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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. I've come to expect nothing of Nintendo's online efforts, despite their bullshit of changing for Wii U. If they had have really changed that much, we'd be able to play NSMBU online. Heck, the fact that the Wii version wasn't online was ridiculous in my eyes. But on topic, a lack of voice chat really is a shame and probably a sign of things to come. I was under the impression that this time Nintendo were doing all they could to make things easier for developers. I would like to think it's because of being a launch title though.
  2. I can't wait to play Luigi's Ghost Mansion and just the game in general. I wasn't sold on it to start with but can't wait for it now. It really does seem like the Wii Sports of Wii U. The graphics also remind me of Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, which is a good thing.
  3. 8 lessons in and I'm finally starting to get to grips with/ not completely despise learning to drive. Also, despite being ill all week, I feel amazing, though that's likely because I've had this week off work. Now to go to a 30th Birthday party, maybe rub in the fact that I'm 21 if I'm feeling evil. ...a 21 year old who can't drive. Maybe I won't :p
  4. Fantastic read, also some great games. Reminds me just how amazing the Wii is. It also reminds me that I still NEED Wario: Shake Dimension!
  5. I've never heard these before but I quite like them (and the video!) and hahahaha, if only. My dancing is more stiff and terrifying, like the Tin man in wizard of Oz
  6. Wow, that's awesome I've heard a lot about Yakuza, I may have to get it one day!
  7. I have to work all day tomorrow I'm gonna try set my 1 hour break to 3pm though. If 3G fails me now, my head might explode.
  8. This game has looked promising so far but sadly we'll be stuck with the same four characters: Mario, Luigi, Toad and, erm, Toad. But this time we get HD Mii's! http://www.n-europe.com/news/new-super-mario-bros-u-playable-characters Tezuka: "We did consider that when we looked at which characters we would use. We really came down on the side of using Mii characters rather than some of the characters you had mentioned. Through the technology of HD, you're going to see more expression and emotion on the Mii character faces. Of course, we're going to continue making Mario games, so you can maybe look forward to some of the things you were asking about in the future."
  9. So we meet again, DK! I can't wait for more toilet based humour/torture
  10. I feel fantastic after watching that video. Even after it has finished, that angelic voice is stuck in my head, repeating itself over and over again. I don't think I've felt this fantastic before. Fantastic. EDIT: Just realised who she reminds me of... KK Slider
  11. @Magnus Holy shit... I definitely missed a few episodes if that's the case :P Maybe I didn't watch the whole series after all!
  12. It was a struggle to get through the last season, add to that I've watched a couple of them randomly on E4 and I've completely forgotten what's going on. Was Barney getting married or something? Or did that turn out to be something else? For a series that I once loved so much, I really can't be bothered with it now.
  13. I heard that too! It's a best of isn't it? I really want to get it but I'll have to shell out for the Taiko drums again as well (I got a bit too involved in one song on hard mode and ended up breaking the one side of the drum :p)
  14. There are so many titles I could put in the top 10 that this is really a hard choice. The Wii is my favourite console (despite the mocking of many) because there's just so many little creative titles on it. I was pretty much burnt out on gaming at the end of the GameCube era and after purchasing one of the HD consoles little over a year ago, I can see why. Plenty of great games are available on them but all along the same old template just with improved graphics. Anyway, wtf am I babbling on about. Let's list these games! 1) Super Mario Galaxy 2 The best game I've ever played and sadly over-looked by a lot of the gaming public and even old Nintendo fans. My friend pulled a face when I told him how good Galaxy was, it wasn't until I slammed it in his mouth and ordered him to embrace it that he truly understood the beauty of it. 2) Super Mario Galaxy The original and possibly one of the most creative games I've ever played. My only gripe is the awful HUB world. Looking at New Super Mario Bros. after playing this makes me feel sick, so uninspired. 3) NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams I loved this game, and happened to stumble upon it by chance. I saw it going for £7 in GAME years ago and, having barely any Wii titles back then, picked it up knowing nothing about the game. I'm so happy I did as it introduced me to one of my favourite game worlds. The music, atmosphere and characters are all amazing. 4) EXCITE TRUCK!!!!!!111111 Another 'accident' much along the same lines as NiGHTS. My friend xbox Rob liked racing games so I begrudingly brought it (I'm not a big racing fan, only having really enjoyed DKR and the Mario Kart series) but it was incredible. The shifting landscapes, the great graphics, the huge jumps and that Canada track. 