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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. It’s funny isn’t it how we do actually Get to like or dislike the island residents. It is like real life in that regard. I have a little red duck with a tuft of hair on my island (he was the first one here) called Bill and he’s obsessed with “pumping iron” and I just love him. So I always go and chat to him every day. Some of the others I don’t even know their names properly yet...
  2. It’s no hassle I’m more than happy to help. Others have sorted me out before so happy to return the favour for anyone.
  3. Yes absolutely fine. I’ll accept now. Sorry only just seen.
  4. Ahh that’s great thank you! And thanks to the others who left some lolly!
  5. Yeah this is no problem. I’m leaving it running in the background and when I finish work I’ll be staying on just doing my daily routine. If need be I can just leave the gates open all night it’s no bother.
  6. I will open the gates now. I won’t be able to respond if you chat to me - not being rude lol but I’ll just leave it on in the background and run around every ten mins to stop it going to sleep.
  7. 557 bells 🔔 I am working at home today but happy to open my island at any stage if anyone needs to sell any that didn’t get round to visiting @Kaepora_Gaebora yesterday.
  8. 141 bells today in the newly renovated shop. Says I could be on for a spike this afternoon though so will post if so after 12pm.
  9. Thanks @Kaepora_Gaebora I left some bags of bells for your trouble opening the island! Appreciate it.
  10. @Kaepora_Gaebora definitely would love to visit if you’ll have me?!
  11. Whoa wait what?! You can do more than one bridge once you get the new shop?! Is that right Yesss if so. I only have two bridges and one incline but if I can do more at once that’ll be amazing.
  12. My shop is finally being upgraded so it will be shut tomorrow. Is there no way to check turnip prices tomorrow then?
  13. Yeah it was predicting a spike every day of the week which never came. The spreadsheet one is a little easier to read so will go with that one this week!
  14. Ah I used that last week. Gave me nothing but lies upon deceit upon deceit upon lies.
  15. What is the best calculator to use to check for potential spikes? Could anyone possibly link it please?
  16. A wonderful read! And the club was kinda lonely, so it's nice to have you here!
  17. Thanks @Sheikah. 5 and a half million bells made. I'll take it! I don't think I can cope with the stress again next week. Nice island though, loads of progress since I last visited. Looks great.
  18. A viscious disgraceful attack given the current climate. I hope your plane gets shot down on the trip back home.
  19. Bring it. I'll smack you over the head with my net. How bout dat.
  20. @drahkon awful turnip etiquette. Arrives last, pushes in front of everyone straight to the shop. Disgraceful.
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