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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. That's good to know. I'd love to experience it in VR some day. Mine are easily 1, Zero, 4, 5 and 7. Also the Revelations games I enjoyed too. Never played 2 / 3.
  2. Been playing more of this today and I really am enjoying it. I have had a few moments that have made me jump but they are nicely paced i think. The game doesn't keep you on edge the whole time (I think in VR mode it may do) so it isn't like 'Condemned' where you're terrified to go around every corner as you don't know what awaits. Not very many enemies so far, just the roaming recurring ones that pop up. I love how all of the areas are linking together so far, it feels very much like the RE of old where there's a large map but you need to revisit and remember sections that you can come back to. It's easily the best game I've played for ages (not that I've played loads) and I really don't want it to end. Although there are further challenges once the credits role with the complete in under 4 hours achievement and the higher difficulties.
  3. Totally. I just couldn't invest into trophies like I could achievements. But PS4 was much more fluid and so fast accessing trophies and comparing with friends. It was the biggest complaint I had with my PS3 (slooooow trophies list) so it's good they made the overall UI blazing quick. I also have a Windows phone and the Xbox app is amazing. When I unlock achievements I get a phone notification which is a bit pointless but I enjoy. Once I've finished playing I can just read through what I've unlocked which I like.
  4. Every time a new MARIO Party game comes out I get excited, but I haven't bought one for years. Reviews always leave me a little disheartened. I would love them to do a Switch one that just goes back to exactly what made the first ones so good. Just plain standard boards with Toad stops to collect stars. None of this weird random shit they've been pumping out recently. A MARIO Party Switch would be a good concept.
  5. That Switch box is amazing. I love the Switch game boxes too. My hype is building nicely at the moment.
  6. Mike1988uk was telling me he's on the insider program thing for the One and he's currently testing a new style dashboard. The achievements are now a little easier to access and more fluid and there's also an achievement tracker that can be added to the screen anywhere you choose. So if you're grinding for achievements you can place it on the screen and watch your real time progress. I like that! Christ knows the Xbox dashboard needs changing though. It's pretty bad compared to how it used to be.
  7. Nooooo Hero. You can't miss out! I'm the biggest wimp going but I've cracked on with it. I haven't shit myself too many times yet haha. It really is a bit of a return to form so far and I'm enjoying playing through it.
  8. I don't get this game. What is it like a fully fledged collection of Mario sports titles? Or is it just a bite size portion of each one, so play a couple of games of tennis before getting involved in a round of baseball etc? Or will it be like a main tennis game and baseball game in the cartridge. I don't know?! Also, wish it was a Switch title. Would have been good to have that to look forward to.
  9. Well I'd buy it so I guess someone is. Is this where we argue for 4 pages over who's opinion is right or wrong? This is the Switch thread after all. Also, it didn't suck. It was reviewed pretty well and whilst it may not have been to your personal tastes, a lot of people enjoyed it.
  10. L.A Noire is one of my absolute favourite games ever. I would jump at the chance to play through that again. It was so unlike anything else I thought it was a really unique gameplay experience. Day one of it does come out for me.
  11. I quit the game, turned the console off, took the disc out, put something else in and loaded that, then went back to it. And it loaded thankfully. So I was just being a little bitch truth be told but still annoying that it basically fucked up and then froze!
  12. Fantastic. Go to play this just now and load up the game. Click continue. "Loadable saved data could not be found". Won't let me lod anything or continue the game. What gives? Looks like I'm going to have to start all over again. And now the game won't even load. Clicked new game and it's just stuck on the loading screen and has been for 10 minutes.
