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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Maude Flanders dying was awful, though... The only way Homer could have been more responsible for her death would have been if he'd walked up and pushed her down himself. It also ruined the 'Flanders as Homer's complete opposite' aspect of Flanders, making them focus more and more on his oh-so-annoying quirks.
  2. Yeah, merchandising dollars...
  3. He's right, you should watch both movies.
  4. Since it's free comic book day, I ordered a whopping 32 Fables and Fables-related trades. ... They're free today, right?
  5. Yeah, you're right. You don't need to worry about that if you're upgrading to a bigger memory card, as you can have as many memory cards as you want tied to the same username, but you'll have to restore the Vita to factory settings each time you want to use a memory card with a different username tied to it. Edit: Sorry, I think I may have misunderstood you earlier. You're correct that your PSN username is tied to the memory card, so you'll have to format it if you want another username on it.
  6. Your PSN username exists somewhere in the magical world of the internet (or you wouldn't be able to use the same username across multiple devices...), as do trophies (just make sure to sync them). You can back up your games and save files on your computer using the Content Manager on the Vita, or you can upload your save files to the cloud, but then you'll have to download your games again. Go to the store and check your download list. It's a bit of a mess, but you should be able to find them there.
  7. I just like not paying rent...
  8. Ugh. Shonda, you hack.
  9. The TV show doesn't follow the books closely enough for you to be able to do that...
  10. Finally fulfilled my dream of owning a piece of original Hamish Steele art. Now to sit back and wait for him to become a famous cartoonist. And then wait for him to die.
  11. I found Hotline Miami pretty much unplayable on the Vita. Although I've never tried the PC version, so maybe I just sucked at it.
  12. So if I can only watch one movie out of Birdman and 50 Shades of Grey, I should watch the latter?
  13. I wonder if the first case worked better in Japanese. In the English version, everyone just looked like idiots because they couldn't figure out who the killer was. But to be fair, I guess it turned out that most of them really were idiots.
  14. Ha, me too. The worst part is that I haven't had a chance to play them yet!
  15. Now that, I believe.
  16. I had no idea how to build a PC until I did it last year, and it really isn't that difficult! So I think you'll manage, ReZ. Just pretend it's LEGO! (Except cheaper.)
  17. You look like Ron Swanson.
  18. You should have just gone out. No use wasting all that effort you put into making yourself look nice!
  19. I hope my final tweet is half as good as that.
  20. Well, if you want another Banjo Kazooie...
  21. Shhh, you're going to get me fired.
  22. I can get on from my PC at work, but I'll check when I get home. Thanks. Not that I really missed anything important this weekend, but sometimes Bob says something funny, I guess. Edit: Yay, I'm back.
  23. I haven't been able to access the site all weekend, either...
  24. The Golden Girls is a timeless classic and I will not have you badmouth it. I know this is the bad stuff thread, but that doesn't mean you can just say whatever you want.
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