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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Jon

    Burnout 360

    Fierce LiNk - Legend according to the ign article it seems to be pretty secret, not sure if there is any media on it
  2. JonSt here, Said I was going to come here, but i guess i missed you all so much, used to be Staceyjo many moons ago on CE before changing to JonSt
  3. Jon

    Burnout 360

    Apparently the burnout series will be coming to the 360 as early as the first few months of next year. Source
  4. awww, i use to play this game all the time, gdi all the way !!!!
  5. Can some come up for with a new sig for moi please. Anything to with the xbox 360 will be spiffing.
  6. I have two cats, Ivy and Holly. might post a pic later
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