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Everything posted by heroicjanitor

  1. Preventing automerge in case @DuD has anything else to say
  2. While it is easy to be swayed by such flowing rhetoric, we must see past his cunning and manipulation!
  3. Nope you didn't get redirected. He made Rez target mr-paul and Rummy target Sheikah. Gives us a decent list of people declared town by the brown bean now. If the dedede lynch shows he is mafia then we are in a strong position. Which I think it will because he is not replying. I am a bit wary of the brown bean's accuracy tbh because everyone and their aunt seems to have one. Or maybe some are falsely claiming to use them.
  4. Rofl my waffles, haven't seen someone take over a discussion this hard in a while. You know Sheikah's will =/= the will of the town? He said he picked a rare bean and I asked you to confirm he was telling the truth. Just because he's throwing a tantrum at everything doesn't mean you need to placate him. For the rest of town, don't centre every target around Sheikah / mr-paul / Rummy. There are more players in the game and believe it or not we just had a million pages about the use of the clear bean on Sheikah, and the result was that we aren't even allowed to know if he was telling the truth night 1, if the clear bean can see rare beans, if they are visibly obvious, etc etc. Remove Vote btw for now
  5. Just ftr he does have a bean you would call rare right?
  6. DUN DUN DUN! How many beans do you now have Jon Dedede, and what colours are they? Vote: Jon Dedede because I think his beans will be dodgy too. Also I ate a blue one and Jimbob targeted Rummy.
  7. Oh no he di'nt.
  8. This is pretty poor reasoning... "Religion is a huge cause of suffering in the world, but so is other stuff, so leave it alone". The crusades couldn't have happened without religion, it afflicts the poorest and least educated in society. They could easily be made to go because they were poor and would at least be "guaranteed" salvation in the afterlife. Religion is tearing Africa apart right now. The AIDS epidemic and priests preaching hatred of other clans from the pulpit. The missionaries make aid conditional on rejecting condoms and insist they spread religion to the other tribes. Being a place full of poor, ignorant people means it is becoming a battleground for the various religious groups. their favourite prey. Religious morals are absolutely depraved... They all consist of men having power over women and killing people who don't do what your book says. The only way people think it's moral is by cherry-picking the lines that correspond with modern western values. The bible has not changed and centuries of torture and persecution happened, yet there is no longer any of this stuff as soon as we become secular. How can somehow say it is moral? This is a thread about religion. I said specifically organised religion is the worst thing. People can delude themselves individually but mostly they only need their faith because they were brought up with it when young. If given a scientific education and it was generally accepted that we were going to die there would be very little trouble with the issue, imo. You can tell me it's just my opinion but then it is just your opinion the other way, and given that I can accept it I think other people would be able to as well if taught properly. I also accepted that santa was not real.
  9. We'll apply this logic in future games then. Anyone who doesn't give their full role immediately is mafia because information ftw. Regarding Rummy, I don't think he is mafia yet. He was considering things and being unsure, which means he didn't have anything to latch on to. I find mafia tend to get behind a safe idea very easily, because it promotes them as a figurehead and they can press on it / look active. I would sooner vote you or Jimbob. And in fact have voted Jimbob so
  10. Me of course :p Well if you're just going to go out and say it then yes yellow is the roleblock bean. Vote:Jimbob because he was also given a roleblocking bean and because I find he revealed it too easily, as if he felt no fear of reprisal.
  11. Coward bean more like!
  12. I don't think there is a point to holding that info, it runs the risk of assuming protection. You releasing info is safer for you than holding onto it, as you'd be killed to prevent that info's release. I wouldn't go around saying the beans I have. Mafia could tell which beans do what, possibly even steal them. I was attempting to roleblock. Is it a good idea to say which bean roleblocks? I suppose the mafia would find out but it might be nice to keep them from knowing for a little while? Will say what bean it is if asked though.
