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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Yeah, I like Atlus too.
  2. Sure, but look at it this way - he can always get a new job, but how likely is he to find someone else who's willing to sleep with him?
  3. No, please. Keep going.
  4. Everyone's heard of Mario, though. :p It's like, if they know someone who plays video games, then they usually bring up World of Warcraft or Call of Duty. If they don't, Super Mario is usually the only game they can think of. "Oh, I play a lot of games." "Super Mario?" SURE WHY NOT. *Not a very good conversationalist*
  5. Maybe if you miss a chance to get laid because you sold your 360, you'll finally learn to stop selling your consoles all the time.
  6. Every conversation I have ever had about video games with a non-gamer: "So what do you like to do in your spare time?" "I waste a lot of time in front of the computer, and I play a lot of video games." "Oh, what games do you play?" I don't understand the question? I've finished 37 games this year. Do they want a list? Wait, maybe I could tell them that I just finished BioShock Infinite. That's a popular game! Maybe they've heard of that. Or do I just tell them that I'm currently playing an obscure JRPG from the early nineties? Yeah, honesty is the best policy. "Oh, you know. This and that." "So do you play WoW?" "Erm, no. I don't really like playing online games." "My friend/boyfriend/son plays... Call of Duty, I think it's called? Do you play that?" "No... I don't really like playing online games?" "Oh." And then I feel like I've disappointed them.
  7. Maybe the problem is that you're being an absolute woman and he doesn't swing that way.
  8. I'm not sure why you're so excited about being well on your way to becoming an accountant. :p
  9. Yeah, it's awful. That means Family Guy will be around for at least another two seasons.
  10. I was being serious? I'm not sure how it came off as sarcastic. It's like if he'd said, "so I hear you're a huge reader?" and she'd answered, "yeah, I always read the back of milk cartons." But mostly I was disappointed because I thought she got it, you know?
  11. I was watching a game show and at the start of the final round, the host always talks a bit with the finalists. He gets to a middle-aged woman and says, "so I hear you're a big gamer?" "Yes. I love hidden object games."
  12. So's the PS3, but that didn't stop them! (But that was Index's fault, and they got what they deserved.) I was specifically thinking of Atlus games on Nintendo consoles, though. :p Also, I'm still waiting for you to catch up in Shin Megami Tensei.
  13. I don't care where Atlus ends up, as long as we get near-simultaneous releases with the US. If we had to wait eighteen months extra to get Persona 5, I'd kill myself. *Overly dramatic*
  14. Hahaha, "a bit past their prime." They're both awful, so maybe they'll cancel each other out and it'll be good somehow.
  15. I like how the exclamation point in the title makes it seem like you're really excited about next month's titles.
  16. I was really only interested in Spec Ops, so I'm happy. The Vita version of Little King's Story looks so soulless compared to the charming Wii version, so they can keep it, as far as I'm concerned.
  17. It's okay, Diego. You'll find someone eventually. Be strong. Like you'd let that stop you.
  18. That's a very specific number. "Oh, it's only 90% off? Not interested."
  19. "Who likes Harry Potter? God? Or Satan?" She seems like the kind of mom all the other moms talk about behind her back.
  20. I was considering watching this, but then ReZ recommended it on Facebook. I'm also slightly worried that she'll get released from prison at the end of season 3, and the show will somehow stay on the air for five more seasons after that.
  21. I just thought this needed to be quoted again.
  22. It's true, I have a huge penis. Don't ask Supergrunch how he knows.
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