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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I'm all set up now and got everything up and running. The UI is really nice and fast. I couldn't belive the speed of trophies compared to cheevo's on the One. I also liked how when you unlock a trophy it shows a photo of it happening! That's a really nice touch. The share button is also nice an fluid for screen shots etc. Still prefer the One controller, but that niggle aside I'm really happy with it. If anyone wants to add me I'm Aneres11. Added you Rummy and Retro.
  2. I never did play 3... is this well priced anywhere. LAME had it for like over forty quid today! No chance.
  3. Well the actual bundle was 299.99 which is more than the one I'd eyed up online at 279.99. But the store one had Knack and either Street Fighter or Far Cry Primal. The trade in value of Far Cry and Street Fighter was 26 quid which was was more than Until Dawn (which was in the online bundle with Knack) which was like 9 quid so it was very similar price wise. I just traded Far Cry in straight away as I didn't fancy playing that (yet) and picked up Tearaway (which I'm very keen to play) and the PS Plus subscription. The bundles in Game are no where near as good as the likes of ShopTo, or even other places online, but I had a chunk of reward points to use plus 12.50 on a gift card that I forgot all about til I found it in my wallet, which has helped me out massively.
  4. I shall do a mass add! And hey hey hey!! I like the look of Knack! It was part of the bundle, and worthless to trade in so I kept it. I will play it though, I thought it looked decent enough for a quick play through?
  5. Exactly! :wink: And oh God me too. Might just wear gloves.
  6. Purchase complete Ended up with the white one which I didn't expect but GAME let you choose either colour as part of the bundle. Got those games and a year PS Plus subscription (my XBOX Live had just come to an end, handily) which has me set. I had to laugh at the lad serving me. I took my One in to trade and he made a comment to his colleague saying he wasn't completing the sale as he was disgusted I was trading my One in for a PS4 . All light hearted of course. He was saying how loyal he was to xbox and how he had been to Microsoft headquarters, so he was firmly in the One camp. As I was stood having my trasde in done, another lad came in behind me with an Xbox One in hand, asking the other staff member if he could trade in for a PS4 The guy serving me just looked skywards and shook his head. Couldn't help but chuckle. Not set up yet, need to walk the dog so once I'm back I'll get it going.
  7. Blimey! That's cheap! Thanks H-o-T! Vita arriving tomorrow apparently. Off to get PS4 now. I dunno if I could cope playing the PS1 version of RE1 though! Is it enjoyable still?!
  8. You should get out more. :p This is kind of the problem. Previously, I found the One's dashboard to be perfectly fine, and quite speedy. Particularly when they added the ability to change background colours and images etc. Seemed like steps in the right direction. But now, having not used my One for a while, it's like someone has just removed any last redeeming quality of the interface. Even the achievement tally on the Friends section showing the gamer score leader board for the last 30 days has gone - a feature I loved. It's there again now, but massively tucked away making it an absolute pain to see. I cannot believe how they've changed it to what it is right now. And I' m pretty sure it's no where near as quick to navigate, even though it was never fast beforehand. Tis a shame. But, I definitely got my monies worth for the year and a half I had it. Some amazing exclusives that seem to have trailed off a bit now. Don't regret purchasing it in the slightest. And given it's the PS4 topic, and given what's going on above this post I'll stop talking about the Xbox One now. Sorry y'all!
  9. I haven't posted in a good few months, not through not wanting to or anyting - purely just because life gets in the way. I've had a busy few months which has prevented me from playing games so therefore, my gaming discussion had also gone by the wayside. Now I'm finding more time to play stuff, so have started posting a bit more again. I find the tone of the place to be much better since I was last on here frequently. There doesn't appear to be as much negativity, nor are there pages upon pages of arguments over someone having a different opinion. I tend to visit all the boards on here (due to gaming on both Nintendo and 'Other' consoles) and there just appears to be a lot of friendly discussion. It definitely feels more like it did when I joined where people were really quick to welcome you, help you out and get stuck in on a conversation without being called out for not liking something. It's nice.
  10. That's great, thanks Shorty. I read into it more yesterday but it was difficult to nail down an answer! I ordered it yesterday anyway (Asian model). With delivery £155. Which from what I can see, is cheaper than anywhere in the UK for a new one. Really don't understand the high price of them over here. Plus, the coloured ones are much cooler.