  13. How exactly do fairy stories have meaning? If I read the three little pigs to children and convince them that it is true and the pigs DID IN FACT SURVIVE then it is fine for kids and then adults to believe that it happened? And also I ask them for money every week and gain tax exempt status. Umm why would atheism have any principles? In the ideal situation it shouldn't even be a group, it would be the default position. It's like if everyone collected stamps and we had a small group of aphilatelists who did not collect stamps. Everyone asking who they think they are and their life has no meaning without the stamps. Religion should just be seen as myths and supernatural stuff that has no merit. Like how everyone who is religious is atheist against 99.9% of religions, just happens to believe their own one, usually because they were taught it at a young age. Trying harder to think of something that would be better with religion... But ok here goes. Missionaries in Africa teaching them that condoms are against god. This forces them into an endless cycle of poverty from too many kids and causes the AIDS epidemic. (Empowerment of women is the only proven way to stop poverty in a country). OH and another thing I hate is that these missionaries turn up with their food and technology and general well-being and act like it is their belief in god that gives them these things. Without science they wouldn't get to Africa, and it is science that is trying to cure AIDS rather than spread it. Anyway. Because of religion gay marriage, abortion and stem cell research are the biggest issues of our time, and they are absolutely non-issues. We should be looking at climate change and nuclear proliferation. Because of religion (almost) the entire middle east beats and rapes women as a matter of course. They kill people who don't believe in their religion, and they come over here trying to spread this poison, with suicide bombings seen as a great act of faith. They have arranged marriages between 40-50 year old men and 11 year old girls. This stuff is not allowed in a rational society where our morals are based on discussion and reason rather than an ancient book written pedophiles and desert tribes. Then there is scientology and etc, taking people from their families and brainwashing them. Stuff to do so not going to continue right now but if you need more then by all means... See 9/11, Spain bombings, Boston marathon, London bombings, etc etc. See crusades, see almost every war for the past two thousand years. See the Spanish inquisition and the torture of hundreds of thousands of people if they didn't believe in it. See the entire dark ages period where science was not allowed because it went against god. Galileo imprisoned for daring tosay the earth went around the sun. See right now when stem cell research is not allowed, the attacks on abortion clinics and more. See honor-killings and how apostasy is dealt with in the muslim faith. Religion of science? You don't teach them to rely on the supernatural in the first place. They are going to die, they can accept it. Don't say they can't because they are too weak minded, what makes you so special that you think you can say the poor ignorant people can't accept what you can? And even if they couldn't accept it, too bad. Their passive support of religions is what gives religions such power. The whole crux of your arguments seems to be that people would be depressed if they weren't taught this nonsense. You put religion on a pedestal and argue at it from there instead of discussing it like any other issue. And I'd say ok it is fine if adults want to go out and believe this stuff (though even then these books are so dangerous I'm not pleased with it. If religion ever takes control of government in the west again we're fucked, and it's most of the way there in America...) but teaching it to kids is not ok. You are teaching them dependence on fairy tales just to be live. Not just dependence but worship and do-what-I-say-unquestioningly. That is not sustainable.
  14. ^^ Wishy washy nonsense. Organised religion is, and has been for millenia, the number 1 cause of suffering in the world and the sooner people stop trying to straddle the fence about it the sooner we can get rid of the biggest fucking plague that has ever existed. /waits for people to tell him about the heavens and faith and shite in response. If the millions tortured, killed and abused in the name of religion could now turn in their graves, that would be great.
  15. Ooh interesting! So 5 beans were added first. Assuming this is a white bean for each of the mafia, to enable their kill. And no one has a rare ability yet. I also wonder if anyone will get a rainbow bean, and be able to choose to join the mafia. Or if they can force feed someone a rainbow bean. Or if someone can give a mafia a forgiveness bean. Maybe I can plant mine and grow a beanstalk and get a giant. Or I can sell them to some hungry motherfucker. There is no way we slept next to the beans because of the light so 5 people managed to sneak away from camp to get the rainbow beans so if anyone heard anything that'd be great. ^^ My ideas on a scale of 1 to nonsense. Vote: Cloaked mystic man thing
  16. I'll join sure.
  17. You'd be surprised, it's not that different. First person to find and murder the opposition players wins! ... No but I think it was either Peeps or Rez who linked me this when I first started, it's a handy little flash tutorial on the mafia game rules: http://cataldo.freeshell.org/mafia/mafiascum04.swf
  18. My activity was bad... I'm not even sure why, usually being busy doesn't stop me, and the game was good. I think one of the most pivotal moments though was when I told my dog to kill Sheikah and rez targeted/recruited me on the same night. To gain a member instead of lose a member is pretty huge. Especially when killing a mafia would make me trusted.
  19. Finally :/ For the same reasons as in my last few posts Vote: Magnus Peterson
  20. If they have always been leaving before the bonus scenes then they might never know they are there :p
  21. Ok so the mafia was active last night and Marcamillian didn't submit a target. This would lead me to believe Marcamillian isn't mafia. I don't know why we aren't voting for Magnus? Purely on yesterday's info alone he is a dead cert no? Magnus was blocked, no kill. Magnus was the only one with the potential to do protection from a kill that night (I tracked and Rummy doesn't stop kills as far as I remember) -> No protection happened, it must have been a roleblock. It must also have been a townie blocking the mafia killer, not a mafia blocking the mafia killer, so there is no shady blocker hiding their info. I think that any reasonable townie who blocked someone else would have come forward by now, since that hasn't happened I can only assume Sheikah is the only roleblocker that night and Magnus is the mafia killer. Vote: Magnus
  22. Yup my activity has been pretty bad, though it is no reflection on my good / evil status. Been busy lately but I used to find the time for these games, not sure why I am so lazy about it now... I'm still targeting people however and have read the thread consistently enough to have opinions. I tracked Marcamillian, he targeted Dannyboy. So what happened last night then, anyone any theories? Looking at Dannyboy's list (me justifiably on it due to inactivity) I would call out Magnus before the others. As I said before he was one of four people who joined the game after night one, and so has a relatively high chance of being mafia. He was also roleblocked on a night with no kill. I'd think this is sufficient for a vote tbh. Vote: Magnus Peterson
  23. You call that HD? :p It's not even colour! Shoddy workmanship Ted. Bunch o' cowboys!
  24. Yep, and if he is the queen that puts Eenuh in the clear really. Sorry been absent for so long :s
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