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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Elite means you get any DLC for free when they arise, and it provides you with shitloads of stats about a range of stuff from where you die most, when you die most, which guns do you best at what range, what routes you take and what routes are popular/successful, etc, etc. It is expected that a year of elite saves you a few quid from buying maps separately... but yeah, it's a step towards the WoW package that I'm not looking forwards to. Never bought a map pack, and I think there's far more to life than being so into a game you need to shovel money into it in order to feel better about yourself.
  2. Loved the concept until it went all super-meat-boy, then I couldn't be bothered. I want something that isn't time sensitive, or about quick reflexes. I want a smart game! (says me playing bulletstorm for the first time, btw)
  3. By nice meal, we're talking belly-button fluff and toenail clippings, yeah? That's the sort of thing I imagine you feast on, in between facebook stalks and wiping your nose on your sleeve. And by going out you mean drawing stick-men in place of ourselves, acting out sexual obscenities which we then fax each other... Then yeah, man, be there at 7.
  4. Hi-yoooo! Been busy with work/weekend fuuuun! I am here now. Cider in belleeeeynothowyouspellbelly. I havenothing useful to share at the moment, which is kinda annoying, but potentially fine/good/ok, who knows. I don't know what to think, basically. Nobody has anything solid and it's all mad. So I vote: no lynch for now. Unless someone can gimmecider/convinc eme.
  5. Well that would be me and my best-defense-record-across-all-three-divisions? Not lost a game yet. You were just trying to further your own gains, don't try to steal any glory from me :P Dragooooooooooo? Srsly, it's a silly name with a silly number of zeros in, or whatever tehy'r ecalled. You're still fighting to... stay... in the bottom league? Oh my, well then I guess I should be... er... sorry what?! Whenver I feel a little sad, what I do is I go to your squad page and count the number of lols -- I tell you, if they were sheep I'd fall asleep before finishing the job. You really don't get it. I forgot to set tactics. I got a 0-0 draw. Next time I will remember to play my tactics, and for a team that is averaging a 10-skill game (including the youth I play...) You're going to drown in shame, boy!
  6. Today went in and we basically got the day's target in 3 hours, and as it was the last day of the campaign we were allowed to go home early with a full day's pay! Huzzah!
  7. Yup. :P Fedex and dragoo are the last two important matches, but I'm confident of a win in both - especially against flink!
  8. Co-op guessed all of my tactics right, but my boys played ace - got 6 guys in the x11 and manager of the round boooyaaa
  9. I don't understand.
  10. Plus you can get away with being inactive for a few nights and return to be alive then BLAMMO kick ass. Also you can be called away without notice, thus unable to say "I'll be away a few nights" And What's to stop a mafia saying "I'm gonna be away a week" when actually they're secretly signing onto the forums JUST to do their nightkills? I don't even know what the argument is! I just thougth I'd say that.
  11. Got my passport in mega-quick time There's a sticker on the back page that says "remove this sticker" so I did and there's a silver thing on the back of the sticker, not on the passport. That's normal right? Oh! And I got pulled aside along with one other person out of 30 people and got told we're being kept on next week, which was unexpected but great to be told I'm doing well.
  12. Cheers for reminding me! Need to catch up on BE and MM.I've actually heard rather mixed things about BE - it has the style and the cast but generally the first season doesn't go anywhere. A bit of a deadwood (not necessarily a bad thing folks! I loved that show [never finished it] but it lost me when it didn't change quick enough). I'm not really up-to-date with TV this year so I couldn't say how good/bad WD is in comparison, but it definitely deserves credit for being medium-good at tension and plus-good at surprising you. I do think it is a little slow, and not been great so far at setting up med-to-long term climaxes to look forward to - something that, after having read the comics to a point, frustrates me as essentially I'm desperate for them to get to a certain point... You mean all those raised eyebrows he did? I don't think he did any better than ususal, just that for once the script for his character was better - waaaay darker than he's been so far. AMC is AWESOME... but HBO is king... Sopranos Six Feet Under The Wire Boardwalk Empire Game Of Thrones Oz Eastbound & Down Curb Your Enthusiasm (because I just didn't enjoy them - and I gave them ample chance) Band Of Brothers The Pacific Larry Sanders Show Deadwood Rome Carnivale I could go on, but you get the gist, right?[/strike] Struck out the ones I've seen (except deadwood, where I've seen 2 and a half seasons), bolded something that I loved (but probably partly because once they knew they were cancelled they went all MEGANUKEAWESOME, which wouldn't've happened as quick if they had been renewed). What do you think of BBC? I personally can't be arsed with most of their drama stuff. Sherlock was refreshing, but typlically bbc in having a far-too-short first season, but aside from that I just haven't seen any thing of worth (except, of course, we ought to share Band of Brothers with BBC :P and maybe rome too but I can't remember)
  13. @JonSt - I think I'm half-way though s04. I'll have to start from that episode all over again as it's been over a year since I saw an ep! I also ended up skipping the latter half of the previous season of Supernatural because I forgot where I left off - started the latest season full-on OMGWTFISTHISSHITWHAAAA...
