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Everything posted by heroicjanitor

  1. Try rebooting if you haven't done that yet (might sound obvious but a lot of people forget). When java installs it puts most of its files in C:\Program Files\Java, and a few in system32. It also adds some stuff to the registry making it the default for java-related things. I'd try deleting Java's installation files myself. i.e. delete the folder C:\Program Files\Java. Then delete java.exe, javaw.exe and javaws.exe from system32 (probably the ones failing to delete). If you felt like getting rid of the registry stuff then ccleaner but I think you should be able to just install java again at this point.
  2. If anyone is wondering why the lights went out.
  3. While a lot of people's favourite games are story based, including mine, I think it would be hard to keep playing the same story over and over. Would have to be some sort of tactical or skill based game, or something with endless multiplayer. 1. Heroes of Newerth? 2. World of Warcraft (never played it but it's endless, reckon I could get into it) 3. Whichever the latest fifa is when I start, haven't gotten one since 11 but played them a lot. 4. Final Fantasy X because fuck my original statement and also has blitzball 5. Smash Bros Melee
  4. I really hope gaikai is a standard for ps4, letting people subscribe to play ps2 / ps3 games from the cloud. The hardware would be much more expensive if they had to include some other way to play ps3 games, like how they did with early ps3s (just stuck ps2 hardware in the case). Also the dead zone is bigger on ps3 controllers? When I went to my friends house I felt the sticks were less accurate and attributed it to needing to move the stick more to get the pool cue (game we played) to move than I would have done on ps3. The two sticks being on the bottom also gave me more leverage. I tend to use my index finger on the right stick though so concave sticks are also fairly important to me.
  5. Sigh, I miss the days when Ireland got lumped in with the UK for most stuff. Still not available here.
  7. I wish I had read this before going straight to the video... What kind of gaming review site would include such spoilers, jesus. This makes it better though
  8. It's actually mildly fortunate they decided to delay its release forever, will have money for a 3ds by the time it comes out
  9. Awesome! Nice clean way for Jonnas to include sound clips in his mafias
  10. I had a teacher who used to send people on trips to buy her Mars bars during class. She also orderer 16 inch pizzas for herself at lunch times. She was dumb too. Not related to this thread but thought I'd join in the teacher-bashing
  11. Found these funny
  12. I am above all of this. So whoever has the best cleavage. Jk I like people who are generally happy, and who are reasonable / willing to discuss things. A nice ass doesn't hurt either :p
  13. Very good point O_O I will wait and compare as usual, that was just my initial reaction to what is an amazing phone. Bet the xperia reaches Ireland first tbh though. /moan I like Google's low price but also feel it is unfair on other manufacturers to sell it at break-even prices or less, since Google makes it back on services while the others can't.
  14. Was going to get nexus 4 but it is taking ages, this looks like a good alternative though Water resistant and tough with high end specs and a good battery. I want to be able to test speakers but I know all smartphones have pretty bad speakers... Why isn't this in the android thread though :s
  15. I shall not be playing, only just started work so kinda want to focus on it. Make it a good one!
  16. Showing them the spoon defeats the purpose of this entire question lol. I would say... A small elongated metal tool used when scooping food in order to keep hands clean.
  17. And Zenimax! (Own id Software and Bethesda). But yeah sad to see them go. Got a lot of games for a fiver there at the end, but I was broke so I was allowed to pay low.
  18. I can't hear that word without thinking of THE VELOUR FOG
  19. But that one just reminded me of this one! So it probably is the size of the leg as Cube said? But then pikachu just happens to have short legs anyway. So I wasn't sure!
  20. I can't see the difference between them!
  21. Well you went to a posh spoiled school so yeah :/
  22. It runs as a service and requiring Google apps to let other more popular apps run was annoying and seemed dirty. I suppose if it's cleaner and safer it's fine though. Didn't know it was a standard part of new android phones.
  23. So I now have to install Google Play Services in order to use their YouTube app, load of balls. It's also needed for others, and a popup made me think it could be needed for Gmail too, but I installed it now so I won't see what else it is needed for and I am too lazy to Google it. The idea of this extra, and quite large, app rubs me the wrong way and makes me wary.
  24. I was about to go into the funny stuff thread when I encountered this warning: Just thought someone might like to know / see about banning funnyjunk links?
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