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Everything posted by heroicjanitor

  1. Happy Patty's day to everyone!
  2. I suppose taking a protection from the mafia isn't actually as big a priority as I first thought. The only benefit would be redirectors on the town side redirecting to him, but they aren't even common. Also I didn't think of Rummy's point. I thought it was least votes rather than explicitly voting for the least popular. But even if it wasn't mafia could just spread votes across townies to increase their chances of LV protection. <- I will be using this acronym. HV for highest. Vote: No Lynch
  3. Eating requires me to sit still and chew and stuff, it's the biggest time waste ever. I'm always thinking oh no have to get through this entire thing and I'm only halfway dear god I should blend this into a paste and drink it or I will be here forever helllpppp meeeee :p It also has to be cooked so that is another thing.
  4. I agree with Sheikah, we have to vote for a single person because the mafia will get it by default otherwise. At least this way there is a 75% chance of a townie getting it. You could say it will be manipulated publicly, but it doesn't change the fact that the mafia will grab it by default regardless. We just need a bit of luck for the lowest votes RNG so nothing we can do there. scumnag* And with that, I suggest we give the vest to Peeps. (Shock horror he suggested someone, everyone get on his case :p)
  5. I think it would be good to have a tablet because you then know you are eating perfectly. As in you never know if you are missing a bit of one mineral or getting too much of another etc. Also eating is boring.
  6. As good a time as any to return to action
  7. Oh I really liked the latest chapter of Naruto
  8. Oh god... Did he think they were all random people dancing?
  9. I feel awkward when someone is overly polite too :p I can't help but feel they are up to something / lying.
  10. Evernote issued a site-wide password reset and told people to log in and change their passwords as soon as possible. Pretty sure a lot of people here use it so just a heads up. Since I don't think the client itself tells you to do it. http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/02/evernote-hacked/
  11. What good is ctrl-c without ctrl-v? :p If things get really hairy you could even teach him ctrl-x!
  12. I've never actually heard someone say no homo. I also agree with Charlie, the word faggot is very rare here, or at least around the people I know. The word nigger is used sometimes as a sudden and harsh turn to a joke. "You're a nigger, Harry". But the word gay is very common. That is my summation.
  13. 1. Can anyone actually stand Goku's Japanese voice? It is high-pitched beyond belief, not the voice of a man with muscles on his eyeballs. 2. He says Penis at 0:15. Tee hee.
  14. I would argue that in the majority of cases the only reason it brings comfort is because it is what they have always thought, and the idea of questioning what has been accepted as unquestionable is uncomfortable. I wouldn't even say they do no harm. The passive support of so many muslims is what gives the insane ones the platform for their violence. Without religion in general it would be a lot easier to get rid of them. The passive support is what enables pedophile priests to get away with what they did. If they weren't untouchable they would all be shut down.
  15. Basing it on the fact that computers work and every other instance of science they have ever observed working and science making logical sense you mean? It's not like a shot in the dark. Let's abandon science because people want to make shit up and divert attention from it by pretending everything is like that. Pretending something is the norm is the easiest way to get away with it. If you ever watch fox news, and hear someone republican being accused of something, their response is to say a democrat did the same thing (by twisting if necessary) so it's even and doesn't matter. Also which arrogant opinion? Is testing things and calling it fact when they are proven to work arrogant?
  16. Religious people only get upset about atheists and call them assholes because they have no logical standpoint from which to argue If they did they would give out about the idea of atheism rather than the atheists themselves, as atheists give out about the idea of religion. No one should take the pointing out of flaws in religion personally. They wouldn't take it personally if you pointed out they were wrong in any other regard. Also the amount of religious people with microphones in town is ever-increasing now The last time I went in they were almost shouting over each other.
  17. I'd never heard of shaving soap. Gonna have to try that since the gel I was using has fairly mixed results and is expensive.
  18. The guy commentating sounds like Tobey Maguire.
  19. Dat ass.
  20. So the registry is pointing to the wrong place, because it wasn't updated probably. Quickest way to fix it would be to run regedit and change the keys to point to your jre.
  21. Hmm according to their site it is a known problem and the solution is to use the offline installer. http://www.java.com/en/download/help/error_installshield.xml?printFriendly=true
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