  13. Picked this up earlier. Didn't have any intentions to, but got back from a break in York early this afternoon and thought, why not. Hadn't even tried the demo. Didn't like it was first person, bitched and moaned about it not being 'proper Res' when it was first unveiled etc etc :p Anyway turns out I should have had more trust. Or just at least tried the damn demo! I've been playing only for around 2 hours, and I really like it. It doesn't feel like RE in a traditional sense. Like you wouldn't know it was RE until someone told you. But then as I play it there are so many nods to the older games (particularly the original) with the doors and keys and herbs, and I'm just loving it. It's very very gruesome so far. And it is so atmospheric, reminds me so much of 'Condemned', a game I lost a lot of underwear to. Haha. Actually can't wait to play more.
  14. This keeps cropping up on my instagram feed and it's giving me life. Obviously never gonna happen (probably) but imagine if a third party did a GameCube style one. Do you reckon it would actually work? Be an absolute dream to have that with a GC virtual console!
  15. Yessssss. Ordered the grey on 13th. LAME order being cancelled.
  16. Just gimme a princess peach themed one and I'm set. Day fuckin one.
  17. This is good news as that was the main issue I had with the Wii U. I always remember being amused / annoyed at Kirby's 'Fuzzy Feet' as @RedShell so awesomely put it when playing Rainbow Paintbrush on the game pad. Excellent to hear that the screen quality is much better!
  18. Hype... once again... building... Must... resist... stupidly priced... accessories...
  19. This is kind of how I have been with it since the announcement tbh. During the presentation I was really excited, but then after I felt a little flat. Since then, there has been a lot of positivity coming from people who actually got to play the games. How much they liked the console itself, how well it seems to be built. Seeing YouTube vids of them docking / undocking and the screen just turning off and switching onto the display is amazing. I also love the idea of this HD rumble. It's something I literally cannot wait to try out for myself and just hope that we see some good uses for it. I have kept my preorder and am now just wondering what kind of infrastructure we will see with the online. What kind of third party support, whether there will be an achievement / trophy system (this is quite a big one for me. Not for everyone i know, but I would just love to see something included in this console so it didn't feel like the Switch version was missing out). Lots of questions have been left unanswered, or not even talked about at all. But after initially deterring me, I am now going to keep my preorder and just stick with it. Worst comes to worst we might get ambassador games !
  20. What do you reckon the supermarkets are going to do with regards to the Switch? If I remember rightly wasn't the Wii U completely snubbed everywhere other than the game retailers? Be nice to see some supermarket presence again. My local Asda and Tesco eventually started selling the odd game, and I think Tesco eventually got consoles but only the bigger stores.
  21. I agree. They never really utilised the feature in the same way that they didn't utilise the 3D in the 3ds outside of the launch titles which used it pretty well. I think that's part of the reason people were clamouring for a console that was just console and normal controller akin to GameCube. One can dream. As it stands though I do like the design of the actual console. Hopefully they do more with it this time themselves so third parties will take note and try and do something unique too.
  22. Yeah I've basically already said that. But then at least with Nintendo you know that their first party support is going to be stellar. That's the main reason I buy into their consoles, personally. I'd love to have the promise of a great online structure and honestly thought we were going to get something substantial with Switch. That's what's so disappointing.
  23. I completely get that. But I don't think anyone saw monetary value in the PS4 to begin with either. It's the same with most console launches. How many people held off buying one until the price dropped and better games came out for it? The value of today's console compared to what is offered with Switch is obviously night and day. But just comparing it to the other launches it's not extortionate. Sure, it isn't as accomplished as those other consoles are / were with online infrastructure etc, but then the Switch has its own set of pros with the ability to keep playing off the tv and away from home. It's still a dear bloody do when you add everything up. It's always more sensible to wait these days anyway.
  24. Not sure I agree with the 'it's overpriced' compared to other consoles. It's overpriced compared to consoles now, yes. Which is obviously a no brainer if people had to choose which is better value. But at launch? Wasn't the PS4 like £350 with little to no games? not justifying the price of the Switch, although the price of the actual console isn't too much of a problem for me. It's the games prices and the stupid accessory prices that's my issue. And lack of games, and app voice chat, and several other things etc. :P
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