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Everything posted by Jon

  1. I think I spent about an hour playing with all the gadgets before finally leaving with iLife.
  2. Jon

    iLife '11

    Picked this up today. Having only just installed it, I've only played about with the new iPhoto and it's a vast improvement. Really like all the Facebook integration, you can delete, add and comment on Photos on Facebook all from within iPhoto.
  3. The vast (lolz) majority of them are shit but they're still there, if you can find someone else there to play with (hah). I have no idea what Machinima is but it keeps coming up in google searches for UNC 2 mulitplayer and I can't be arsed turning the game on to check.
  4. Even though my Dad is English and I know many English people, I can't say i've got a particular opinion on English people. Certainly not in the way they have of Scottish people. It generally consists of us wearing Kilts, drinking Irn Bru and eating Haggis or a fried Mars Bar.
  5. Lab Deathmatch Elimination Turf War King of the Hill Chain Reaction Survival Siege Gold Rush Plunder Machinima Coop Missions It's not going to win any awards for the having the most but it suits the description I used.
  6. I've tried to come up with many reasons for why I love Among Thieves but nothing seems to do it justice. It's just such a complete game. The graphics, the story, the gameplay, the production values; everything is just top notch. I think when it came out a lot of people just expected the multiplayer to be some crappy mode hastily added to please the critics but it's probably one of my favourite online games ever. There's such a vast array in modes and it also helps that Naughty Dog are constantly updating it. The game just wins.
  7. I'm obviously not easily impressed or i'm just lazy as I've never ran out of thanks
  8. Jon


    I love Saw. Unlike the many half-wits, I enjoy it for what it is, not whinge about what it isn't. I'm going into see it on Thursday, I shall report back then; i'm guessing possible deaths?
  9. I've spent last few hours sorting out my iPhoto Library. I've meant to do it for ages and finally got round to it. Sorted out all the GPS tags and albums. If you ever use iPhoto you'll know about the places tab, which allows you to see where all your photos are on a world map. Mine were all over the shop and not where they should be. Now the photos I took in New York are actually under New York on the map. It's amazing how precise you can be. Over the course of this i've also been able to listen to a lot of new albums i've bought recently. Off the top of my head I can remember the new Kings of Leon album, the new Jimmy Eat World and Avenged Sevenfold. Looking through the photos has given me quite a few trips down memory lane, it's also got me buzzing about booking more holidays to add to the photos on my Places map! Quite a productive day for me.
  10. Masters of the Universe and Lord of the Rings. I'd love to see Dolph flaunt his pecs in Middle-Earth.
  11. It's on Fridays at 9pm.
  12. In the end it all kind of wrapped up but the one bit I either didn't, didn't see or wasn't explained was
  13. So I finally got round to watching this when it was on TV on Friday and I quite liked it. Some good characters in it, nice to see Dr Kerry Weaver Laura Innes back on tv. It would be nice if they could reign in the time changes a bit, the poor characters must have great difficulty telling what day they're in sometimes.
  14. I've been in the pub/club she works in many times, though I've never actually noticed her whilst there. Probably because i'm drunk.
  15. The forums work fine on my old mac but won't on my new one. I've tried different browsers, flushing DNS and still nada.
  17. Can't be doing it right. I use Visa Debit and it works fine.
  18. Jon

    The Hobbit

    Isn't Rob Kazinsky the guy who was in Eastenders?
  19. Give me a bell when you need some some guns shot.
  20. Isn't she just run Gossip Girl, whilst Chris Fedak does Chuck and Josh Schwartz floats between the two.
  21. Jon

    It's red because I typed it my blood.

  22. Sarcasm fail/ I know, I just wanted to rate the Bruce Springsteen song
  23. Jon

    LOLZ, I saw someone on my friends list playing it and assumed it was not out.




  24. Jon

    Hey Matty, just to let you know that Fallout: New Vegas is out, just incase you forgot.



  25. Apart from your first sentence, that posts makes little sense. How can something be stunning that you've yet to see but apparently have so much faith in. You should try reading the Spot the dog books, they're literally about a spotted dog that does the usual things a dog does. I was quite looking forward to this but i've heard a few people say that most of the events are bullshit and didn't actually happen. I'll definitely check it out however.
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