looks like as these people have an answer to absolutely everything. I am absolutely sick of Dragapult, Gyarados and Rotom - do people not do originality with their pairings? I feel like single battles are a little easier than double as there seems to be too much in the way of pokemon abilties 'u-turns' and tactical pairings for it to be fun. Might just sack it off.
  10. Omg amazing. I am free whenever!
  11. Don't suppose anyone has a Corviknight with Mirror Armour ability? I have tried to do the glitch to get the Gigantamax version to appear, but isn't working and been on it for ages. Bit of a stretch, but thought I'd ask.
  12. Just gonna get an Avalugg and throw that out against one :D. But then they'd probably have some sort of stat reducing move that turns me -6 stages and knock me out with a single tackle or something. Lol.
  13. Absolutely sick of seeing Dragapult. Every single person uses it. Bore off.
  14. Thanks joining now. It's Mark! Thanks @Glen-i
  15. Free from now for a few hours Glen but don't worry if you're not free.
  16. Me again! I need a Corsola (didn't realise you could only obtain it in Shield) - does anyone have one they can possibly trade me?! My quest to become the very best (like no one ever was), is very much on and I am currently back to the drawing board with my team and I'd like to trial a Corsola. Thanks in advance!
  17. Thanks RedShell! I'm free all day so it works for me!
  18. If anyone wants to help me out getting a sweet sweet Rhyperior by trading my Rhydon plus Protector to them and them send back... I'd appreciate it!
  19. I'm going to get a different team going tonight (or start to) and try and go from there. You've all made me feel better so thanks! I am definitely adding a Rhyperior to my team though - sounds insane in the right set up!
  20. Yup did all of that goodness. I haven't done the breed for nature thing, which could help but it's just so long winded. I may have to though if I want to be serious. People just seem to be really clever with their teams though. I've been really impressed at some of the movesets in double battles and how certain Pokémon pair together well. It's made me sit there and think "why didn't I think of that"
  21. Will post it up later when I get in from work. I don't think it's a strong team. I have no real strategy. Someone used a Rhyperior last night and Dynamaxed it - I had Dynamaxed my Malamar who had already had a sharp increase in its attack due to its ability and Brick Break and when I used the dynamax fighting move against Rhyperior it did virtually nothing. Does that thing have crazy high defence or something? I wouldn't mind but it was a rank one casual match!!
  22. Wow. I am terrible at competitive Pokémon. Either that or people are just much better. Probably a bit of both. I must have got lucky in my first match last night. People just seem to have a response to every Pokémon move, combo stat change the lot. Takes the fun out of it. I might throw the towel in haha.
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