  11. I think so long as I can access trophies in shorter time than it takes me to walk the dog, come back, cook tea and eat it, (unlike Xbox One)* then I'll be good. Just overall UI speed is what I'm after, plus the not having to replace batteries in controller or buy 2 additional items to be able to charge the controller and talk to people through it . I do prefer the One controller, but I'm sure I'll deal. Looking forward to the Vita the most so I can play Virtua Tennis on it. What a game. Ordered from Play-Asia, so might be a good few days before arrival yet. : peace: *Might be a slight exaggeration.
  12. Thanks Choze. That's great. I'm more thinking for times when I don't want to be tucked in my room and can at least be downstairs with others whilst I play that and they play on their phones as my mum watches her soaps which is a nightly occurrence! Plus, when I move into my new house soon, I don't want to take over the TV as it will be in the living room / lounge whatever you wanna call it . So that's great, thank. Vita purchased today and PS4 being picked up on Wednesday. Xbox being traded in. I like the One, but it's lacking exclusives that interest me now (that it wasn't a year ago) and I'm fed up of the UI. It's just awful. Plus, more people on here, and guys at work have PS4's, so works in that regard. Lad I sit next to keeps badgering me to buy the Division, and the TV adverts are tempting me, so should be good. Thanks again.
  13. Really?! Interesting. I would have agreed before I played White / Black which I thought really put the series back on the map (for me, at least). Esepcially with the graphical enhancements. I remember the bridge section that you go over and the city comes into view (am I remembering this correctly?!). Absolutely amazing. It really felt like I was the most immersed I've ever been in a Pokemon game. I'd love to see them push it even further in future generations. It's just a shame they remade Ruby and Sapphire, which were, IMO, shite! And undid all the hard work! Even X and Y weren't my favourites!
  14. Re the Vita then... I know they're region free... but does it make a difference whether you order an Asian / Japanese one? Play-Asia has both and the Asia version is just slightly cheaper. Does it matter? Should I be looking to get one over the other? Apologies for the potentially stupid questions...!
  15. Cheers to you both! Sounds good. I think the likes of Resident Evil will work deliciously with remote play in that case then. May have to sort this shit out. I really like these new Vita colours too (on play-asia). The blue one is incredible. : peace:
  16. Question about PS4 and Vita remote play. Does anyone do it? Like, a lot? And does it work. I never did get to play about with it and from the reviews I read when it was introduced, some people said there was some lag and it wasn't as good as it could be? But like I say, I never tried so don't know. Just curious if anyone on here utilises it and feels like it's wortth using. Thanks y'all.
  17. Haven't posted for a while, but a couple of good things! My boyf and I bought a house in January (start of Jan), and it's all going through very smoothly and we are hoping to be in for March bank holiday! All good times! And I also wrote to my bank in January as I've had an account with them since 2006 (when I became staff there), and had been paying for an Additions account (packaged bank account) every month until March 2015 when I finally cancelled it. I wrote to them telling them I wanted a refund of all I'd paid due to never using the services provided from it in that time (standard template from Martin Lewis money website!). They wrote back a few weeks ago asking me to fill an in-depth form in, and then last night, £1550 was credited to my account! Good times indeed. So well worth doing if anyone has a packaged account and has never registered or took advantage of any services from it!
  18. EXTREMELY pleased about this. Cannot wait to play 5 again and with a whole fresh set of achievements to get. Yassssss.
  19. Wesker mode and NO SAVE RUN complete. Yay. 1 failed no save run attempt last night. And it was just a regular zombie that killed me. Just ran into it. Not very clever Aneres Today was much smoother. Although did stop breathing on my run to the final boss when the frog jumped out the water! One magnum shot and it was dead though. Couldn't quite do the no save run and the 'no medical items used' on the same play through. I just survived off green herbs but did unlock the cheevo for not combining herbs. So now, all that's left are a couple of secret achievements (which I'll get on my last play through), along with the no medical items used. But that'll come from an 'Easy' run where I can save my progress. No save run wasn't too bad. The infinite Magnum Revolver really helps you out, but it can get a little worrying when Rebecca is in charge of it as she is a bit slow to shoot unlike Wesker / Billy. Wesker mode was a hoot! :awesome: Hearing him fume when Rebecca orders him to stay is hilarious! Same when he summons her to join him. "COME". Hahah. I also love the red glowing eyes! Bit pissed off I didn't gain my S rank here. i completed it in 2 hours 45, and it has to be done in under 3:30 for the S rank. But I don't recall seeing a ranking at the end, so part of me thinks you can't S rank Wesker mode. Presumably because it is set on easy by default? But I'll just blitz through my last play through again and hopefully get it that time. Very enjoyable game.
