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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. There's a couple of potential (as in, someone said "wouldn't it be cool if you guys did a halloween party?") parties and a club/pub night out (won't go), but no solid plans... The #1 problem I've always had with halloween and general fancy dress nights is that I feel a pleb walking anywhere by myself all dressed up in silly clothes (not that I don't do that most days, I guess...) so I end up being fairly half-assed with my efforts. Dressed up as shaggy from scooby doo one year -- not a single bloody picture was taken, though.
  2. Work's been draining the last few days. We're meant to get 4 targets, since I've started I've had 1 1 1 2 2 1 0 ... then today. Got to lunch and I was saying to my manager "I appreciate being given this job but I just feel that I'm doing rubbish work and not providing anything for the company. I know that I'm on course for being let-go this friday, I just want you to know that I am trying, I just must be doing something wrong." Proceed to being taken under the wing of the office Jedi for the last 3 hours of the day. He's taught me some excellent tactics and I managed to get 3 targets in 3 hours, better than a few others in the office. I actually feel like I am doing my job properly now and able to pay my keep. The contract is allegedly only until next friday but I'd like to do a good job by then in order to get a good reference and be considered for re-hire further down the line. So yeah - first time I've come home from work with a smile on my face! Also sold something on amazon so I got a desperately-needed £10 to see me through to friday. Ran out of smokes, nearly ran out of food, had no booze for days and just generally felt like shit. So today I bought some smokes and a sandwich for lunch and I have enough for lunch tomorrow then it's friday and wooooo money! That I have to pay out in debts, mostly, but still! Money! Job I can do! Excellent!
  3. Not that I disagree with you charlie, but candles were 'broken' -- they had faults. Light didn't cast evenly, candles did not last long, an open window risks the flame being blown out, an open flame risks a grander fire, and so on, and so on :P The owners may see the prem not as 'broken' but as something which can be made better in their eyes -- a bigger money spinner. As fans, who aren't in it for the money and don't actually get any of the money, we of course do not agree that this is how football can be improved.
  4. Not true. The good samaritan 'law' prevents someone trying to help save a life from being sued. Check out the wiki sources for further info.
  5. First goal of the season conceeded but a decent away win taken. FINALLY got manager of the round, with 5 in teh x11 too. Next game against hammerboys should be straightforward, followed by a double with cube that will decide the league winner (cube favourite :P). If I don't come away with more points against cube than he gets against me then I'll concentrate more on developing squad than winning (except against dragoooo!). Most dev is 7-11 at the moment, so we'll see. If I can get my 2nd choice keeper a double jump then I will be very happy!
  6. Happy birthday fellas!
  7. With the global economy the way it is, and with Occupy Wall Street beginning to spread to other countries, I'm hoping the whole "separate corporation from state" mentality shines through. When the only thing wrong with the PL is that it's not making enough money, despite being the most lucrative league in the world, then someone needs to stop counting the beans.
  8. Min. xpert rating of 70 required. Mine's 69, duuude! ... That league is too big and scary for me :P SET CRAZY TACTICS TO STUN!
  9. Just to let you know, archiving has been put on the back-burner thanks to Ashley's weeding and Shorty wheelbarrowing what fertile lands he could find over to a new server. We aren't experiencing the same downtime as we were before, so this is of little urgency Still, if you have any further candidates then feel free to share them. Can't harm future potential plans!
  10. @Diageo Smokin' my gun, bro! I have no idea just how much of a 'cowboy' Jake is...
  11. Ooooh! Maybe we can be broken toe buddies?
  12. LALALA skipping thread dunno today's scores just wanted to post this lol;
  13. Seeing as we're in court, I'm not gonna lie - I'm ready for the awesome. Vote: Smokin' break. Stretch m'legs, yessums and yessirs..
  14. Have you just asked her flat-out? "How much will the lessons be?" in an email by itself is pretty hard to avoid... I MAY have broken my toe. Stubbed it pretty hard. Painful to touch. Got some subdermal haemotoma going on - TEH INTERNETZ say conflicting things... the US sites say GO TO DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY SO WE CAN CHARGE YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY LOADS and the NHS site says STAY AND HOME AND DO THIS SHIT WITH IT AND LEAVE US ALONE so I guess I'll just wrap it in 'gauze', ice it every now and then and walk like a sissy for 2-4 weeks - if it's broken. Certainly.
  15. I genuinely think 4th position will be where you finish up. Make sure you get a good change report because next season your competition is the 3 relegants. That's the main plus side of the botttom league - top teams should get a lot of development. Each league has a fairly sizeable jump between them, and I've not really found a good line between them yet!
  16. I really might have to not eat for a week and just get this game...
  17. Still not conceded a goal! Dreamt I'd lost 4-1, was horrified... Next match is against Comerade Co-op. Promotion rivals, then my double games a week later are with Cube - his team is storming. Wondering which will take goals against me.... and probably points.
  18. Happy birfdai Dan! No shit, you were in my dream last night. It was someone's 18th birthday and we were drinking coke and making a yearbook. Hum.
  19. .. Which is my point :P
  20. Well it'll add to the drama! Imagine, we get out of the group stage then hopes are lifted because Rooney can play. England will feel like Brock Lee taking his weights off. In context; a 3 match ban at international level is much more severe than at domestic level considering the relatively small number of games a year that are played competitively. But it's still understandable - it's an immature attempt by Rooney, full of frustration and stupidity.
  21. Sooo just finished it. Two-faced Gus was awesome! :P Things left for the next, and reportedly last season?
  22. @darksnowman I was a neutral killer BUT I was more interested in our trio and wanted town to win
  23. Dyson's returned to the tribe to tell us that he is out in the jungle and he is DOING OK! Good to hear, brother Don't feel compelled to return. We'll be here for ya whenever you want to visit :P
  24. I really do wonder how much the idea of 2012 being the end of the world in folklore and mythos is affecting the social subconscious :P
  25. What's that? 7-0? Away from home? Best result anyone's had against this unmanned team? Even with noob keeper? 100% dev 0% result picked? Not conceded a goal? Most players in x11? Shame the keeper got such a low rating. He didn't have to stop anything. Ell! Y U SO LOSING?
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