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Everything posted by heroicjanitor

  1. DLC getting a 10? I'll have to look this up, I haven't played red dead since I finished it though.
  2. I am, in a slightly accusatory manner too.
  3. I and all of my team mates got our phones and money stolen from our locker room once. He broke down the door. The one day I left my bag in there, I usually left it beside the pitch where the manager was Recently I left my wallet on a bus. It was returned
  4. The butler left happy too. Should we trust this message though? As Rez said yesterday it was pretty much all false. Even if we did trust it we don't have much use for it without you elaborating. I wonder now if Peeps had a partner called Marlene. Marlene might have a clue as to "how they knew". Actually it was the butler who died. Right after visiting you, possibly. You could be the reason the mafia knows.
  5. The killer is a tiny black water pokemon who is very fast and has a pointy face. With all of this info you'd think someone would know who it was.
  6. His inability to hear piano chords killed him... Random. So does this mean two people tried to protect The Peeps and failed? The mafia has someone who can nullify protectors or something?
  7. May as well get Mike Hawke and Mike Hunt out of the way. If I had to pick a new name I would pick Flint Powers, based on ten seconds of thinking.
  8. So the conclusion in here is that Fish is correct but if you want to use colloquialisms you can.
  9. I would like to have one of these depending on the price, but it looks fake. The rim around the screen is dirty and in the second picture it tells you to press the A button to enter and the B button to go back. It doesn't have A or B buttons as far as I can tell. Edit: Just noticed your second link addressing these concerns, which other Sony-Ericsson products have A or B buttons if the software is built on others? Surely if they were using early software they would just say X and O.
  10. If you were a betting man Serebii, would you put money on ghosts existing or ghosts not existing? What are the odds of a mutation in our brain allowing us to see into other dimensions where other beings, who look exactly like us, not only exist but can fly? A mutation which would allow us to see light which is undetectable to all current physics? Occam's razor, seriously.
  11. I love how that made no sense whatsoever to me :p I'll play though but I know nothing about the show, except a woman named six might be hot.
  12. Yes but have you seen what these spirits are doing? Messing with pots and pans and slamming doors and making spooky noises. There is no way an interdimensional being came all the way here just to do that.
  13. A sprinting water pokemon with fists... Maybe feraligatr he can learn agility. Assuming it's a water pokemon we're dealing with. Doesn't matter anyway he killed a mafia member so he's probably good.
  14. Gmac sounds like he is lying, he can find people's alignments but found Diageo's power instead, something which he could know from just paying attention to the thread. Also probots are evil. Vote: Gmac
  15. Batman's a scientist. Are you batman?
  16. People who believe in ghosts have no defined idea of what it is they do. When something frightening happens in the dark they just say "Oh it must have been a ghost". Hear a bang in the kitchen, it's a ghost. See a white light in a photo, it's a ghost. Dozily see a figure after waking up at 4am, it's a ghost.
  17. At the risk of sounding like I'm defending chairdriver, his new ability just sounds like a roleblock doesn't it? I mean he's beedrill how else can he roleblock. The fact that chairdriver pointed out that tales was lurking yesterday also helps his case. Are we now assuming Dyson killed Tales? Doesn't sound like it from the write-up.
  18. Dyson targeted someone evil, and high five to whoever killed Tales.
  19. Even Sméagol thinks we should vote for Sméagol. I trust Sméagol. Vote:Sméagol
  20. Ah trolls, they say the darndest things. It's actually kind of surprising psp2 isn't the one with 3D, since Sony is pushing it so hard. Maybe they want to sell 3D tvs instead. But Nintendo always likes to have one new system-defining feature for each hardware iteration, was 3D the only option? At this point it's hard to think of new hardware traits.
  21. The co op looks amazing, I haven't seen a game that does open world co-op like that before.
  22. Yeah Hernandez is faster and is a better finisher than Rooney and Berbatov is a great playmaker. I feel like Hernandez will be far more committed too since he has only just signed. Exactly, and if the premier league had their way the foreign/good players would barely get a look in. It's surprising because increasing the quality of football in their league, as a business, should be their main aim. Not making sure Joe Soap gets a game so he's fit for England's bench.
  23. That question came out of nowhere. Did you have reason to believe that?
  24. Withdraw vote Phew not too late I was only voting for info, I like to have a think first usually.
  25. Should've backflipped out the window onto a trampoline and over the wall. Cube fencing with an unknown challenger is interesting. Was this an attempt on his life? Giving information in exchange for money too. Who could he give info to and why. What did he receive.
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