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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. My outdoor arcade is coming together nicely. @Sméagol your gifted inflatable sofa works great - thanks! Just need some more machines.
  2. Thank you. Many hours of hard work haha. I am looking forward to forging a plan for the rest. I ended up laying one of the villagers houses not in line with the rest by one step (doh) so have put plans in place to move him today and tomorrow will have to do it again to get him in the right place! Then I’ll focus on that area more as I’m aware the villagers are currently cast away. I should be able to visit tonight to repay the flower watering favour!
  3. Thanks to all my visitors today! I’ve had over 5 people who watered and can confirm I now have gold crescent sparkles coming off of my plants! Hopefully I can get some rare spawns now as one thing my island is lacking is some unusual plants!
  4. Shout out to @Helmsly and @Nicktendo for coming over to water my plants. And @Mike1988uk. Gates are open all day if anyone else wants to help! Also, thanks for expressing concerns for the villagers having no decor round their homes at the back of the island. Lol. I’ve terraformed the whole first half and am working on getting them prettied up soon!
  5. This is amazing. I need some blue flowers haven’t got a single one. I read they spawn from white flowers? So I have four patches set up of different white flowers I’ve planted. I have opened my gates (I’m working currently) so if any very very kind souls want to come and water a few flowers and check the shops out then feel free.
  6. I wasn’t hugely familiar with AC as I only dabbled with the 3DS game so knowing certain things like houses being moveable wasn’t something I thought of going in. Originally I wanted them dotted everywhere, now I want order and want them in a row haha. I think for things like moving buildings, there should be an Express kind of service. Even if it meant rinsing you of more bells lol. That’s the only thing halting my progress at the moment. Thankfully I’ve moved a few over the last few days but I do understand the logic behind the “come back tomorrow” mantra.
  7. I know there has been a discussion around the time travelling element. But this game does suffer a bit by not doing it. For me, anyway. I want to move all of my residents homes, and mine, so that’s 9 in total. But they’re in the way of where I want to do some paths and other things so I have to wait until the next day to do it. I feel like it unnecessarily halts progress. Once the credits roll and you have 3 stars, really it should allow you to move things instantly I think. I’ve still got hours and hours to pour into this to get everything the way I want it, but not being able to move things, or having to wait for a street light to arrive the next day is a bit ... painful.
  8. Thanks so much @BowserBasher Shit just realised @Ronnie and @Tales I need to send you the last bit of our exchange. Will do that in a minute!
  9. Can anyone help a guy out with the iron garden chair recipe? Or a spare couple of chairs? I have the table, just no chairs!
  10. Thanks @Ronnie will post the table now!
  11. I can open my gates now. Don't be offended by the mess lol I have removed everything and am starting again!
  12. You're in luck. I have log benches and tables. I'll send over.
  13. Ah if you could that'd be great! I only need one really for the entrance of my island. Thanks so much - do you need anything in return?
  14. Does anyone have the plain wooden sign shop recipe?!
  15. Hey thanks for the benches. I loaded my game up just now and they were there? Thought it’d be tomorrow. Anyway they’re perfect, thanks! sent you a table and one chair. Can only do two letters a day apparently so the other chair will have to be tomorrow. Unfortunately I can’t gift it from Resident Services. It’s not a purchasable item (presumably because it’s crafted) so will send the other chair in morning.
  16. Now I can change cliffs and water along with adding paths, the game has become a whole new challenge and approach for me and I’m absolutely loving it. I don’t think I’ve played a game that rewards creative thinking in ages. It’s going to take hours and hours for me to start getting my island in some sort of tidy order, but I almost feel like the real game has begun now.
  17. After saying about Bill the Duck being my absolute fave and visiting him daily along with showering him with gifts... he told me he wanted to leave yesterday. I’ve taken it hard. He said his house was a mess and it would be easier for him to move than tidy it up. I managed to convince him to stay by telling him to just... ya know... tidy up. And he agreed. Games messing with my emotions.
  18. Great thank you! yes will get them sent later when I go on.
  19. Does anyone have a bench they could maybe gift me for something in return? I am looking for two benches for my island that are wooden with black metal style arms / legs. I have a table and chair set up like it but not a bench. Thanks in advance!
  20. The 'Clean Up' mechanic is really annoying in this game. I want to totally remove the third 'floor' of my island but it's littered with trees, so imagine my joy when I found out you could send anything 'around you' to the recycle bin. But it doesn't remove everything around you, you have to stand next to it and remove one tree at a time... Is that right or am I doing it wrong?
  21. Does anyone know if you can buy cars in this game? I have a nice idea now I finally have the terraforming options and would be good to be able to display a car or two?
  22. I can load it up again I had come off it to play a bit of Mario Tennis but I can open the gates if you need it’s no trouble?
  23. Hope no one got kicked out then. My Switch went to sleep whilst I was eating tea sorry. And yes I’m eating tea, not dinner. As I had my dinner at dinner time. :P
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