5) Wii Sports Resort The best motion controlled game I've played, ever. This is what the Wii is all about and I can only wonder how much longer the Wii would have lasted in the lime-light had it have had Motion + from the start. My favourite part? The first time you play and your Mii jumps out of the plane, grabbing onto other falling Mii's and taking photo's before a synchronised landing on the (soon to be regular Mii spot) Wuhu Island. 6) Wii Music In the words of Nicki Minaj, Ke$ha and any other whore-like celebrity, haters can go fuck themselves. Wii Music was misunderstood. I've had so much fun on this game, especially back in my old college days having jam sessions with friends. I can't help but think the same as Red Shell, E3 really did kill this game before it had even left Miyamoto's womb. 7) Just Dance "Wtf is wrong with this guy?!" I hear you all scream. Yes, to say the Wii is my favourite console and then fill the top 10 with such low scoring titles as Excite Truck, Nights, Wii Music and Just Dance may be confusing but I realised a good few years ago that gaming critics are mostly full of shit and you should just play what you enjoy. With that in mind, despite the dubious controls, the Just Dance series has provided so many drunken laughs at house parties. The only game that came close to this much non-gamer type fun is Donkey Konga on Gamecube. 8) Let's Tap Some people could play this game for two minutes and toss it aside, thinking it's a pile of typical Wii party game turd. Those people are fools. The Tap Runner game is great but Rhythm Tap is where it's at. It controls pretty much like Donkey Konga but with the power of your TAP strength but where it really comes alive is the music. All of it original work, all of it truly incredible. This is the first game that I actually bought the soundtrack too and it has, by far, the best ever theme tune. 9) Klonoa I've always had a soft spot for Klonoa so when I heard the PS1 classic was getting a Wii remake I was in heaven. I know I said earlier on that I'd become sick of the 'same games with better graphics' but when the game in question has this much charm, well, who cares. Though the ending is pretty damn weird. 10) Super Smash Bros. Brawl Brawl is a great game and always so much fun in multiplayer. Sadly though, whenever I play it I can't help but think how much better Melee is. A great title in its own right but didn't live up to the hype. For the record, years ago on the top 50 Gamecube games, Melee was my number 1. Ouch. _______________________________ I had every intention to include the great KIRBY'S EPIC YARN, SONIC COLOURS and DJ HERO in my top 10 but sadly they just slipped out HONOURABLE MENTIONS: Where do I start? I think this is the first generation MARIO KART didn't make the list, despite it being a really great game. Also of note is MY SIMS, a fantastic title that I got completely obsessed with until the loading times made me want to kill myself. SAMBA DE AMIGO, the first dancing game I played on Wii and still great fun even now - Sadly I just can't master the controls from Hard and up. Wii Fit for making me realise just how fat I was, I think I'm one of the few people that used it regularly to lose weight :p also, the marching is bitchin' -Breathes- KORORINPA (and the sequel with the marble name) - What Super Monkey Ball on Wii should have been. Extra points for fantastic controls (it feels like Motion +) and the Pug ball. M&S@TL2012OG - The great party game of this year, haven't stopped playing it despite the annoyance of my friends. WII PARTY, Mario sucks at throwing a party, the Mii's know how to do it, and with JLS. FRAGILE DREAMS, because you're not a best friend until you have a gay kiss together. A SHADOWS TALE, because I love depressing 2D platforms, I felt like a Stranger in Moscow. WARIO WARE, because my Mii looks incredible as a flying angel. _______________________________________________ Omissions! Being N-Europe, I decided to take these games out of my top 10 despite them being two of my favourites: EXCITE BOTS: Not quite as good as Excite Truck but what it lacks in crazy levels and jumps it makes up for with insane transformations, super sandwiches and SUPER RED BAR'S!! Taiko No Tatsujin: Filling the huge Donkey Konga shaped gap in my life, this pricey purchase earlier in the year was well worth every penny. _________________________________________________ WiiWare: MUSCLE MARCH, hilariously fun game even if it is a bit simple. The BIT TRIP series, specifically BIT. TRIP RUNNER. Let's Catch, it's just a game about throwing and catching a ball, but the deep conversations you have with the other players are so touching that it's almost like reading a great book. _________________________________________________ There's still so much more but, I'm tired of typing and I'm pretty sure you're tired of scrolling past this post :p
  15. Gotye and Adele lyrics on Facebook annoy me, especially if it's because someone has just ended a relationship. But I can't complain as I quite often put Sonic lyrics on Twitter :p Also, the misuse of "off" and "of". I never thought it would be such a huge thing but I've seen it so much lately, fucks me of so much.
