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Everything posted by heroicjanitor

  1. Ugh... How am I supposed to sleep with all these moustaches.
  2. *pant* *pant* I got here as fast as I could! I can't wait to get ALONG!
  3. lol hadn't seen the horse one, the original one was this! The quote is from the Simpsons when Homer quits and tells mr burns he has a nice desk, and it would be too bad if someone... Didn't use a coaster! So yeah.
  4. Would link directly but you kinda need to start at the top and scroll down.
  5. I didn't really keep up much after I died, but I take it my guess that there was a protector on my team or that I had a vest was a bit optimistic? :p
  6. What the actual fuck, I spent the first two minutes thinking this video was satirical but it never got to the point where they laughed at it. I thought the commentator was going for South Park style.
  7. Ohhh Diana, thought it was funny cos princess dix
  8. What was I doing to Jonnas? I targeted Yvonne last night. Found him to be water tunic link. I can't kill tonight because I kill every third night, as confirmed by Yvonne, and I tried to kill Jimbob on the first night. Also I have a pm saying "if it wasn't clear you are mafia" :/
  9. The ally with me or else strategy from a team with two players :p You know town still have protectors and vests?
  10. Yeah that is true. We seem to be very similar at the very least but it is more likely that we are the same. Yvonne possibly killed Jonnas last night. He is claiming that aligning with him is the best strategy but that is not the case. Finishing off the weakest mafia (water mafia) and reducing the number of night kills is the best case. Town run the daytime. Town can't safely ally with a mafia team purely because it is far easier for mafia to turn on town than town to turn on mafia.
  11. I knew you were mafia too, was hoping to get you voted off today when I decided you were on another team for the lynched a mafia brownie points, but should have known you'd have thought the same... I actually thought you might be a team mate but for your double vote being too strong. Was going to ask if you were linked to me. Would have been epically sly. Also I tried to kill Jimbob on night one but he was protected. I have to do it every three nights so I won't be killing tonight.
  12. Well actually I made that vote because I was thinking you might have investigated Rummy and found him to be fire. Now I am not so sure. Every team kills once anyway so I think getting rid of one of the kills is good.
  13. changeVote: Yvonne That is actually beneficial for the town too. If the water can be eliminated entirely it is one less night kill.
  14. That would greatly simplify things. I have no idea what alignment I am btw, it wasn't specified. I can take a guess now however. Yeah fuck it. Vote: Rummy
  15. lol well this is interesting.
  16. Ok then so if we take it as a working hypothesis that there are themed mafias, then their numbers are like this Fire mafia: 3 Water mafia: 2 Ice mafia: 3 Town: 3 Well I am town @Yvonne, but I don't think anyone would expect me to say something different. 3/11 means I don't even believe you. What's more, I happen to know that you are not just any Zelda character, but Water Tunic Link. Emphasising the water alignment. Still agree that character cops are more effective than alignment cops? :p Vote: Yvonne
  17. Oh wow. So I think that puts the idea of 1 mafia to bed? 3 makes sense now. Though all 3 kills blocked on the first day is a bit odd. The first kill was fire. The second was water. The third was ice. So does anyone think this means we have elemental themed mafias? The first mafia death we see is water type.
  18. I am torn. On the one hand I actually found Rummy's behaviour to be worse than Sheikah's. But on the other Sheikah has such a detailed role description. You can thump people into the ground and spin them around and etc. My description didn't say how I would do things, just what I could do. Does anyone else's role give details like thumping them into the ground and spinning them around?
  19. I was aware, yes. Remove vote until this unravels.
  20. I doubt Rummy has anything on him, he was untargetable :p Even in reverse tracking I don't think he would know much. Unless it is one of those games where people view scenes rather than just get targets.
  21. Sorry bout that, caught up now :p Didn't see the new page. Ok so the info against sheikah is that both Yvonne and Rummy targeted him and found him untargetable. I think being untargetable is generally the mark of a mafia killer. Also I will reveal that I too am a member of the Zelda universe. Vote: Sheikah In the case that it is true, there needs to be 3 or more mafia and I think that is a bit of a clusterfuck. If there is one mafia, they'd have won. If there is two, one of them is potentially one kill from victory. I think it makes more sense to have dumb results.
  22. Da fook. Maybe it is counting townies as mafia and mafia + neutrals as townies?
  23. Not sure, I'll let you know. Though it doesn't sound right at all. Pretty sure it's taking the piss.
  24. How is a vest going to protect someone from tracking, exactly? :p
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