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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. She doesn't wear her face to work?
  2. Really living up to your avatar there, Bob.
  3. Put YouTube tags around those random numbers and letters that are at the end of YouTube links. You can just quote someone who embedded a YouTube video to see how they did it.
  4. I guess that makes Moogle Bashcraft.
  5. Using a toilet that doesn't have a lock on the door is just asking for trouble.
  6. Rest in peace, Retro Link.
  7. No, but it's entertaining, as long as you can put up with almost every character being an idiot. :p
  8. It's working, Q's just... on vacation. I saw you online earlier tonight, but you pinged out about three minutes after I joined, so that was pretty rude.
  9. Yeah, what are you going to do with those extra eight hours a year?! :p
  10. I never realized that Martinist was twelve years old. This just makes his rampant alcoholism even sadder.
  11. Happy birthday. What's it like to turn forty? Does it make you feel old?
  12. I just can't believe Walt became a lumberjack.
  13. Magnus


    I like Bob's ideas, because that season would only be one episode long.
  14. At least having your heart broken didn't cause you to lose your sense of humor.
  15. Magnus


  16. Magnus


    I must have missed that episode.
  17. Magnus


  18. What, you'll make eye contact with just anyone? You whore.
  19. I'm with Cube on this one. It was fun messing around in Just Cause 2, but I didn't enjoy exploring the map at all, with its ugly cities, boring jungles and repetitive enemy bases.
  20. You're awful. It's such an easy game, too. Buy some upgrades if you're struggling. :p
  21. These are very wise words.
  22. I probably wouldn't recommend going through the game five times like I did, but it was great the first couple of times.
  23. It's horrible. :p The show was never that great, but the quality has dropped steadily in the last few years. Last season was just... ugh. I haven't watched the season premiere yet, but I don't have high hopes. Hopefully they'll at least manage to do some interesting things with the concept.
  24. You know you want it. Anyway, it seems a bit unfair to assume that I'd dislike a good game just because I didn't like a bad one. :p
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