  16. This is terrible news, it feels like I've lost an old friend. It had such a great community feel that none of the others did. It's the first thing I properly started reading and I started to really enjoy my English lessons because of it. I even made a lame Nintendo website on freewebs with some of my friends back in school :p I've posted the news on the front page, I tried not to get too carried away :p http://www.n-europe.com/news/nintendo-gamer-finishes-after-20-years
  17. Aah I forgot to mention that, I changed the speed ages ago, I can see why you were angry at the length of the games now :P The needless chit chat is also a good thing to get rid of, apart from when you are against Birdo, she's hilarious.
  18. On Saturday I went out to the same club I visited about a month ago and who do I see? The same 'fit asian guys' as last time. We spent another happy half an hour dancing together before we got outside and I realised... they speak no English at all. The one tried to find me on facebook but we couldn't find english symbols on his phone :p
  19. I like Alton Towers, and the month of October. I'll turn up as a mysterious guest, lurking in the shadows of you all as I do on these forums. It will be fun.
  20. I was in the front room with my two parents who were talking about getting a new shed whilst watching Big Brother... I'd been meaning to tell them about it for quite some time but it never felt like the right moment. Because the conversation was so incredibly dull though, I decided to mention it then. But it didn't come out properly :p I had this whole speech in my head but as I went to say it my words got stuck so instead I just blurted, "GUYS, I'm gay". They looked confused at my sudden outburst, possibly because I'd suddenly gone red in the face and quite light headed but maybe also because it had nothing to do with sheds or the shit that was on TV. My mom asked me if I was drunk because of my odd behaviour until she accepted it a few hours later after I got to explain myself properly :p My dad was also cool with it, though when I first shouted my coming out statement he coughed his tea in his lap, it was like something from a cheap comedy. About a week later was my college trip to Amsterdam, I got incredibly drunk on the ferry there and told everyone. So yeah, pretty shoddy execution but it worked out well :p
  21. Some matches can go on a bit :p Have you tried buying out properties and getting an entire set yet? That alone can add to the fun! And make sure you check out the target amount before a game! They're generally 10,000 15,000 and 20,000 so you can (kind of) decide how much BOOMING you wish to do
  22. Me and Birdo are waiting for you
  23. I accidently reformatted my whole 3DS today, instead of just the SD card (it was my own fault, not reading the menu's properly) - Still, I have a huge hole in my heart right now. My poor Mii has disappeared, hopefully to a better place. We walked so many roads together, met so many different people, covered so many regions and thwarted every kind of beast that Street Pass could throw our way. One thing is for sure, I won't be pissing around doing all the again :p Streetpass is dead to me now (and at this moment in time, my entire 3DS is)
  24. I tried that a few times but no hope In the end I reformatted, then put the folders back on but that didn't help. I guess I could just use another SD card and download the games again but I swear some extra data is save files and stuff
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