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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I just want to know if he's going to keep buying a new Vita for every game even after signing up for PS+.
  2. I know the Vita is pretty cheap now, but that still seems a bit much.
  3. As long as you buy the games on a cartridge, you can play games from different regions. And on that note, you should totally import DJMax Technika Tune from the US. And Persona 4 Golden is a no-brainer (and you won't even have to import it).
  4. Yeah, you could have spent that money on a bigger memory card. This joke brought to you from before the price cut.
  5. You'll never have to play on anything other than your Vita ever again.
  6. The Jak & Daxter Trilogy is made up of one third awesome Super Mario-quality platforming and two parts awful, grimdark GTA clones, so if anyone's playing the series for the first time, I'd seriously recommend quitting after the first game. I'm happy about Stealth Inc, though. I was considering buying it yesterday. I know you want everything on the Vita, but the Vita port of this is supposed to be pretty bad, while the PS3 port is perfect. Here are some more things for you to lick:
  7. That still sounded pretty gay, Odwin.
  8. Aw, man. I was going to say that it was a thing.
  9. But it's so crooked. That's a complete turn-off.
  10. There really isn't enough nudity in this thread, to be fair. Bob, I think you should take off that tie and drop your pants.
  11. I can't be the only one who was expecting nude pictures.
  12. Man, I know Smallville was bad, but that's going a bit far.
  13. This reminds me of when some guy on another forum wanted to know how to make a picture bigger without losing picture quality.
  14. I have never played Pokémon.
  15. I doubt it ends on a cliffhanger, it's just that the comic book was always planned as three parts, so I'd quite like to have the whole thing in movie form. That way, I won't have to read the comics (which just seem really unappealing). The first movie told a complete story, so I doubt the sequel is any different. Watch it, Bluey! Waaatch iiit. :p
  16. You're bored of married life already? I'd suggest video games, but I guess that's hard to do without a screen.
  17. I don't see how that's relevant. I do hate people who go to work/school/anywhere else when they're sick, though. It's so selfish. *Is totally one of those people* Awesome, I've been thinking about getting this lately. That's just what I wanted to hear. :p
  18. I think you should all go see Kick-Ass 2 or they'll never make a third movie and I won't get to see how the story ends. Don't make me read the comic, guys.
  19. Well, I'm sure he's one of those guys who's really bad at telling his significant other how he feels about them, then. :p He's probably too busy obsessing about his tiny penis.
  20. Yeah, you're probably better off going after someone who doesn't make it so hard for people who find him attractive to get in touch with him. But it's his loss, obviously.
  21. Well, now we know what one game is. It's... *Drumroll* ... A sequel to Persona 4 Arena. Here's hoping for some Persona 1 and 2 characters this time around.
  22. He didn't buy your mom a drink, so I don't know what you're so jealous about. Plus we don't know if Ine was really working. It sounds more like he wanted you all to himself to me.
  23. Never trust a person who finds beards attractive.
  24. "Hello, you must be my new daddy. I'm Bob." "Your new name is Thing 1." And then you hand him a gray jumpsuit and show him to his room underneath the staircase. Anyway, I think you should be glad that you've found a guy who's not playing hard to get. Don't ruin it, Daft. Unless he turns out to be awful or something. :p
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