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Everything posted by heroicjanitor

  1. Sorry for my absence! Because this is a dictatorship and not a democracy I will choose @Jonnas :p
  2. If you were lying then the roleblocker hivemind would know? :p That's a couple of non sequiturs in the last few posts and usually the one not making sense is mafia. I agree Peeps is more suspicious than Diageo so vote: Peeps
  3. We know all about me :p I tracked Zell last night and found he targeted Peeps so... Zell isn't lying at least. The bits about hoping someone was alright are hinting at me waiting for my dog to return with the info. I don't like that Peeps claimed the mafia was likely to kill him right after he said he was neutral and had accomplished nothing all game. Sounds too much like weasling to me. Also Peeps the thing that had people against you was you are building something which could easily be a device to help the Queen escape from the castle. I don't want to risk a quick lynch on a confirmed protector, so I think we should cast our net a little bit wider for now since we have time. @Jon Dedede, @Sméagol, @Eenuh, what did y'all do.
  4. After the unprecedented surge in giant women, and the corresponding reversal of funds, Timmy gave up basketball to promote his band full time.
  5. This sounds urgently sexual. Was it meant to? Left that out on purpose :p
  6. Fooled again by the ol' dick in a camera trick.
  7. Yeah, but not always, his power cycles. I was the one who blocked Yvonne on night 2. Peeps targeted sprout night 1. Sméagol targeted Eenuh night 4. Eenuh would be a good one to lie-detect actually, she had a few things to say about being queen.
  8. While we're here in a position of power and we have a truth detector I should give my targets. I'll wait a bit before voting in case anyone has anything else to say. Night 1: Peeps Night 2: Yvonne Night 3: Animal Night 4: Sméagol Night 5: Sheikah (I was roleblocked)
  9. I phrased that badly... I meant I am not Langley. I am someone who owns the hound of the baskervilles. Vote:Eenuh
  10. When did I say this? Danny already put forward the dog=langley theory ages ago! He was also correct afterwards when he said it could be the hound of the Baskervilles. Dud giving info to the townies was obviously a good thing to do... Handful of townies will have known it but the mafia always have more information than the town and they need just one of them to figure it out. @Diageo are you able to protect yourself? Jonnas doesn't usually let people do that. I recall Jayseven punching his face. Also what is your method of protection if not by knife? In case you know.
  11. Well I don't believe that. We'll discuss this further in the coming days! Ftr I am Grant Yura and I have a dog. Vote:Tales doesn't look like a response is coming anyway.
  12. Ok so it's pretty important to see who Tales targeted last night. Several things could follow from it if anyone knows? Was it Danny who fought you off? Did you know of this fight if so, @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane? I'd also like to hear more about this flying machine @The Peeps. What are you using it for? It is clearly a win condition. I'll be voting for Tales if he doesn't respond well, but I really don't like city folk and their flying machines.
  13. Lol wp Yvonne :p Wondering if Yvonne was the victim of a nightkill or if this was just Jonnas' way of having him leave the game. I think if he had won he would have just left right? Though I am now pretty sad that we lost the one person who knew the identity of the queen. Also @Jonnas the player listed isn't @-ed!
  14. A picture I saw recently will do!
  15. All of the Xbox One news, now in book form! Bet a 50 shades reference wins this, I felt it was too obvious...
  16. I watched all of the major announcements and I am blown away FINALLY they have Final Fantasy Versus. Kingdom Hearts is "now in development", on schedule for a 2020 release maybe! They seem like are genuinely giving people what they want in all cases, instead of the giving them the product they want to sell like Microsoft.
  17. May as well throw out a few of the thoughts I've been having, no particular order. @Magnus Peterson Did you do any of the things mentioned in that note, or were you roleblocked? I believe you stated you didn't but just for clarity. Is it possible that note was inserted by someone else? It's either inserted as a red herring (most likely) or someone stopped you. @Animal Can you just say what exactly happened? It seems like it might be pretty important. I think Flink was blocked by a mafia member. Probably the one who killed night 1. Looking at you Marc! Queen ideas If we have genders similar to our screen names then Yvonne could easily be the queen as a twist, despite lacking the requisite vagina. Sheikah could be too. If a queen is in disguise then it just makes me think of Zelda's disguise. Also he isn't striking me as town. If we're looking to pressure someone / My least trusted Sméagol, Zell, Sprout, Magnus Peterson joined the game night 1, and imo it is likely that one of them is evil. Marcamillian mask is usually associated with a swordsman, so I distrust him. Rummy is speaking a lot without saying anything at all. A few people are but Rummy in particular.
  18. Oh god... One of us is going to have to change.
  19. Donkey contemplates licking electric fence. Dog has not been consulted.
  20. Seems to me that this is the first night's killer, who went safe by roleblocking you in case you were protected, while someone else did the kill. You're now the person I trust most in this game. I think Zell seems sensible too and share his Diageo views. @Mr\-Paul, you were killed either first or second in the last game, as was I. See you soon! :p
  21. With a name like animal he is probably evil. Also Flink I realise you could have stayed quiet so I'm more inclined to trust you rather than foaming at the mouth looking for your demise :p Still a suspect though.
  22. It is considered gentlemanly to choose a target at random on night one. Going after the good players night one is cutthroat and only possible because we all played with each other a lot, and results in people not wanting to play any more. Marcamillian is Zorro clearly. (I know nothing about him but he used a poem so Q.E.D) Just keeping an eye out for swordsmen.
  23. Wary* Mr thief? So we are looking for a swordsman. I don't have too much besides hunches, and I also find Flink suspicious.
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