  14. Just finished Game of Thrones and it's easily, easily of of the best shows I've ever seen. You basically can never guess what's going to happen, and there's an endless stream of suspense and brilliance. Gutted it's 5 months until it starts, and even then it'll only be weekly. Really not sure I can handle that. @JonSt is Friday Night Lights worth catching up on? I watched maybe 3/4 eps of teh series once it was bought out by that other network (I forget which).
  15. Vote: No lynch! Bring eeeet
  16. @Serebii wins, of course! (Moogle was close)
  17. ... Yeah I was going to complain about my job, too :P Was told when I applied for the job that it was a 3-month minimum deal. Got told it was a 3-week minimum job. On teh friday of the 3rd week I god told we'd have monday/tuesday. At 11am on tuesday, I got told that the campaign is over... and to go downstairs and do this other job until friday. I work in a telemarketing/whatever place which as we're told to believe is not sales. It's business to business, which means you're theoretically only hassling people with at least a passing interest in whatever. The new campaign I'm placed on is to try and get 'local' business to attend a free business boost seminar (with guest speakers being CEOs for massive, massive companies) however the seminar is on monday, so it's short notice for most, and the data is a list of 2500 companies and they've all been called in the last 3 weeks so we're trying to get through voicemails and no-name-policies and it's a waste of time BUT IT'S MONEY so I will go as long as they pay me. Not really massive bad news, just general complaining about having a shit job.
  18. I will decide at about 8am tomorrow, folks
  19. ^Makeshift thanks. Asking them what the regular day would be is a good one that I'm definitely going to ask at my next non-standard job (telephone work/data entry/other generic jobs don't tend to have very much in the way of variation throughout the day.).
  20. I don't really see how more nudity in TWD would actually add to the show at all, or make it in anyway more 'realistic'... They've not had a chance to stop for 5 minutes yet! I can't remember the majority of the minor plot points, which actually makes it all rather a better experience. However, having read part of the comic series actually does make watching it boring sometimes. It makes a lot of stuff seem filler/time-wastery to a degree. I have to admit I've been watching TWD with maybe 75% attention this season...
  21. Magnus; that's 5 shows a day... That's insane!
  22. I tend to reserve actual TV for either shite stuff which doesn't need my attention (Big Bro... TOWIE... shuddering at this but it's true!) or football...
  23. Soooooooooo! What are you guys watching weekly, and what are you catching up on? I was catching up with House, Supernatural, Ultimate Fighter and Dexter but now they are weeklies for me, and I am finally getting through Game of Thrones, up to e03 (all win). Got the 3 eps of Walking Dead to watch tonight as well.
  24. Looooool! I did indeed come home at lunchtime as I needed to be cheered up -- thanks cube, and a big well done to DuD! And thank you to my solid defense for putting us top on goal difference :P That's put some drama into the remainder of the season!
  25. Recently on our holiday to the isle of wight, me and my girlfriend were eating lunch in the car in a carpark. This guy parked next to us WHACKED our door as he got in to his car, and muttered something about rubbish parkers getting what they deserve, or whatever -- he noticed we were actually IN the car and totes let his shameface loose. In an entirely related incident, I totally accidentally whacked teh very next car that parked, when I got out. Actual accident. Man, fuck car paint.
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