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Everything posted by Jon

  1. I've been there on a few occasions, nothing major, just the odd cut that needed stitches or blood clot in the leg. The worst experience I've had was what happened to my brother. We were away on a caravan holiday, and you can imagine how small these things are. Were playing MGS and couch is right next to the kitchen unit, which contains a just boiled kettle. He caught the flex on his arm and the water went all down his back. Serious burnage on his back and arse. He couldn't sit down for months.
  2. Yeah, that's the one. Don't know if your one does but the shit sticky stuff they used to keep the cardboard attached to the plastic never worked for me, kept coming off all the time. So i whipped out the super glue earlier today and it worked a charm. That cardboard won't be going anywhere soon
  3. Anyone playing tonight?
  4. Quite a lot of things make me happy, obviously your basic ones; spending time with family and friends, paying sports, not going to work. One small pleasure I get is discovering a new TV show you've never watched before and suddenly becoming obsessed with it. I've done this, a lot. The other big win for me is listening to and seeing my favourite bands, not much inspires you more than music. I also like shotgunning people in the face.
  5. I'll settle for the posting of my purchases again.
  6. I've never been to a gym. I do press up/sit-ups every day and ran 2 miles every other day with football on a Sunday night. So i'm always doing something even if it's just basic press up and sit-ups. I really enjoy running, just something about jogging along listening to my favourite songs that makes me quite calm. Always important to let your body rest though, or else you'll only injure yourself and do more harm than good.
  7. Jon


    I wash my hair everyday but I don't really use any product. When my hair's short it looks ok with a little wax but as soon as it becomes even slightly long, any product on it just makes it looks like a greasy pile of poo. It's at that stage when I just generally shave it off and let it grow back again.
  8. It's actually because he's Scottish. We're taught from a young not to be caught messing about.
  9. The Season 1 edition I have of Chuck is unlike any DVD case i've ever had and is not the one on sale now. Probably not rare but it means a lot to me dammit.
  10. This show is beyond awesome in so many ways. I stopped watching after about 5 episodes into it's first season (so about 3 years ago) and have just finished watching S1 and S2 back to back. I just love everything about it, the cast, the music and the story lines. It's quite rare that a show actually improves in it's second year but in Chuck's case it's very much true. I also love all the pop culture references and generally nerdness in it. I've pre-ordered S3, but it isn't out for another month yet
  11. Jon

    Halo: Reach

    All dwarf is doing is stating an opinion, you seem to expect a the forum to have a one way view on everything, it's called a difference of opinion. I also fail to see how he is trolling, he's made a valid point on why he didn't like it and backed it up, you seem to be the one intent on creating the melodrama. If you're going to throw your toys out of the pram everytime someone disagrees with you, your going to be one angry young man.
  12. I'll post this here. Although I wasn't drunk, I had been drinking; yet It's know what constituted my own stupidity. When washing clothes, it's a always a good idea to take any valuable items like maybe an iPod out of your pocket before placing them in the machine for washing. If you don't you'll be stuck with a nice smelling but music-less paperweight.
  13. I do miss the HWYD thread just for posting ramblings and things that aren't worthy/no one would care about in it's own thread.
  14. Embarrasing. Our most creative players, Mcfadden, Dorrans, and Adam and not one of them started. He didn't make a sub until after an hour and didn't even bother bringing on Boyd. Disgrace.
  15. The best gig i've seen was probably Nickelback. Obvously a lot of people don't like them, but about half way through the gig, Chad come on the mic and said they had been told to wrap up the set sharpish so that the traffic congestion wouldn't be too bad (something less was happening in Glasgow at the time and anyone who's been to Glasgow knows how shit the traffic can be). Well he said fuck that and proceeded to play for an hour more than they normally would.
  16. They both feature mainly of characters still high school. It's a bit of a lame ass comparison but with precious few other high school shows on TV, it's the best it gets.
  17. Not having TV over here on Apple tv isn't a major loss at the moment. The US only have two networks on boards so it's basically Glee or Greys Anatomy for them. I'm not really a fan of renting, so I doubt i'd ever be buying it.
  18. I'm the opposite. I find Spotify horribly bloated and iTunes has never been anything but slick for me.
  19. Hearing MGMT on the radio.
  20. The bad dog blog doesn't say anything about it.
  21. Loser. I've only check 10 times.
  22. Let's arrange some raping sessions N-E Massive. I need to raise my level.
  23. I've never shopped there personally but judging by the look of the place, Primark would be hell to shop at. I also hate the jumped up little monkeys at the Apple shop who all think their mini Steve Jobs because they wear an Apple t-shirt and 3 quarter length shorts.
  24. This development year has blown in my view, the only new shows I have any interest in are The Event and The Cape..
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