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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. My SD card is playing up, none of the additional software shows up on the 3DS menu now. When I go into extra data it recognises that the SD card is there, so I don't know what's wrong. Could anyone help me!? D:
  2. I generally tend to lurk around in the shadows, though anyone that knows me from the C-E days would probably be glad of that :p I've noticed activity has dropped a bit but as other people have said, it's summer! Most people are busy eating cake whilst watching the Olympics (or that could just be me).
  3. Should be going to Ireland again later on in the year, this time to the SOUTH! I had a great time last month in Belfast so I'm sure it shall be spiffing.
  4. I don't know what I'd do with my day without my nan constantly sending me Farmville requests.
  5. Twitter is down, this is possibly the worst thing to have happened all year.
  6. Pretty much that entire collection could be named "toughest moments on Wii" :P Especially Runner
  7. I really liked Nuts & Bolts, sure it wasn't as good as the originals but I wasn't expecting it to be. I feel as though it was the Mario Sunshine of the Banjo universe, greatly misunderstood. Anyway, I really hope this is true. I was fine with Rare being with MS, that's part of the reason I got a 360, and I loved playing Kameo, Banjo and Perfect Dark in HD but what I can't stand is the fact that they're now only working on Kinect games. So yeah, Nintendo should buy them or MS should let them make non-Kinect titles again!
  8. The Purple Coins of Battlerock Galaxy, worst moment of my life. But that music, oh man, I could have played it forever.
  9. Pahaha no, if only I did. Though surely "want to see my Chunky Kong" would have been more suitable for such a Nintendo situation. And I plan to cosplay as this next time: I love the casual racism by those Indian ladies too :p It's almost as bad as people who are like "I'm not racist, I have a black friend, BUT..." And @Magnus - That really isn't a great idea :P I have the physique of a 13 year old
  10. Oh christ, I forgot about this. And I have no idea why I wore a Donkey Kong t shirt out last night, so far from suiting up it's unreal!
  11. This is how me and Linzi decided to prepare for the club, also proof that not every gay guy can dance (I actually look as though I'm having a seizure). Were home now, eating chicken. But this video probably shows why, at the club, I couldn't pull the hot asian guys whereas Linzi had no trouble (and wasn't even trying, SHE DOESN'T WANT THEM!!)
  12. I actually can't believe twenty one people don't have sugar in their tea! I used to have no sugar in my beverage and people would look at me as though I was crazy and asking for goat milk or something. But yeah, one sugar all the way. It's like the middle porridge, not too hot, not too cold. Did I get that right? I'm not sure, haven't had that story read to me for quite some time. There should be a 'dunk 10 Digestives' option.
  13. Had an awesome day as I got my laptop back after a long repair! I've missed this place!! Also had a super day with @f00had celebrating his birthday! I'm so full of pizza now, I might explode into a big puddle of grease.
  14. That Japanese box art looks AMAZING
  15. I'm glad to have been of assistance, capturing Yoshi AR Cards is my new primary objective on N-E... Until actual news starts emerging again post E3 :p
  16. When you have played Diddy Kong Racing and Perfect Dark in multiplayer on the n64 you become strong against terrible frame rates :p
  17. Maybe Yuji Naka is in on this whole E3 Penguin thing
  18. 3D all the way, it just makes the games look so much better. For example, I think <em>Mario Kart 7</em> looks barely any different to DS without the 3D turned up.
  19. We popped in twice aswell! What's the name of your Mii? My Mii has a triforce on its head
  20. I managed to get TODAY off, which is mad considering Saturdays are like... sacred. Not too eager about my current job but certainly impressed about the fact I'm barely there for a while. I booked off a holiday in Janurary and just remembered... so two weeks off after tomorrow
  21. The prizes were pretty weird, man. and I got a DARK PIT card, I'm just gonna watch him duke it out with normal Pit all night whilst drowning my sorrows in Strongbow. It's the only way to get over such a shameful loss. And the Pit side of the poster didn't crease for me, it looks pretty intense. I'll have to find somewhere to bang it up. That's ashame, man! Maybe you can make one of the next ones! I'm up to about Chapter 16 I think. And yeah I like to play it in short bursts but have been on the same chapter for over a week now :P I'll really have to get back into it!
  22. I performed so badly I didn't even have my picture taken with the squad :p That guy was just too good for my noobish skills, not to mention I really don't like multiplayer anyway (well, that's my excuse) I got some rare loser cards though! And a poster with Pit and Dark Pit! The queue was so extreme when we first got there, especially considering there was only one guy to play against and each match was like 3 mins!
  23. I really should have practiced in the first place :P I've only played multiplayer once! It will be a frantic train ride
  24. Remember the DS remake? I can't believe they managed to mess it up and for no apparent reason leave the best song of the original out of the game! I just want Nintendo to release it on Virtual Console! I've been hoping that would happen since I was discussing this way back in a thread called "What download titles do you want on Nintendo Revolution?" on Cube-Europe! MAKE IT HAPPEN (I'm aiming my anger and hatred toward Rare and Nintendo, I know that you indeed cannot make it happen )
  25. I loved the game up until the 3rd cup which is when I realised they'd just keep using the same themes :/ Hopefully we'll actually see some levels based off of Crazy Taxi, Space Channel 5 etc in this one!
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