One thing that annoys me about game and some other stores is that they take all the factory sealing off there games, so when you buy them all the cases are scratched to fuck.
Do you have to keep going on about you being a girl, it doesnt mean your handicapped, i assume youve got a keyboard, so your on the same level as everyone else.
General young hooligans who congragate round the local shops and do nothing but trouble. Last night one started to verbaly abuse my 78 tear old gran, so i went up and physically removed them.
Im also in the same boat as bowser, my studio just doesnt have the man power or funds to develop a title for the ps3, but the others, well thats a different story ......
It might not do as well as there previous consoles if priced too high, but it will probably still win, just cause its called playstation, apparently folks like that.