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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Yup. I always feel so stupid playing Zelda as I just get impatient when I don't know what I'm doing within 5 minutes :p so I end up playing with my laptop on my knee looking at a guide. Hope this doesn't end up the same but we'll see.
  2. I just hope this game isn't going to leave me reaching for a guide / walk through every 5 minutes like previous Zelda's do to me. I'm aware I'm a bit of a moron with Zelda games but part of the reason I never finish them is coz I get stuck / bored wandering round haha. I'm hoping I can change my fortunes with Breath of the Wild. Not as if I'll have any other Switch game to sink time into from launch. :P
  3. You shut your filthy mouth. My green shell to myself at the very last 10 seconds didn't help. :wink:
  4. Have just returned from the Switch even with @Mike1988uk. Very very impressed I was! Sorry for the length of the post. The word that springs to mind when thinking about the Switch after today is 'versatile'. I think the games were set up in such a way to show off the systems versatility. You had Zelda hooked up with a Pro Controller, and the ability to undock it to play in handheld mode. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe was just in handheld mode with 8 players in a circle racing against each other. SnipperClips was in tabletop mode with a joycon each and a comfy sofa to settle into. Arms was up on your feet with the joycons and motion controls. Splatoon2 was the joycon controller in all of its glory. Surprisingly comfortable too. 1-2 Switch I didn't play, but we all know how that's controlled. We started with Splatoon2. Both Mike1988uk and I had never experienced it as we skipped the original. I think Mike was more impressed than I was. I found it a little difficult ha. But they did have motion controls in place. Not sure if this is something that can be turned off? But I found it tricky knowing what buttons to press whilst having to aim with the controller to where I shot. Still good fun though, and I can see me enjoying it eventually. We got to go hands on with the joycon controller with this. That was surprisingly comfortable. You could easily forgo buying a Pro Controller using this set up if you didn't want the additional expense. Buttons were easily reachable although the ABXY buttons were pretty small compared to the Pro Controller so there is that to consider. We then moved onto Mario Kart. No TV here, just handheld mode. Glorious. Looks amazing on the Switch screen. I personally found holding the console in this way a little uncomfortable. However there was added weight here due to the metal clamps on the back. Still, I think the way forward would be joycons slid off, one in each hand and the screen in table top mode. I came 4th and 2nd on my two goes, which I was pretty pleased about. We then had our Zelda slot. It just looks amazing. There was a Switch rep with each person talking you through the games premise, controls and where to go. Sadly, these were 10 minutes only due to them having to let everyone play it during the session. Got my hands on the Pro Controller here and it feels so so good. Up there with the Xbox One controller IMO and the same stick layout which for my tastes is the most natural positioning. After about 5 mins he asked me if I wanted to play in handheld mode, which I did. I asked if I could undock it and he said sure, it was absolutely seamless. Handheld mode booted up virtually as soon as it undocked. I played in this mode for a bit, but I'm not gonna lie I didn't enjoy it as much as in 'home console' mode. Everything was obviously, much smaller and I felt like the quality of the world and it's vastness was compromised using it in handheld mode. But hey, this is why I say 'versatile' as you have the choice. For me, Zelda will firmly be a TV game. We then tried Arms out. Now. When I first saw this during the Direct I thought it looked a bit throwaway, gimicky etc. And I did roll my eyes at the motion controls making a return. However, the Rep showing us said he thought they'd done the game a huge disservice in the Switch Direct as it wasn't showed off to its full potential. I remained sceptical but once we passed the tutorial and played it I was utterly convinced and won over. Biggest surprise of the day by far for me this was, it's shot up to my most wanted list after a 10 minute try out. The joycons are used up-right and on their side so you have your fingers wrapped round the ZL and ZR buttons. The motion controls were absolutely spot on, you twist your wrist and punch and the punch is curved as to which way you've moved your wrist. Push both arms out at once and you grab your opponent and do some special move which looks really good. This can be blocked though and the opponent can quickly gain the upper hand. You damage your opponent and their arms glow yellow, this means they're damaged. Do more damage and their arm or arms glow red meaning disabled. You know you've got your opponent on