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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Eenuh was confirmed a townie in death. I've just been trying to investigate cube to see if my results will ACTUALLY change if I target him. I don't understand why people keep blocking me or trying to kill me when I've explained my power fully. I have no further explanation other than you want to bring The Bourbon Kid in. It says nothing about how that is done, and considering all of my results have been "x is the bourbon kid!" then I really just want to clarify what the f happens when I actually target the bourbon kid. If I was y'all, I'd be far more concerned about the eclipse. Eenuh was a paranormal investigator and part of her PM was "who or what would benefit from controlling the position of the moon?" A mafia killer can typically choose whether to kill or use a default power, and I think that the timing of the eclipse and the kill-less write up should be looked into! Don't lynch another townie when god-knows-what is happening!
  2. Thank you very much My last two matches should be fun! Mid-league will be back into the slog of things, the fight to stay up and all. Fingers crossed!
  3. Are polos a code-word for paracetemol, or are we supposed to be non-plussed?
  4. I think more money should be invested in primary and secondary education. More focused teaching, fewer pupils per teacher, better facilities and greater specialisation for individual student needs. If you want a smarter population you won't get it by sending everyone to university. By the time people attend uni they've already cemented their areas of ignorance. Far too many people are going to university, many for the wrong reasons, and coming out with an unspecific area of skills that does nothing for the economy at all. Unrelated points and tangents aplenty! But generally I think rioting is selfish. Fund the young, I say.
  5. The MD at work found out I'm going to Oz... instead of being all "lol ur fired" he said that he has a friend with a company (telemarketing...) in sydney that he can get me a job at. While I don't want a full-on 35-hour a week job while I'm there (considering I'll have duties to fulfil as au pair) it's great to know that there's an opportunity there if the need arises. May be able to investigate to see if I can do a couple of a days a week or something, as some campaigns only need 7 or 14 hours a week called on.
  6. To set the reecord straight, I thought it would be worth you guys knowing, considering Cube is the bourbon kid and he's tried to kill me a couple of times now; I was working with eenuh. We both had investigative powers. She had a secondary killing power, presumably to use when we found the bourbon kid. because I didn't trust my results from the get go, and quickly found I was getting the same results regardless, she didn't use her killing power instead continued to investigate people. This is from the forum me and eenuh shared; This is to prove that I'm not a neutral (check eenuh's aliance), and to prove that I don't kill cube myself, or win if he is taken out of the game somehow. It just proves that cube is trying to kill me and frankly that's just... wtf for me. Why?
  7. Frankly, Vote: Cube. You're trying to kill me! Again! Stoppit!
  8. I sat in with a meeting yesterday with people from a large corporation about a campaign we're going to do for them. I asked some pertinent questions and raised some issues. Today I was the only one who got a 'lead' for them, and I was asked to sit in with a couple of managers and the MD on a meeting tomorrow for a new campaign. Basically making a name for myself! Feels good to be good.
  9. RE: Decibels; So yeah. Measuring the intensity of sound is, frankly. a really really stupid and hugely subjective thing to do, and in no way should be taken to represent general support for a club. It's just a ridiculous thing to even attempt to compare!
  10. I have a friend of a friend/ex-colleague of mine who hosts games nights every tuesday. Tonight we played Super Munchkins (card-based) - played regular Munchkins before 18 months ago and had no clue. This time I knew what I was doing, vaguely, and found it quote fun. Need to get to level 10 to win, with 3 players my opponents were both on level 9 and I used trap cards to pull them both back... managed to level up 3 times in one go which brought me to equal 9... then next player won. I also played Dungeons & Dragons for the first time ever. I, of course, had many predetermined expectations about the game. While it was complicated initially it was fairly easy to pick up and... shock horror! Fairly fun to play! I can completely understand the appeal, whilst honestly not really being any good at the game. But played with pizza and beers, it's a good way to spend an evening with mates. We've agreed that we'll play Catan next tues, as I've got the Traders and Barbarians expansion (had it since xmas...) that needs playing.
  11. An acceptable win today - my defense played seriously bad. Got a few dev values on 14/15 but many key players knocking about on 11-14 that I'm worried about. Not had a double jump for many seasons, and I need one for my youth keeper because ultimately he'll be my main keeper soon enough. I'm sure that'll put me at odds in the next season - I always have issues with keepers, just been lucky to have an excellent one for the last 10 season :P Having said that, I'm sitting here in the bottom league so perhaps it's not so lucky...
  12. I've always been a bit shit with the controls, but I've always blamed my own ineptitude. @Daft I do know what you mean. With AC I really felt alone and integrated with the world. I spent hours just walking around as if I was another citizen -- but the decision to follow the brotherhood's multi-age timeline and focus the layered narrative with 2 and the spin-offs was in itself a good decision. The whole creed thing has grown in intrigue, but by default that takes you out of the mix and trivialises the in-game events. It's certainly become 'franchised', and although I've not played the latest development it seems to have mostly grown (story aside) from borrowing from - or remoulding itself to - other games. The open-world element of brotherhood missions and the addition of multiplayer were certainly AC's own take on those modes and styles, but it's still a case of taking the AC flavour and adding it to another dish entirely. The first AC game felt more like an altered MGS while the latter have felt more like an altered GTA (but more limited). Ramble ramble.
  13. Amidst all this tom-coolery of a sick-fest of games this month, is there anyone else who has Dead Island (360) who doesn't have the other games and is up for some co-op action? :P I've put in about 10 hours, level 25ish, and am loving the game - the borderlands meets left 4 dead comment above is fairly apt. Currently pretty much forced to go to the jungle now, but I don't mind if anyone wants to pop on at any point up to that and do missions with. Enemies are scaled to eveery player, so if I'm fighting a level 21 walker and you're level 3, it'll be a level 2 walker to you. It'll be my main game for the rest of this week (then i get arkham city off a mate) so if anyone wants to have a go, add jayseven NE and join my game/invite me to yours if you fancy a hackandslash. I have my mic!
  14. Things have, of course, gone through a few changes around here - there's a lot of interest in the mafia games and we went through a phase of having these massive all-encompassing threads ("The Music thread", "The Movie Thread", "How Was Your Day?" etc) which were where all the discussion went. We locked them and forced people to make more new threads but now we've relaxed it and those large threads have all kinda returned.