  20. Interesting, thanks. May have to check this out. And not yet. Don't think it unlocks until Hard mode has been completed. So I will hopefully have that done tonight but I have a feeling there may be more of the game left than I think. Although I know I'm in the last area now. Actually, just looked and think Wesker Mode unlocks on completion of any difficulty, but I haven't bothered with it yet due to following a guide advising me the best order. I think I will just jump straight into Wesker mode after hard mode. All the unlockables from Leach Hunter mode carry over to Wesker mode and there are Wesker specific trophies /achievements to nab, so may as well kill 2 birds. Aaaaand completed on hard! ! What an absolute epic that last battle was. It has taken me almost 2 hours just for the final bit. Had hardly any health left and had to try and save Rebecca from being battered by Queen Leach as she opened the roof to see her off! But I'm so glad I managed to finish it! I didn't think I was going to be able to at first. Ahhh. Hopefully that's the difficult bit done. I can mop up the easier achievements now before attempting a no save run. Urgh!
  21. Oooo Interesting. So what RE games are available on Vita then? Older ones I mean. Perfect console to replay the older games on really! Once I'm done with Zero I will look into the older games more. Re the no save run, it pretty much terrifies me due to, as you say, the frog. Although it doesn't one shot you, it basically grabs you with its tongue and drags you away into the water. Once it grabs you (if it grabs the player you're controlling, or if you're alone and your other character is somewhere else) then it's game over. But you can shoot at it with the other character to ward it off (even if it's already grabbed you) so it isn't as big of an issue as a hunter, for instance. Also, Zero is slightly easier in that you can do the no save run on easy with unlimited ammo magnum (as far as I am aware) so it allows you to play through and get the S RANK achievement along with the achievement for not using a first aid spray (which I did on my normal play through anyway), not combining herbs, and not using a health recovery item. Pretty tough! But I'm determined to get the full 1000g. When I enjoy a game as much as I have with this, I like to complete it fully. Or try. I know the game well enough now due to 2 play throughs and Leech Hunter mode to give it a good crack anyway.
  22. Nope. Didn't play 2 or Code Veronica. I was going to pick them up and play them. But I'm sure I read somewhere that they were not good games to play now as they haven't aged well at all? Truth? Or is there still some enjoyment to be had? Also, did you play through Zero?
  23. Ooooo now THAT is a controversial comment! :awesome: 4 is my least played of all of the ones I've actually played, so I do need to revisit it at some point. I doubt may would agree with you, but I think I'd sit in your camp with that opinion too. #comeatus
  24. So I have been playing this on a hard playthrough and have reached the very end of the game now. I am actually pretty chuffed with myself at managing to get as far as I have with relatively no problems. I've had to re-do certain bits a number of times, but I've enjoyed the challenge of it way more than I did with Resident Evil. I remember on my normal play through having no health and no ammo what so ever and just scraped the final hour or so by the skin of my teeth. This time, I have ammo in spades and both my characters have full health. So I'm hoping for a relatively smooth finish! I love that they've brought these games to the PS4 / XBOX stores. They just don't do games like this anymore, which might be for a reason but I think they need to bring it back. Can't wait for the remake of RE:2 as I never played that one anyway so I'd like to see more of where they took the story and a bit more about Claire after her stint in Revelations 2.
  25. I absolutely echo this. RE5 was an incredible co-op game. I enjoyed the story in single player, but it really becomes a different game when playing in co-op. Sunk many hours into that one with Mike1988uk. Fond times indeed. I can therefore get quite aggressive when people say that RE:5 is shit. A common misconception.
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