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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Magnus; that's 5 shows a day... That's insane!
  2. I tend to reserve actual TV for either shite stuff which doesn't need my attention (Big Bro... TOWIE... shuddering at this but it's true!) or football...
  3. Soooooooooo! What are you guys watching weekly, and what are you catching up on? I was catching up with House, Supernatural, Ultimate Fighter and Dexter but now they are weeklies for me, and I am finally getting through Game of Thrones, up to e03 (all win). Got the 3 eps of Walking Dead to watch tonight as well.
  4. Looooool! I did indeed come home at lunchtime as I needed to be cheered up -- thanks cube, and a big well done to DuD! And thank you to my solid defense for putting us top on goal difference :P That's put some drama into the remainder of the season!
  5. Recently on our holiday to the isle of wight, me and my girlfriend were eating lunch in the car in a carpark. This guy parked next to us WHACKED our door as he got in to his car, and muttered something about rubbish parkers getting what they deserve, or whatever -- he noticed we were actually IN the car and totes let his shameface loose. In an entirely related incident, I totally accidentally whacked teh very next car that parked, when I got out. Actual accident. Man, fuck car paint.
  6. I've always been like 10 mins early at the most. The longer I sit around, the more mad thoughts go through my head. Plan is to get in, do the interview, get out. If someone's not going to hire me because I wasn't 20 mins early for my interview then clearly it's a shit place to work anyway.
  7. lol :P Well I think I can't win the bottom league now, I just don't see anyone toppling Cube. Should be thrashing hammerboys tomorrow, which is always fun!
  8. yay! (@Serebii lol hi!)
  9. So. Fucking. Cool. I swear you look like one of the zombies from Timesplitters 2!
  10. Sign me up, please
  11. yeah go ahead I'm nowhere near ready.
  12. @mummy - don't bump old threads.
  13. @mummy please don't bump four-year-old threads. If you have something of worth to add to such an old topic, then consider starting a new topic - or PM a mod/admin as to whether resurrecting the thread is ok or not. You didn't add anything to this thread. Don't do this!
  14. proper serious hardcore sadface. RIP me.
  15. There's a couple of stretchable themes, try those to see if they suit... I don't think there's another way.
  16. User CP > Edit Options > Scroll to bottom > Change Forum Skin to 'N-Europe Full Width > Be happy.
  17. Funny thread isn't funny now I've found reddit.
  18. Ironically found the wiki article about it. But I didn't read the link as I'm lazy.
  19. Just bought Bulletstorm and Dead Space 2 - WELCOME TO q1 2011 BABY!! £20 for teh pair, fuckyea!
  20. Mauritus... Mauritius... Murritius... Marrie-t'us... MARRY US OH LORD MAURY! Pre-emptive congrats to ya!
  21. Gyaar..! Yeah, another draw. Good for both parties, I guess. Makes me MOAR ANNOYED at the draw against Dragoooooooooetc earlier this season as that was a draw as I forgot to set tactics. Against cube it's nice to see we're fairly even. Basically set in stone now that Cube will win, I think. Co-op and Fedex were fairly worthy opponents for me so I'm sure there may still be points fought for. Generally my dev values are 9-12 at the moment, and I really want to get my FIRST EVER AWESOME CHANGE REPORT, so I don't really predict continued excellent clean sheets. Good games, Cube. A hellovvalotta tension leading up to finally finding out both results!
  22. ... *presses the fake button with his fake finger*
  23. Try not to say ummm or errrr, try to answer things honestly - and avoid giving stereotypical responses but don't tell them what they DON'T want to hear. Prepare answers for these questions; Where do you see yourself in 5 years time? What would you do if you found a colleague stealing from the company? What do you know about this company? Tell us why you're better than the other candidates? What have you been doing since your previous job? (I know you have a job but it's good to rehearse) ... All I can think of, but they've genuinely come up in some form or another for most of my jobs. Also have some questions ready... but for that it depends on the job. Dress smart, be personable, etc, etc!
  24. Tactics of destruction seeeeeet!
  25. Ah, sorry I thought you were unemployed If you've got a job then for sure, don't jump ship without good reason!
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