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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Apart from having a knack for injuring myself, my body's been generally awesome. I seem to suffer from colds more than the average person but i'm generally pretty healthy.
  2. . New York, the streets make you feel brand new. . Canada, Toronto or Vancouver thanks. . New Zealand, Visiting Frodo and Gandalf in Hobbit land . The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando.
  3. I just bought the 1-6 boxset, I didn't see the point in waiting until 2012 until the whole set is released..
  4. So for someone who hasn't followed all this drama and wants it summed up quickly. Is this a software or hardware problem? KTHXBYE.
  5. Shit so far. Woke up to be violently sick at 4:30am this morning and it's kinda gone downhill. I'm sitting here with all the windows open and i'm still sweating unbelievably. I'm struggling to type this cause my hands are shaking quite bad
  6. Saw this picture at Uni earlier and it literally stunned on so many levels, I just love the way it looks like black but it's actually so much more.
  7. At the moment, not too much. Gonna book a holiday for next year, this year; if that makes any sense. Can't decide between Chicago or Canada or even both but I want to combine seeing the sights with as much Hockey possible and any other US sport I can find.
  8. For shame. I've been working extra hard not to slag off anyone English today and you go and destroy my feelings
  9. Great thread. . The feeling when you turn the pillow over to the cold side, especially during the summer. . Singing along too music and thinking i'm actually good. . Air drumming to anything with a beat. . The view from my window in winter. . When a song you've not heard for ages comes on and reminds you've of a good time in your life. (For me, when Empire State of Mind by Alicia Keys. Reminds me of my trip to the Big Apple ) . Going for a run at night when no one is about, with my iPod for company.
  10. It took me about 30 mins to work out what the thread title said. Happy Birthday!
  11. Uncharted 2? Yes.
  12. They've obviously forgotten about their own problems. I love hypocrisy in the afternoon.
  13. Epic rapage there with Rez and the Cook, I'm off to have some soup. EDIT System update 3.4 is on route.
  14. The skins are awesome, although there's a few times i've been shooting someone to fuck only to realise they're in my team.
  15. I just realised that generic music artist is so stunningly boring, no one can bore like her.
  16. If it was aimed at you it wouldn't have been in Italics and your message would have been quoted.
  17. Shut it you prick.
  18. So it makes for a better social gameplay experience?
  19. The 16GB would be too small for my iTunes library, the 32GB wouldn't. Simple really.
  20. You have to change the settings for each message type. Go to Messages, press the blackberry button (one next to green phone button) and go to message alerts and change the settings for each one.
  21. Jon

    The iPad

    But I haven't seen all of FNL What I have seen is from DVDs bought from amazon.com, with import charges paid.
  22. Jon

    The iPad

    You do realize by the letter of the law, you still have to pay import tax even if you buy it in the US and bring it back.
  23. Epic fail that this is for the PSP. I loved the second one and could see this being awesome on the PEE ESS THREE.
  24. You should have deleted the post, than banned him
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