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Everything posted by heroicjanitor

  1. Can you confirm anyone else as good? Maybe he bribed you to say he was good :p
  2. It only works the next time you send targets. For me this was the day after he gave me the pills and I could target two. It kinda has to be since you can't just add an extra target randomly.
  3. Also I did get the aikido joke and there's no reason to think he roleblocks.
  4. That doesn't sound right, you gave him a flask of pills?
  5. I hope this one doesn't leave me in crippling pain after half an hour of use...
  6. Ellmeister was the briber I think. So he wanted you to target Diageo.
  7. That would make sense since after Diageo died they were only consoling one person, which could have been chairdriver. So himself and Diageo were the orphans. Diageo a thief for the nobles and chair a charlatan for the mafia. I wonder if one of them was supposed to find the other. Ah well they are dead so if no more thieves turn up I'll put it to rest but until then I'm keeping it in mind.
  8. Damn I suppose so. The way they were talking it sounded like a group they were referring to. I say it makes me think the thieves are a group, but not the only evils.
  9. He says joined your lot. Makes me think they are a group, plus the thieves appear to have some sort of objective anyway. I think hassling the nobles sounds about right.
  10. Yeah that's what I meant.
  11. They mightn't be the only bad guys though. If they are then fine, but it makes it almost pointless to have a group of nobles when they could just be town. Suppose it makes it more interesting though.
  12. So this could mean we are in trouble right? If the nobles objective is to take out all of the thieves then they probably only have 2 left to kill.
  13. I think there might be two different alliances. One group is good and the other is evil. The group who killed Diageo at the start are a band of thieves and they are in some sort of battle with the nobles. Chairdriver, one of the thieves, is upset that Joey(Joseph Baldwin, Diageo's first character) joined the nobles since they all used to run in a gang of orphans but Diageo got taken in by the nobles. The thieves can probably disguise themselves and each have a different sneaky power. Diageo could steal, chair could sneakily gather info. I think there are two more of these thieves since I got the impression they were all there on the night Diageo was killed. It appears the nobles are good but they at least have a vigilante.
  14. Another thing, the exotic guy had sex with me tonight. Why he did this I don't know, since I made it clear my power was a day power. Maybe I'm just that sexy.
  15. Chairdriver was evil and was killed. Anyone who targeted him may have been confused, so I wouldn't put too much faith in anything you found out. Actually did a vigilante try to kill Rez?
  16. In my cineworld they have a little arcade with a shop in it. I always buy loads of stuff there and just walk in, no one stops you. But not letting people bring their own food and charging those prices should be against some competition law or something.
  17. 5 people commented within 20 minutes of JaySeven's update, so it wasn't completely forgotten. How many pms did you receive?
  18. So what happened? Did we all win or lose or what?
  19. I just thought it was funny that he called it an intervention, and I fell victim to it from Rez recently
  20. Haha I stared Simon down for a while and the picture broke and went to that small rectangle with the green and blue and pink shape thing. It means I won
  21. No they can't, you aren't using characters from the show.
  22. Most of those characters do exactly fuck all though :p
  23. I know what you said, but the premise of death note is a good guy and a bad guy having a battle of wits. I'm wondering how you're going to expand it to include more people.
  24. Dominos + anime ftw! Coming in knackered from football and sitting down to eat chicken curry is always nice
  25. Rez said nothing, he used his eyes to point towards two posts and remained silent. you're very eager for this to start
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