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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Because I don't want to. I like to try and stick to what is available in the game. Otherwise I feel like I'm cheating. Odd, I know. The point I'm making here is that I'm 12 hours in and there are still no decent Pokemon to catch despite the fact that 135 new Pokemon were added in gen 3. I'm 100% sure that I could get a team of 6 out of those no problem. At the minute though, I have 2 from gen 3 on my current team of 4, and that's because the availability seems slower than the other games. It's a criticism that I think is quite fair and one that I'm allowed to have. But yeah, it is what it is.
  2. I just finished the 4th gym, Flannery. So weak. I'm currently training a Numel at level 26. It didn't lose any health throughout all 3 battles. 4 moves and bam. Gone. Worst gyms ever. I'm enjoying it slightly more now though, but the wild Pokemon remain extremely poor. You'd think being so far in you'd get a little better selection. But having searched round the grass in the area I'm currently in, the best I got was a Machop. Onto the next gym!
  3. @S\.C\.G - did you get one or did you want to take advantage of the email I got? I've decided not to go for it, sadly, so am happy to help you out if you didn't receive one. : peace:
  4. I've never heard of Kingston. I'd always go with SanDisk or someone like that personally. I'd hate for my memory card to corrupt or something, but that's only because virtually my WHOLE library is downloaded. Doesn't seem to be any reason why it wouldn't work / be a decent choice, but the worrier in me wouldn't buy it personally.
  5. Haha, well my gaming is more down to starting after xmas (so technically 2014) but has spilled into 2015 and completed then. But Murdered Soul Suspect lasted about 8 hours, Contrast about 3 and Thomas Was Alone about 4. So not massive games at all. I have really enjoyed managing to play through games and finish them though, as I am particualrly bad at seeing a game through unless I absolutely love it. I'll enjoy a game, but never manage to finish it off without starting something else. I made it my new years resolution to start finishing games before moving on to something else, hence why The Last of Us has been sat on the shelf since Christmas day! But soon my pretty... soon.
  6. I this thread idea Nando! Here's me so far: Completed games Sunset Overdrive (finished properly in 2015 despite starting in 2014) Murdered: Soul Suspect - So damn good, if short Contrast - XBOX One arcade game, again short but interest. Interesting game mechanic Thomas Was Alone Lovely game. Not too challenging, enough to be enjoyable all the way through Currently playing Pokemon Alpha Sapphire - struggling to get through it, if I'm honest... Forza Horizon 2 Kinda done with it, but will be dipping back in and out To be played The Last of Us It's my only PS4 game having got the console for Christmas. Not touched PS4 yet as I wanted to clear some of the games in 'completed' status. Now I have, I'm ready for my PS4 adventure to begin!
  7. Thank God. Ah well, guess you'll just have to deal with it then. As you were.
  8. That's some sweet delivery time! : peace: How are you finding it?! You are actually using it, right? Or is it to be locked away forever as a collectible / sold on for dollah?!
  9. Well @Wii you make that point and then in the past I've read you saying you have no intention of buying what else is on offer despite you consistently berating Nintendo for not catering to your needs. Which is it? FWIW, I have always bought Nintendo consoles and it doesn't bother me that these things aren't there like voice chat, superb multiplayer etc, because the games are still enjoyable for me and I'm more of a lone gamer anyway. But owning a One and playing games like Forza with a mate and chatting about how best to tackle a mission we were doing is also brilliant fun. As others have said, Nintendo need to get their shit together, but even when they do - if you class yourself as a hardcore gamer, the optimum set up is to have either the PS4 / One AND a Wii U too. Pricey, but worth it IMO. Or be greedy like me and have all 3.
  10. No worries. And I could never go back to the normal 3ds now. I always preferred it over the XL, but only because I didn't like the size of the XL nor did I feel it was much of an 'upgrade' like most did. The speakers / sound was crap, the buttons were mushy, I preferred the glossy exterior of the original etc, but I can see why people felt the opposite as the original wasn't without its problems. Those bottom screen lines marking the top screen But yeah, the New 3ds is just brilliant. Peach 3ds will be kept as a collector item! : peace:
  11. I'll definitely send it your way Sam if I don't decide to take advantage of it. I'll have a think and then make a decision sharpish. And the Peach 3ds was a bit of a steal actually. Managed to bag it for like £170 off eBay, so no where near what the Toad and Mario ones went for. Which is odd, as the Peach 3ds is infinitely better. But yeah, once I decide I'll let you know!
