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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I can talk about the OnePlus X to you. I bought one and used it briefly last year. It's a very well built phone, and is very premium considering the price of it. But that's the charm of OnePlus. It's definitely pocketable, which is something you say you want - so that's good. It has a good screen, has a nice OS (very stock like Android with just a couple of tweaks), which is easy to use and navigate. I didn't last long with it though, but that's mainly through my tech fetish and getting bored. It does everything it needs to do well, but there are some shortcomings, particularly the camera. I like having a strong camera as I take (probably too many), pictures of my dog out and about and when he's doing silly stuff haha. The OnePlus X camera just doesn't cut it in low light. It's slow to capture photos and the results are not the best. But if that's not something that concerns you (it's still a very capable snapper), then don't let it put you off. Can't expect Lumia 950 quality from a budget handset. The other phones, well I haven't owned them... but the Wiliyfox Swift is an interesting one and seems like it's extremely good value for money. If Android hasn't been your bag so far, then this is seemingly a good place to start as it's fairly stock Android and will allow you to customise to your hearts content. Let us know what you decide anyway! : peace:
  2. I hate all of you. I'm still getting nothing but shite and I really really want a Staryu / Starmie. Ugh.
  3. I'm now levle 6 and have caught some more 'mon. I caught a Jynx out today in town along with a load of other pokemon (nothing special though) and also got an egg which has nearly hatched. Went to my local gym and it was in the game as a gym, and I managed to beat the pokemon and take control of it, then a few hours later someone took over me. All in all a good day, and this shit is getting more and more addictive. So many people at work on it on lunch, and even round town today it was obvious what people (and I) were doing! Good stuff.
  4. Damn low level. I'm almost level 5, so I think things should start taking off from there? Although with my batch of caught 'mon, I won't be beating any gyms. On this topic, how do the gym battles work? Do you physically battle? What happens? I'm such a beginner :p
  5. Damn low level. I'm almost level 5, so I think things should start taking off from there? Although with my batch of caught 'mon, I won't be beating any gyms. On this topic, how do the gym battles work? Do you physically battle? What happens? I'm such a beginner :p
  6. So I loaded this up and was on it for most of the day at work :P (first day back after 2 weeks off, so this was a welcome distraction...) and why the hell are you all getting Magmar's and Victreebel's and Jynx's and I'm constantly getting bastard Weedles and Rattata's? What. The. Hell. Do I need to be in a city to get goodness? I'm more in the country side in Cheshire, but surely I shouldn't be discriminated!! I got excited catching a damn Krabby but you lot have got amazing Pokemans. I am jealous. But yeah, pretty obsessed already although I currently can't get on it due to 'server issues'. When I load it up, it's taking me to the sign up screen which is worrying. I hope it hasn't wiped my data, not that I have any interesting Pokemon to speak of so far!
  7. So I loaded this up and was on it for most of the day at work :P (first day back after 2 weeks off, so this was a welcome distraction...) and why the hell are you all getting Magmar's and Victreebel's and Jynx's and I'm constantly getting bastard Weedles and Rattata's? What. The. Hell. Do I need to be in a city to get goodness? I'm more in the country side in Cheshire, but surely I shouldn't be discriminated!! I got excited catching a damn Krabby but you lot have got amazing Pokemans. I am jealous. But yeah, pretty obsessed already although I currently can't get on it due to 'server issues'. When I load it up, it's taking me to the sign up screen which is worrying. I hope it hasn't wiped my data, not that I have any interesting Pokemon to speak of so far!
  8. So is it just a certain selection of pokemon in this? Coz so far it's all gen I pokemon which is sitting very well with me! I've played all the main games over the years and even though I kinda know the newer pokemon it's nice to have the nostalgia of the red blue glory days! Looking forward to playing more of this but haven't left the house today!
  9. So is it just a certain selection of pokemon in this? Coz so far it's all gen I pokemon which is sitting very well with me! I've played all the main games over the years and even though I kinda know the newer pokemon it's nice to have the nostalgia of the red blue glory days! Looking forward to playing more of this but haven't left the house today!
  10. Right how the fuck do we get it on Android. Anyone? I need to get hold of this! Long dog walk tomorrow will surely be full of catchable 'mon and may make walking the dog on a muddy field fun for me and not just him! EDIT: Never mind - got it.
  11. Right how the fuck do we get it on Android. Anyone? I need to get hold of this! Long dog walk tomorrow will surely be full of catchable 'mon and may make walking the dog on a muddy field fun for me and not just him! EDIT: Never mind - got it.
  12. Yeah I'm down with Generations 2. I thought that game was the right kind of direction. Sonic 4 just didn't feel quite right, even though I did enjoy it. I still think there's a load of levels they could re-do in 2d and then reimagine in 3d from the Sonic games.
  13. Yessssss to Boo glowing in the dark! It'll match my 3ds cover plate from Japan!! The first amiibo I may actually buy! :P
  14. I can't help but feel disappointed in that trailer? It obviously doesn't give anything away, so it's a bit early to judge, but it did look more like Silent Hill which is not a good thing at all for me. Also a move from third person to first? For the main series? Unsure. I will try and be optimistic... but I'll have to keep a close eye onthis!
  15. This is incredibly sad news. RIP MadDog. His music taste was spot on, and we often posted the same video to songs we were loving in the thread on here! My thoughts are with his family and friends.