the ropes then! One thing Mike1988uk said that I hadn't paid attention to was the weight of the joycons, or rather, the lack of. Playing Arms, they felt almost weightless. This is exactly what you need for a game like this. This type of experience wouldn't be possible with the Wii remote so it's great to see they've made a brand new game that gives you another way to play with this system. Both of us were left really really impressed with Arms. Also, I battered Mike twice in a row. :P SnipperClips next. This was on my want to play list as I felt like it could be pretty good. Turns out I was right! Both of us had a great time playing this. Turn the joycons on their side, one each and away you go. Joycons were surprisingly comfortable in this mode and we had to get to work snipping each other to beat the levels objective. Get the pencil in the sharpener, basketball in the net and popping the balloons. It was so much fun. You really had to think about what you were doing and the most logical way to do it. Dr Kawashima eat your heart out! The demos were obviously timed, not that we knew it, and when our screen flashed up saying thanks for playing we let out an audible groan! We both enjoyed it way more than we thought. This is Nintendo all over. Play together, work together and have fun. I have now preordered this as I know my partner will like it and I really wanna play some more. Another massive surprise this one. And another way of playing the Switch. We didn't bother with 1-2 Switch as there was a lot of people waiting but we watched others have a go whilst in the Arms queue and it looked like fun, if very short lived. My opinion hasn't changed on this, not gonna purchase but would have been nice to try out the HD rumble. Here's a snap of 2 lads milking. That was all that was on offer. One thing that I thought whilst I was there was how amazing it would have been if ALL of these titles were available at launch. It would have turned it from meh to amazing. I was never dubious over the system, I liked the possibilities of it as soon as I saw it. But today has made me realise just how versatile the Switch is. There are so many ways to play this console. On your own, with friends, in handheld mode, table top mode. I was so impressed with what I saw. The console feels extremely well built and sleek. Not Nintendo like in the slightest (but in a good way). I have preordered the grey console having been unsure on the neon, but now I've seen the neon I just love it. Looks amazing! But the biggest surprise as already mentioned, were the games. Particularly Arms which I just loved. When my turn finished I was genuinely gutted as I wanted to carry on. Hopefully there is a fleshed out single player mode although from what I have searched there's online too, which is a bonus. SnipperClips also a huge surprise. But a pleasant one. Looks like this will be my second purchased title now, which I'm excited about! I was already a little hyped after the leak of the OS, which looks simple, sleek and snappy. Now I've had hands on with the games, and the different ways to play, my hype has notched up a hell of a lot. I think the fact I found Splatoon to be the weakest of the games on display shows how there's a lot of quality in the other games. I had much more fun playing with Mike in SnipperClips and kicking his ass in Arms than I did sat playing Splatoon on my own. Sure, we were playing in a team fight but it didn't have me interacting with him in the same way. Now I get why Nintendo continue to push this 'playing together' thing. It's just so much more fun. Roll on the 3rd March!
  5. Right I'm off to play the Switch for a bit. Ta-ra.
  6. I wouldn't say they don't do anything. They can breathe new life into games long after the story is finished. Or sometimes I just enjoy a game so much, I want to try and get everything that the game challenges me too, whether that's collecting everything, doing something in a certain time or order or just doing things in a weird and wonderful way. Nintendo games generally have a lot for completionists to enjoy so it still irks me that there's no such system to award that other than personal satisfaction. Some people (like me) just want a virtual gold star. :p The fact that both the other consoles tie it to a gamer score and a trophy rating means people who like to collect them do feel like they're getting something. I sometimes just like looking back at the games that were really satisfying to platinum / 1000 gamerscore as I can bask in all of my hard work.
  7. Achievements / trophies seem to be a love / hate thing from what I've seen online over the years. Personally, I love them and was hoping for something similar on Switch. Sad to see it not there, unless it's tucked in the top left avatar icon that the user didn't show (highly doubtful), but it may come at a later date? Again, highly doubtful!
  8. GraingerGames doing a PS4 Slim with RE7 plus a DualShock for £250. Was pondering on a Pro at some point but this seemed like a much better value deal. Silver DS4 is really nice!
