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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. I thought he only had eyes for Leon And we should play BOOM Street tomorrow, hopefully it has 2 player local online like on Mario Kart Wii (If that makes sense! It's hard to explain) and then we can take on N-E (and indeed, the world) with pizza and Japanese beer. @yesteryeargames won't know what's hit him
  2. GOLF?! I thought Richard was the only person who played. And if only, I could do a great commentary of the game along the lines of "wow, woah man, wow".
  3. I watched one out of curiosity but now... I just... can't help myself *Carries on watching Series 2*
  4. @yesteryeargames I should be playing on Tuesday evening, along with my friend Ib, if I am I'll be sure to let you know! Pm me your code (is it game specific or just the general wii code?) @f00had You need to get in on this aswell! I'll have to sort out my Skype!
  5. That happened on mine too but then in Series 2 it went back to full screen
  6. I realize that I am FACELESS, well, I am here on N-Europe. Other than a Gamecube logo or indeed, the taiko drum from erm taiko no tatsujin - I have no actual picture of myself (though I would love to be as jolly as that drum) So what better way to once again vaguely introduce myself then to show you me as the queen. This was taken at that really rubbish wax works in Liverpool, I think they spent so much time and dedication on Cilla Black they decided to fuck everything else and just charge everyone £12 to get in anyway. But I'm waffling. Uploaded with ImageShack.us And this is me as Scatman John though the NGamer lot rudely claimed I looked more like another moustache wielding fiend. (Que mega photoshop skillz) Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  7. It doesn't happen often but I sometimes get Street Pass hits late. My friend at work has a 3DS and so whenever I go to work I get one off him but the one day I was casually playing Mario Kart at about 1am in my room and got a Street Pass off him. So I'm guessing it can sometimes be late (or he was just sneaking into my bedroom, uninvited)
  8. Day off today! Activities include: -Finishing Christmas wine -Playing through Christmas games, highlights being Rayman Origins, Enslaved and DJ Hero 2 -Sending beautiful, heart-felt pictures via Nintendo Letterbox -Spamming Twitter -Watching fishing videos.... I'm really not a fisherman and know nothing about it but me and my friend are huge SEGA fans and enjoyed a bit of SEGA Bass Fishing recently. Anyway, we jokingly said we should go fishing one day and this has manifested into getting a fishing licence, rods and deciding on when we should pop our fishing virginity.
  9. My tabs are always: N-E/N-E Forums (I don't post much at all but I'm always reading, like a stalker/ninja), Twitter, Facebook, YouTube. In fact, I can't have many more tabs than that.. my laptop is terrible and would likely explode.
  10. I'm really hyped for this all of a sudden. I'll be getting this on Friday along with some drinks (and Pringles, obviously) and have a go at my friends house! I shall tell you all what I think!
  11. I had my own tea set when I was little and would have imaginary tea parties with my dinosaur and power rangers toys so I suppose I was diverse. And I usually pick Birdo (Though Mario Kart 7 doesn't have Birdo, god damn it)
  12. Like hey Sanim, fancy seeing you on here

  13. Neither do I but a new downloadable cup with 4 new races? I would gladly pay for that!
  14. I've added you on 3DS :D Mine is 3995 6681 4879 if you want to add me back!

  15. I've added you on 3DS :D Mine is 3995 6681 4879 if you want to add me back!

  16. I've added you on 3DS :D Mine is 3995 6681 4879 if you want to add me back!

  17. It took me ages but bizarrely you need TWO yellow characters, they will team up together and create a sandstorm which... blows the poison away Also, how DO you get the purple pieces?! Can someone shed light on this?
  18. I hate those kinds of rooms! I had a poison room recently which everyone just ran away from instantly, it took me ages to realize how to get rid of the damn fog. It's slightly easier now that you can hire old allies though as you can choose the right colour instead of hoping for the right coloured dog to appear!
  19. Oh braces, I had them for like 3 years and they did me the world of good but sadly I think I'll also have to have them again soon as my bottom teeth have just gone all out of line in the last few years! Anyhoo, today wasn't good. I found out I have to work both Christmas eve and New Years eve! I know I sound like a whiney bastard when some jobs require you to work Christmas day bu it was still bit of a downer. What's worse is that they have decided to cut my hours after Christmas by more than half. Bah! Spare time, we meet again.
  20. @Retro_Link I thought exactly the same, I was so hyped for this a year ago but the longer they spend and the more I see, the less interested I am. @Cube I've heard nothing about it but I assumed one of the reasons for the delay was so that it could use the Circle Pad Pro. And it's probably just because it's been up-scaled but I actually think the graphics look terrible
  21. Had a great night out yesterday, it's the first time I've gone all Ke$ha in quite a while! One of the weirder moments was when this guy asked for my number, I wouldn't have minded as he was actually quite a looker but I couldn't think of my number at the time and couldn't get my phone out of my pocket at that moment (more on that in a second) so he got my name and added me on Facebook there and then... The weird part of it though is that all this happened whilst I was using the urinal. Classy as always I suppose.
  22. I may be in this thread later on or... I might just hop into bed. I've just got to make one huge decision - Do I go out tonight? On the one hand, it's been ages and loads of my friends are going but on the other... I have work at 11.30am tomorrow and plan to go up town, buy Mario Kart 7 and play Mario Kart 7 before starting. We'll see.
  23. I can't believe so many people have it already, I really need to start pre-ordering games :P But... ONE DAY LEFT
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