  16. For me, my set 'type' of game that I love is the colourful, platforming adventure game. Think Banjo Kazooie, Mario's 3d games, Ratchet and Clank, all that. Even 2d platformers, but they've worn thin the past couple of years. I think it's because they were the games I grew up with before the super realisitc style was possible. Sonic 1 was the first game I played so I grew up on that and then Mario 64 for years! Those type of games are always my favourite. The 'kiddy' style that a lot of people refer to it as! They're fun experiences for me, and I often want to play games as a way of relaxing and to have fun. Having said that, I do enjoy realistic games too. The Resident Evil games are one of my favourite gaming franchises and I love when a new one comes out and have to play it. I know that the RE games aren't super realisitc, but they try to be in their delivery and I enjoy the game style. I personally don't like open world games. Couldn't really tell you why but games like Oblivion, Monster Hunter, Fable, Fallout, Destiny all those RPG style games do nothing for me what so ever. I don't deny their greatness, but I would absolutely not want to play them. Which seems ridiculous as I'm sure some would say I'm missing out, and I probably am. The only game that was slightly open world that I loved was L.A Noire. One of the best games I've ever played. But I think it was the way that game was approached with the interview sections and the story that really made that shine for me. I generally prefer a linear game. Where I know where to go next and can't get lost wondering what I have to do. I think that's part of the reason I've never go along with Zelda games. I always always always have to consult a guide with those games, which just winds me up no end. Maybe I'm just a crap gamer. I also like sport games. Tennis games in particular, just because it's a sport I play and love anyway. So I appreciate the likes of Virtua Tennis, Top Spin etc. But they're few and far between. It's great that gaming these days is so diverse that there's something for everyone. I try not to stick to the same thing and change it up a bit, which owning a Nintendo and 'other' console helps, but I still get more excited about a colourful platforming adventure than any other genre out there.
  17. I can't confirm for definite, but I don't think it is, no. In essence it's the same but it is vastly improved upon graphically, it isn't a re-master I don't think. I think they have built it from the ground up but used the same planets / story etc. I think they have added to it too. You can tell I am not sure with all the 'I think's' in my post Regardless though, it needs purchasing / playing ASAP.
  18. Finished this properly a few days ago. Plat get. I didn't want it to end. I had to start a third play through to level up 2 weapons fully and I ended up carrying on even after I'd got all the trophies because I just absolutely loved it. Easily my GOTY contender and I can't see it being topped, although I have just started Uncharted. The trophies were also pretty good ones. I liked the secret achievements, and unlocked several without having to consult the guide, but they were good fun. I sound like a broken record but it's the games visuals that really blew me away. It's an absolute must have game for any PS4 owner in my opinion. It's a shame that it has been overshadowed by other big releases at the minute, which has resulted in not a lot of people talking about it, but I'm sure people will eventually get onto it. And then kick themselves that they played other games over it first. Here's hoping for a second PS4 R&C soon!
  19. I have only just started this. Enjoying it so far, as expected, but the combat bits I'm not a huge fan of just yet. Why do I get the feeling there's going to be loads of them? I just hope it isn't overloaded with it in the same annoying way that Batman had the tank sections at every turn which wore me down. But so far, loving playing it!
  20. I finished this just before. I really enjoyed it, as expected. The story was fine, I don't think it's the kind of game that requires a fleshed out story really, but with the big personalities of the characters I guess it could have done a little more. I can't wait to go through the game again now. I still marvel at how amazing it looks. Such a gorgeous game. I haven't really got a bad thing to say about it.
  21. Yeah, loving it. My mate at work has finished it recently (I convinced him to buy it) and he really enjoyed it. I don't think I have come across Solitary Bill yet. I shall keep an eye out but I love Captain Qwark anyway kills me. So any cut scenes with him generally have me chuckling. Looking forward to playing more but my gaming time has been massively cut down due to moving house and all my spare time going on decorating. :p I will find some time tonight though hopefully!
  22. I bought this on a whim yesterday. I intended to wait until I was done with RE: Revelations 2 but that is wearing me down and I've been grinding it out for what feels like ages. Needed something a bit more fun to play, so picked this up from Argos for £27 which isn't too bad. Really glad I did. I've played a fair bit of the series, so it was a no brainer I was going to enjoy it. It just looks and plays like a dream. Only played for a couple of hours so far, really looking forward to sinking more time into it.
  23. Believe me, I argued with her all day and got absolutely nowhere. I even rung the government website and they said there was nothing we could do either. Her only solution was to wait 3-4 weeks or pay it ourselves. I told her I thought she was negligent and it's her responsibility / job to know the process, but she just basically blamed me. Total knob. We gave them feedback though, and she said they'd changed their processing to avoid it happening again, but it didn't help us out.
  24. House buying IS the worst. My partner and I have been in our house for a month now, and we absolutely love it. (Bee-gate aside). But our solicitors were a complete crock of shite. Even the estate agents were too. The only person who was decent throughout the whole thing was our mortgage advisor. We both had the new Help to Buy ISA's (set up in Dec) so by time we came round to giving our depost we would have had £450 each off the Government to our deposit. £900 to use on housey stuff. Nah. Our solicitors 'had never had anyone with a help to buy before' - so they didn't know that the accounts have to be closed 3-4 weeks before moving in date to give them time to claim the monies from the government for us. So we lost out on £900 as it we just paid it ourselves. We could have waited, but we had stuff arriving for the week after we moved n (BT, sofa, furniture deliveries, plasterer) so we couldn't cancel them all and were fortunate enough to be able to pay it ourselves. Just had to forget some other stuff we'd have liked to buy etc. It definitely can be a stressful time. Having said all that, now we're in there and we've put 'our stamp' (I hate that phrase, but didn't really know how else to say it ), on the majority of rooms, and have had so much fun doing it, it all then pales into insignificance once you're settled. Although the £900 still annoys me...
  25. New TV to replace my old and dated 32" model I've had for 5 years. I'd read middling reviews due to the TV running Android, but picture quality is literally unreal. 4K YouTube videos look amazing. After spending an age in Currys and comparing other TV's it was clear that this one was the best pic quality for my budget. I love the built in Chrome Cast too, very handy indeed!
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