  9. Not long to wait until Friday when I get a hands on with the Switch! Anyone else going to any of the events over the weekend / Friday?
  10. I got this for Christmas and only took it out of the plastic wrap last week. Have played a fair few hours now. The Horizon series is one of my favourites, don't care as much for the main line games. it looks fantastic and is so easy to just pick up and play. I am finding this one slightly more confusing just because there are SO many things on the map, especially after upgrading festival sites. But I guess in turn that makes it easier to just keep driving the roads and encountering PR stunts to gain fans etc. I love how my Groove Music subscription can be used to play my playlists in the game rather than the unlockable radio stations. That makes spending so long driving round even more of a pleasure. Can't wait to put some more time into it.
  11. Haha it really does. The jump from HD to 4K really was like going from SD to HD for me when I watched that vid. Not gonna lie, I watched it more times than I care to admit. Alone. As no one else really cared lol.
  12. Thanks! : peace: We had some fun with that. Didn't think it was as big as it was till we got it in (that's what she said) so had to spend a small fortune on random shit to fill it. I love the horn thing top right the most, personally.
  13. This is part of the reason I'm glad I'm going to this Switch event thing next Friday. I am curious about this game, only because I feel it's going to be the best showcase for the 'HD rumble', but not curious enough to want to purchase it. Not based off what I've seen anyway. But playing it for 10 mins next week might just scratch that itch and then I can move on!
  14. Went with 43. It sits in the corner quite nicely - not too big although I would have gone 49, but BF was the voice of reason in the price difference. "We can get loads of other stuff with that money" etc. He was right, but it still hurts... Haha. Some .jpegs below of it in it's glory. It looks TINY in these pics might I add, but it really is not the case when sitting in the room. If I had have gone bigger, it would have gone over the sides of the TV cabinet, which would not have sat well with OCD thinking on it now. Ratchet and Clank was the one for me. Loading that up on it I was all WHUT.
  15. I have this TV. I bought it in March last year when we bought our house as we needed something bigger than my 32" that I had in my bedroom. Went with 4K for the futureproofing! Made up with it. Great picture quality. I looked at Samsung's but hated how oversaturated everything looked, even though you can change it. My previous TV was a Sony so this seemed like the logical upgrade. Very pleased even now.
  16. You can tell I'm at work and not able to pay full attention
  17. I thought the casino level was a new release?
  18. Personally I do think screen grabs from Yooka-Laylee do look bad. I don't think it's fair to say Nintendo games don't look any better than this (first party MARIO titles, to be exact) as they most definitely do to my eyes. The more I see of this game the more I don't really like. But that's just me. I'm not a fan of how much like Banjo it is, considering it isn't Banjo, if that makes sense. Because I don't really want a clone Having said that, I know I'll enjoy it as I love these types of games, but that casino level in particular looks pretty bad to me.
  19. Really?! I played Ratchet and Clank last year and it was by far one of my favourite games. It was amazing. Although I didn't really compare it to Mario as I don't think they have the same feel at all. I thought R&C was close to platform perfection! Regarding that Casino level though, I watched it and thought it looked terrible personally.
  20. Does this mean when you inevitably start moaning about how bad the online is once it launches we can tell you to shut up coz you only paid £32?
  21. I pondered this as it is so close now. But it's more to try out games that I'm on the fence with (Arms, snipper clips etc) so I can at least give them a proper hands on before I decide to get them or not when they're out.
  22. Sorry to break up all this flirting but just thought i'd post to say myself and @Mike1988uk are off to the Manchester Switch event at 12:30 on the Friday! Excited!
  23. I've just realised I haven't actually preordered this yet. Where do people think the best place / price is? I could look... but you all will prob know more!
  24. Seriously what is wrong with all you guys? In fairness I never played the demo so I can't really appreciate what you guys saw, but the actual game is not that scary. There are moments don't get me wrong, but not where it leaves me terrified of playing it?! And I'm a big girl at times. I can't even watch Casualty. It's still Resident Evil at heart and any fan of the series seriously needs to play it or they're just missing out. But if you do have an actual heart condition maybe skip it. :P
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