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Everything posted by Jon

  1. It does indeed.
  2. I'm up for some Chartedness if it's not too late. The PSN seems to be working ok, I'm online anyway.
  3. You expected anything different?
  4. I enjoyed them for what they were, Kids books. Far too many people seem to over analyse them. This is ain't no Tolkien war!
  5. I like the idea but i'm not outlaying the money for it just to play with a demo disc. Especially with so many good games out now and the near future.
  6. I'm pretty sure Atlanta was discovered a while back, It's in the state of Georgia, in the USA. Sorry.
  7. I saw this one. I was surprised by how far they went. Whenever someone ran out of jokes they just ripped the shit out of Courtney Love, always a winning formula.
  8. I got mine for 97p off Amazon about a year ago, never had one problem with it. *Touches all the wood in the forest*
  9. NHL 10.......
  10. Fixed
  11. This is always the way I've driven in any racing game. Accelerating right until the last minute and slamming on the brakes with everything i've got and throwing the car into the corner and basically hoping for the best.
  12. What the hell happened to this game? The first half was one of the worst halfs of football in recent memory and typically I turned it off, only to now see it finished 3-2!
  13. I literally just got the joke about selling short, after 3 times of watching it.... Chuckles
  14. You think wrong. To be honest, once you've destroyed someone online whose voice is yet to break and has done nothing but trash talking before the game, sometimes it can only be summed up with a good old fashioned lol. Heck, perhaps even a lolz.
  15. Jon


    Kinda torn whether to go downstairs and get some cornflakes, I'm real hungry but I don't think the throat will enjoy it too much. I'm being serious.
  16. All the reviews from the pilot said it looked excellent but did warn that similar things were said about Flashforward.
  17. No, that would be Undercovers.
  18. I'll be watching, this is suppose to be very good.
  19. The name of the procedure is an adenoidectomy. Just saw a video of it being done on youtube, thank god for anaesthesia
  20. Throat surgery isn't fun. It's also not fun having to wait 7 hours in a bed before going to surgery. It's also not fun to be spitting out copious amounts of blood at regular intervals.
  21. Two words. Murray Walker.
  22. I'm having throat surgery on Thursday. Good times.
  23. Glad to hear it. They PS3 is just coming into its element just now. The last thing I want to do is fork out more money on another console.
  24. Me too. The feeling of that knife piercing my skin as emo bliss resonates through my ears. Joy.
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