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Everything posted by Jon

  1. But it won't show me helping your asses the other day. Prick
  2. Remember Rez, when they ask you why you're visiting the US; don't mention the word rape.
  3. This was confirmed ages ago.
  4. I've often though of actually watching this. Since i'm too lazy to check Wikipedia, somebody sum up what it's all about. Fanks.
  5. Well you can. The idea is to only have limited opportunities to do it, not spent 10 hours trying it.
  6. Check out Futures first.
  7. The whole idea behind the test is to test your reactions, so the more times you try it, the more your brain subconciously remembers some of the patterns thus rendering the whole point of the test useless
  8. Apparently USAF Pilots are expected to survive this game for 2 minutes. I got 1 minute 10 on a trackpad. http://members.iinet.net.au/~pontipak/redsquare.html
  9. If you click this link, it will give you what your heart desires.
  10. Awesome, reminds of the squirtle squad episode of Pokemon.
  11. Jay, even if you hate One Tree Hill, it's worth checking out the finale of season 2 alone. JEW play two tracks of Futures (Work and Polaris) and Hear You Me of Bleed American live. Although Futures probably has more oustanding songs on it I think Chase This Light is better all round. I love them both but there is far too much hate for Chase This Light. I'm downloading the new album now.
  12. I love the replies. I'm all for fart, poop, and sex jokes, but I am at a loss for this video. Is it supposed to be a joke or just showcasing something that people do to irritate other players? Yes, It was a coincidence that I was standing under Rez for that length of time. I'm rather irritated now I think about what he was doing.
  13. I could be up for some Unchartedness.
  14. Does anyone ever actually use the Import/High Score Boards? Remove them now.
  15. Happy Birthday lads.
  16. You guys have no idea how much I had to resist the urge to turn off the PS3 right at the end of Sanc It was literally killing me
  17. I don't mind her, it's nothing fancy, just ordinary pop. I do dislike her other half however, immensely.
  18. That is awesome, especially X-Files and BBT. Where was FNL though
  19. That reminded me of this
  20. I'm used to being up at 3:30am for work, so early for most people is afternoon for me. It would have to be for a particular occasion for me to drink that early, like all day session for the football.
  21. I was all set to record my acoustic version of the Addams Family theme, but my B string snapped and I have no spare
  22. That does look seriously good, it's gonna be a long wait between the two parts though
  23. I used to live on Harribo Cola Bottles years ago. My mum used to get these gigantic tubs (they seemed gigantic back then) from the cash and carry and literally couldn't stop myself from eating them. It was an addiction
  24. So i've completed the main story earlier and it's come in just over 49 hours. It's amazing how the game changes up after chapter 11, more like the FF's of old. I spent a lot of time grinding, so I never really struggled during any fights. The platinum looks like it will be fun
  25. Bargain!
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