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Everything posted by heroicjanitor

  1. Even if it does run it won't look as good as that video without a really good pc
  2. I can't wait for this game, sounds like a return to form after ff13. According to anyone who has actually seen it "it is difficult to believe you can control what is happening on screen". I really want final fantasy to set the graphical benchmark again, art style along with being great technically.
  3. Impressive that that was made in LBP2 actually, can't wait to see what people make in the next year or so when they own the full game and have time to create.
  4. When I was there the first game I played was "Start the Party" I think, it's a compilation of mini games in the same vein as wii play, or that eyetoy game on ps2 where you had to clean the screen or something. Therefore it is not good. Then I played Tiger Woods. You have to actually swing hard to hit it far it seems, when I took my first swing I could hear it land... So I rolled up the sleeves for the next one and took a big swipe, but the game discovered I'm not very good at golf and it veered far to the left but I got distance. The major problem was the putting, since you have to look at the screen when doing it. Anyone who played golf before knows you need to keep your eye on the ball Some other move games there but then I noticed Gran Turismo and Killzone and Motorstorm 3D The Gran Turismo demo even had car damage, which looked much better than on a website I saw where it looked like the car melted. Motorstorm in 3D was cool and as Diageo said when i crashed into a bike some shrapnel flew at me and I actually ducked Killzone 3 is clearly not finished(pre-alpha code it said up the top at all times) but the ocean water looked good and all of the gameplay mechanics seem to be working now. Killzone 2 looks better right now. Just realised this is meant to be a move review, so I'll say that move is VERY accurate but the games just aren't there yet. Most of the games were terrible except Socom 4 which aimed well enough and will be good if you give it a chance, and Heavy Rain where we had to leave before I got into the fight(I would've had my head kicked in btw, wasn't sure how to control him).
  5. This was terrible but funny because of it. Whenever someone died no one gave a toss... The obvious inconsistencies kinda made it easy not to care about the plot, so just sat there and enjoyed the nonsense
  6. Great football from Arsenal last night, especially Fabregas. United game on Tuesday was dreadful to watch. United putting out a weak lineup combined with Rangers formation of 10-0-0 meant almost nothing happened.
  7. Glad to inspire so much loving and liking
  8. Dammit! I am supposed to go see this tomorrow.
  9. I'll enlist if you'll have me
  10. Your stats are strange :smile: Your DOB is 1987 but your join date is 1978 :grin:

  11. Thanks nice to meet you

  12. Hi everyone I'm new can I get into this? I know the rules from studying your smash bros game :wink:
  13. One of the most random/funny movies I've seen in ages, that first fight was unexpected as hell I thought he was going to wake up in an ambulance and the fight would be a dream.
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