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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I think Reach was OH THAT'S RIGHT I HAVEN'T PLAYED IT.
  2. The way I played the game: attempt stealth, fail, kill everyone.
  3. Talk to him? That's just crazy enough to work!
  4. Well, if it's a gay date, this'll be after sex, so you can just sneak out while he's still sleeping.
  5. Magnus

    Next Hitman

    Apology tentatively accepted. Do I dare to dream of a proper sequel to Blood Money?
  6. You're supposed to follow it up with "I'm Charlie." Sheesh.
  7. They decided to split it up because they ran out of money.
  8. Sorry, Bob!
  9. You've only watched two episodes, though? :p (And the pilot doesn't even follow the pattern.) Every episode starts with the Sheriff talking to someone or doing something (this is oftentimes how they work his daughter into the episode, since she usually serves no purpose otherwise). Someone will say something seemingly unimportant or something seemingly unimportant will happen. Then something shocking happens! I don't know, it's raining puppies or something. ~Opening credits~ There's a scientist who's been researching animal rains, so they go and interview him, but it turns out he's not behind the puppy rain, but he points them in the direction of someone else who points them in the direction of someone else. And then it turns out it was the first guy after all. So they go to him again, and he explains that he didn't mean to make it rain puppies but now he's lost control of the rain and soon they'll all drown in furry little bundles of joy. Oh no! Just when it looks like all hope is lost, the Sheriff recalls that seemingly unimportant detail from the opening scene and uses it to save the day. ~The end~
  10. I gave up on Eureka halfway through season 3 because every episode played out exactly the same way.
  11. I've never used Grindr. How many pictures of people's penises would you have to receive daily to keep running out of blocks? This is important.
  12. Ellmeister, that's awful! What a foolish girlfriend you had. And just when Ashley has met someone. So just like Moogle, then.
  13. Maybe people are confused because you said that you're attracted to her. Or maybe it's because you posted this in the relationship thread. Or maybe it's because you totally do want something to happen.
  14. Oh my God break up with him immediately.
  15. There are a lot of viruses that cause colds, so you were probably just unlucky enough to get hit by one that you had no protection against from your first cold. I hate how you can't go to work without someone being sick. As soon as one person starts to get better, it's someone else's turn to get sick. I just want to live in a plastic bubble forever.
  16. Don't jinx it, Bob.
  17. Yeah, can't miss out on Fire Emblem X Shin Megami Tensei. :wink:
  18. I don't know who that is, but if he was a reclusive serial killer who wore the skin of his female victims like a suit, then that sounds about right.
  19. I think Ashley's personality is the real joke.
  20. Wait, are you saying that you have a terrible personality?
  21. Now there's a cause I could support.
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