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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. Sorry to be factually wrong, I should have made it clearer. I meant there was nothing that interested me similar to how people often say "there's nothing on TV tonight" when there isn't anything good to watch. It's not as though all of the TV stations suddenly go off air, its just a phrase. And even if you count all of the software that wasn't internally developed it's still appalling. Being drip fed an enhanced version of Nintendogs and a disappointing Pilotwings sequel is not my idea of a good year.
  2. I haven't took part in an N-Europe MK thing before but I sure hope that will change soon A word of warning, I'm amazing.
  3. Those are all quality games but I think the point being made is that for the first 10 months of the year, there was nothing.
  4. I can't believe some of you are sticking up for Nintendo. They've released barely anything note worthy this year, thank god November is finally here. I see some people have even mentioned Wii Play Motion. Really? The fact that a sequel to Wii Play gets mentioned as a big release shows how little has been done this year. I agree that Nintendo's consoles have been fun this year, the Wii has had Xenoblade, the 3DS has had Street Fighter and Pilotwings but Nintendo themselves have done barely anything. Starfox, Ocarina Of Time and Pilotwings were all done by different teams (as has already been stated), Wii Play Motion was done by a mixture of teams all focusing on one mini game, Kirby's Epic Yarn only came out over here in 2011 because Nintendo held it back (to fill the huge void) and erm, that's about it. It's understandable though as I assume Nintendo have some amazing Wii U stuff to show us soon, at least.. I hope so. Really? Maintaining two platforms? Nintendo have released barely anything on the Wii or DS. Again, it's not exactly their fault and if the PS3 and 360 had such terrible third party support they would be in the same situation but luckily they don't.
  5. I saw this earlier and actually felt sick. What a stupid, ignorant prick. The worst thing is though, that poor kid has to look up to her.
  6. It's nothing at all like MKWii @Fused King - I just assumed it was the full list, now you mention it, I really hope it isn't. All of the new characters just seem so weird/obscure. Metal Mario, the bee and Wiggler?! What were they thinking. Other than that minor set back though, I really can't wait. Reviews seem incredibly positive so far and I get paid this Friday so I'll be waiting at the nearest available shop.
  7. I just took a quick gander at the character list and there's no Birdo OR Diddy Kong who were my main characters on Mario Kart Wii. And there's no way I'm being that bee. It still makes me sick that out of the huge Mario universe, that random Bee from Galaxy gets in.
  8. Launch trailer! http://www.n-europe.com/news.php?nid=16605
  9. I couldn't agree more. I've never had this much fun with a Nintendo console and I think I'm around the 50 game mark (about 100 with VC and WiiWare) which is by far the biggest collection I've had for a console. I'll be sad to see the little white box (and little red since last Christmas, oh yeah ) go but I'm sure I'll be playing it in years to come
  10. That's quite worrying, I've never been able to look at Hammer Bros. the same since Galaxy 2.
  11. Wait... so? If you've used the help box thing, you can't get the last star? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUWiiU
  12. Thanks for that @Debug Mode - I agree with a lot of the things you have said but I'll be picking it up regardless. I really enjoyed the 360 version and as bland as I thought the 3DS version looked a few days ago, since the release trailer and watching a few recent levels I'm actually very excited.
  13. I'm really enjoying this so far. I hated the first few worlds but then something just clicked and it feels like a handheld galaxy, which is a very good thing. I'm collecting all the gold star ring medal things which is mighty fun and certainly adds a bit of longevity, skill and 64 type exploration! One thing I'm not sure about though is how to get a gold flag pole. I've randomly got it a few times but wasn't sure how!
  14. I could never stand The Pub Landlord, I hated having to sit through it when everyone else was laughing hysterically. And I actually used to love Harry Hill's TV Burp but I have to agree, it just isn't that funny any more. I watched an episode last week and barely smiled the whole way through though I think it could be partly an age thing now.
  15. I just followed you @canand for the brave profile picture :P And with 6 followers I'd believe this to be the true NOE Twitter, I'd also expect them to never update it again just to make it all the more realistic (Like the DS Online website NOE just stopped updating when they got bored)
  16. I loved it on 360, the only thing I wasn't keen on was the lack of acts and those rubbish side missions. If anything, I think the 3DS version won't be as good. I went there
  17. I can't believe a lot of the negativity in this thread, this is by far one of my favourite Sonic games, perhaps only being beaten by Colours. I've nearly finished the main story mode, got kinda side-tracked getting S ranks on previous levels and such. I love the modern versions of past games but I've never been a big fan of 2D sonic games (the lack of a homing attack really infuriates me but I've been told I can unlock that for 2D sonic!) so those levels drag out for me. The highlight so far has to be Act 2 of Rooftop Run - Such an epic level. I also loved the start of Planet Wisp Act 2 until it turned into the worst Sonic level ever concieved.
  18. I love the old style Mario. Those huge hands, pointy nose and his murderous cross-eyes. I don't see why Ps1/N64/Saturn type games can't/won't be seen in the same way as 8-Bit games currently are. As far as old stuff is concerned, I do really miss the days of VHS tapes and cartridge games. The height of nostalgia is shoving in a Disney video and not even fast-forwarding the adverts at the start because they were so damn awesome. I still remember the Disney Land advert, it used to blow my mind.
  19. I agree with @Rummy - Mario 64 was incredible at the time, we didn't need any other games.
  20. Josh64


    I never used to get Twitter all that much, I was a lot like Dazz :P "Why are there so many @ signs!? Why does everything have a hash tag!? Where are notifications!?!?!?" *head explodes* But I love it now, the last few months I've been on it more than Facebook (which is quite something!) I've followed a few of you! Link to mine is in my signature, though don't feel obliged to follow back, I harp on about rubbish most of the time :p
  21. @Ashley - They are incredibly cute, I'll have to get one - And I'd much prefer one of those over a hat anyway despite what the website implies :p


    And I can use quotation marks but they won't show up? Surely there's not much point then :p

  22. @RedShell - I wasn't aware it utilized motion+ but by the sounds of it none of the controls work well. I've just skimmed over it again and... - A great game ruined by terrible controls, "One of the first things you have to do is hold B whilst flicking the remote to jump" - Navigate the island with a variety of vehicles, would be good but once again the controls are an issue. "Control by holding the nunchuk and controller out infront of you like handlebars, uncomfortable after a couple of minutes and imprecise most of the time" - "some parts of the game feel like they weren't tested properly." - If anything, the game shows how far the developers have overstretched themselves in expanding the Family Ski formula" Graphics: 8 Audio: 6 Gameplay: 4 "it's utterly compromised by some of the worst motion controls we've ever endured" _________________ I also had high hopes for Go Vacation but the review really is scathing.
  23. The review said that the open world aspect etc is great but the whole game is dragged down by rubbish motion controls :/ They even compared some of the mini-games to the ones seen in Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz D:
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