    The odd interesting thread pops up from time to time - the typical religion, smoking, drinking and toilet threads (not all at once... not yet) still come up seasonally, and even then, there's the "Drunk thread ftw!!!!" thread where people stick their drunken ramblings. I, of course, continue to post those wherever and whenever I please.


    Lots of new faces, of course. It's rather odd watching them go through their teenage angst then come out the otherside reasonably dour and blunted by life, as is what happened to me.


    What's the PhD in?

  15. went to bed nice and early as I'm starting in a new part of the building with a new manager on a new campaign... wake up 5 mins after I'm supposed to be there. STUPID ALARM CLOCK WHYYYYYY... Phoned up and said I'd be there for 10 (could've rushed to be there 20 mins late but figured I could take some time to get ready and wake up and stuff). Not a good start. Horrible when you have that first-minute thought of "... what if I just don't bother going in?" Money. Need money. Money money money.
  16. Srsly SGC? You've octopus some effort in next time.
  17. I sea what you did there.
  18. You're such a feminist. Offended because I used the word feminist.
  19. The Bloody Chamber - the short story or the short story collection? :P Feminist takes on fairy tales. Meh. Wise Children is a bulbous, lewd and entertaining short novel that she wrote (last before she died, iirc?) Dan; I read like 3 pages of King Rat and it was just... gripping stuff. Fantastic use of language already. Distant, hazy, overly analytical... going to be a great read, I can tell already.
  20. At my stadium job, we get angry customers. The worst are the ones who fume when we've run out of milk for their tea. They act as if I've just run over their dog. No joke. The drunks aren't as bad, really. But on thursday, a game where 80% of attendance was under 16, I went out to the lines and told people at a certain point in teh queue and beyond "we stop serving alcohol in 5 mins, you may not get a drink in time"... well eventually I get called over to a till where the customer I warned turned to me and said "I've been waiting for 30 mins to get a drink and you're telling me I can't have one?!" "Mate, it's a nationwide policy enforced by the FA - we have to stop serving alcohol when the referee blows his whistle. He blew his whistle 15 minutes ago and I told you 20 minutes ago that you'd not be likely to get a drink. We have ample signage around the stadium *points* and if I serve you I may be faced with a fine that totals in the thousands." "What's your name? I'm going to complain to your boss." ... I mean, sure, whatever. Be a dick. I spelled my name out to him nice and slowly, and I look forward to my boss congratulating me on upholding the law. Also! What's a jobsworth and why is it so bad?
  21. SO I've basically read all of the Matter books by Iain M. Banks now. Srsly, srsly good stuff. Next up I have two paths; Game of Thrones (and the 2nd book) that a friend lent me, and/or some stuff by China Mievelle, who has been recommended to me for 7 years or so. I've always kept an eye out for his books but they were hard to find -- luckily he's just brought out a new book so my local waterstones has all of them in stock. Plumped with King Rat and Perdido Street Station, which won most of the big sci-fi/fantasy awards when it came out. Has anyone read him?
  22. We have the interview and the hunting, but what about the actual jobbing? Whilst I used to find it annoying when people complained about their work when I was unemployed, I do now appreciate that you simply cannot fall back on the "well at least I have a job" line for every work-related stress. My part time job is stressful because we are given less than we need from the get go - in terms of staff, time and stock. We have no radio to contact when we need aid and no quick way to solve any issues -- lack of change, lack of food, changing a barrell (I don't have a key to the room with the spare stock/barrells in). They rush me to get the jobs done and they want me to send my staff home... But it's a good kind of stress. The time flies by because there's always an issue that needs resolving. My full-time job is stressful because I'm still just a temp. I work in a call centre which has a variety of 'campaigns' going at once - my first one was meant to be 3 weeks, got put back a week, then I was moved to another campaign, then another, and on monday I start on a whole new one. Stressful because I have no job security, because I'm verbally assaulted frequently each day, and so on and so on. ANYWAY. This thread should be for your general gripes and annoyances with your workday. What do you find is the worst thing about your job? Why are you still there?!
  23. Well teh england game wasn't tooo bad to watch. 2nd half was a great improvement, but the fact that it was ITV commentary really annoyed me throughout. Too much over-zealous patriotism and spin. While Spaid did play a fairly strong team, the fact is that they have a fairly strong squad anyway. England's squad did show decent strength - Lescott did brilliantly and Parker obviously put in the time, too, but the first half was ridiculous - so many times we'd get the ball and you'd see the rest of the team just running up rather than supporting, or going into space, and too much long ball.
  24. Yeah man, your girlfriend will totally dump you if she sees the truth. Or should I say... TROOTH!!"nq34nk!!! Srsly, why the big deal about the girlfriend seeing it? Surely this is prime time to wean her for some sympathy pain?
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