  12. I spend fuckin loads on Nintendo stuff and I've registered about 95 DS consoles over the years and I didn't win the Chotto Peach 3ds I had to buy it off eBay, so it was my time... haha. Though I don't think I'm even gonna buy this. But I'm soooo tempted.
  13. Ha, I do like achievements, but I haven't chased them tbh. The only game I did that on was Sunset Overdrive. But it added about 40 hours gameplay onto it for me so that was the main reason. Plus I couldn't get enough of it. Also, I had a bit of time off over Christmas and just wanted to veg out and game which I haven't done for ages. Before I bought the One I had my eye on a number of games I wanted to play and have finally sat down with them and the achievements have been pretty easy and enjoyable on them! But yeah, my score has gone up quite a bit!: peace:
  14. 3DS Direct is most welcome. Christ knows the system is crying out for games. Or for it is anyway. And @Ike - good to see you've ordered! Who knows what would have happened if you didn't get the email and couldn't get one for your collection! I'm still torn. But thinking about it, it's good value to be getting it early taking into account the price for the charging cradle and cover plates too.
  15. I wasn't prepared. But now??!! System transfer? Pffft. Come at me bro.
  16. Yeah under £160 they got mine for. Still tempted, but not at the same time. If they actually did a proper ambassador thing again with games and stuff I'd be interested, or if I hadn't already got one as previously mentioned I'd have jumped all over it. Now I dunno.
  17. I got the mail. Just read it now. Bit pissed off seeing as I've just bloody imported one which my parents paid for for Christmas! I'm kinda tempted though... Gonna see how much it is.
  18. Yeah I already said I never played through the original... Think I'll shut up in here now anyway.
  19. Really? Well I've certainly been to the Elite 4 with a Butterfree, not sure about the others but that's only because they suck. And those Pokemon you mention - Swellow is the only decent one I found worthy for my team. I thought about Slakoth, but that truant ability is completely crippling. I think the problem with this game is that the locations just don't flow like they normally do. I find myself struggling to keep up with where I am and where I need to be because of all of the ferrying about and then the multiple routes out of towns, some taking you nowhere and some into a new place. I also hate the place where you get the bike. That's one messed up square shaped weird city. (can't remember the name ) But yeah as I said I find it is getting better, but it isn't a game I'm really enjoying like I did with the others. I think it's because of the reasons mentioned and because there's never anything exciting when you go into wild grass. I got excited when I encountered an Electrike the other night - that's what I'm reduced to with this game!! Still, onwards and upwards! : peace:
  20. Even Black and White?!! The fuck is wrong with you?
  21. Well that's cool. We're all allowed our opinon. And Mystery Dungeon is shite.
  22. Passed the third gym now with 9 hours on the clock and finally starting to enjoy a little bit more. Caught myself a Numel as I realised I've never had a Camerupt in my team before and I like the mix of Fire / Ground. And I also like how the stats of Camerupt are evenly spread. No obvious weaknesses apart from its speed, but I'm not massively bothered about that even though I do tend to enjoy speedy Pokemon who attack first. Now to get me a Muk!! : peace:
  23. Quote for truth. Gardevoir one of me faves. And I shall persevere. : peace: Hahaha. You know I was kiddin, right.
  24. Who me? Well, I prefer Bulbapedia. And @Guy I completely hear you. I am not enjoying the layout of this region at all. However I only very briefly played Sapphire when it first came out and I was looking forward to getting this. But I can see why people think it's the weakest main game. It seems like there are loads of water sections like you say, and trying to get a decent team together is impossible at the minute. All the wild Pokemon are complete crap. Some of them may be ok to use for a short period, but no way will they last in a main team towards the end of the game. I do think I'll finish it, but I'm not enjoying the experience. Nothing but nothing will top Black / White for me. They were the best Pokemon games ever.
  25. So this Exp share thing. Is it different from previous versions in that the battling Pokemon gets the same exp it would without the exp share item, and then the other pokemon in your party gets some too? Or is it still like the older one where the experience gained is broken up and spread to the battling Pokemon and the rest of the team? I can't work it out. I'm not one for exp share in the other games but it seemed like the battling Pokemon with this one is still getting a healthy chunk of experience. It's been handy to train up an Abra (how shit and pointless is Abra btw?!) by just leaving it in my party until it evolved.
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