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Everything posted by heroicjanitor

  1. Ok I'm back so I can defend myself now. If I was mafia you can guarantee I wouldn't have killed Rez. It just makes me look guilty. Regarding the original problem of me not knowing that roleblockers didn't receive pms... Did anyone else know they didn't? And as I said when I tried to explain myself if Rez was a roleblocker it would make sense he thought dannyboy didn't do anything, since we don't receive pms. Another thing, I am one of the only active posters here, if you are going to pick someone at random pick Dyson or someone who is saying nothing. Force them to talk.
  2. lol you said she again
  3. On an iphone now but I roleblocked dyson last night
  4. None of you know who Bieber really is.
  5. The sad thing is if he hadn't killed himself it may have changed his life for the better. He wouldn't have been seen as the bad guy that's for sure.
  6. Hang on guys Mundi is evil. I think we should lynch him and get chair to kill Jayseven, since Mundi can kill at night. Vote: Mundi
  7. Woah you are all voting for me because Diageo argued with me over a mistake? I thought I should have gotten a pm and posted that mistakenly, I did roleblock Rez on the first night. I roleblocked Jonnas on the second.
  8. lol I am truly sorry :p Unfortunately it can't be unseen but I hope you will one day get over it : peace:
  9. Hopefully it will look better in 3D.
  10. Ok I posted a disgusting image I thought fit the thread well and just realised I'll probably get banned for it. Sorry to anyone who saw it.
  11. No I got no pm which I thought was a problem. Then realised I didn't get one the first night either and thought it was normal.
  12. Well it was a mistake and I forgot about it. I said I targeted Jonnas last night and we are filling this page up quickly.
  13. You only asked now, would've been weird to suddenly bring it up.
  14. No I posted that by mistake, I thought I should have gotten a pm, got confused with the colour mafia.
  15. I think the way he worded it showed he was a roleblocker. How would getting intel that Dannyboy was good mean he couldn't have killed? Is there some other type of intel I'm not aware of?
  16. I'm a roleblocker remember :p I don't get pms saying "You successfully roleblocked Rez" or whatever. You just have to assume you did. If he thinks Dannyboy couldn't have done it it is likely he is a roleblocker.
  17. I don't think so, if Rez is a roleblocker he wouldn't get a pm informing him of it's success. He probably just assumed it worked.
  18. Oh yeah so it's not the cheap gamebreaker I thought it was for a second :p I did roleblock him. But he wouldn't get a pm saying he was roleblocked would he? If he tried to roleblock dannyboy he would have been stopped by me I think.
  19. Ok so if you are townie all the town needs is another protector. Then you can protect each other while you also protect one more person. This person should keep their ability a secret btw if he/she exists.
  20. "The key to healing traumatic symptoms in humans lies in our being able to mirror the fluid adaption of wild animals" So shout at a dog and see what he does. Copy his recovery. Hope that helped. Know what would help me? Some info.
  21. Asshole :p Gonna chip in with some info?
  22. The way this is it is impossible to figure out without working together, I think everyone has to pitch in and hope not to be killed. I'm a roleblocker, I roleblocked Rez on the first night and Jonnas on the second.
  23. Ah well then I'm blind. What is wrong with the resolution?
  24. What's the difference between these and the other screens? It just looks darker really... I'm not a huge fan of the art style but you can't please everyone. When Wind Waker came out people were moaning and I thought it was awesome, then as soon as Twilight Princess is announced everyone suddenly likes Wind Waker.
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