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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. Hi, Just wondered what games ur playing atm and what game u play all of the time, because ive notced that every so often i get hooked on one of my old games. I always used to play smash bros but latley ive got totally obsessed with super monkey ball again. Cant stop playing it. Im also playing through adult mode on viewtiful joe2. What games r u playing?
  2. I do feel easy about being open on th internet, i dont be as open in real life because sometimes i dont feel comfortable, I do on the internet. Its just easier. Its really hard to explain but i dont feel as uptight about talkin about stuff on the internet.
  3. Viewtiful Joe series is brill. I thought fire leo was really hard in the first one, but managed to get past him. comopleted it and thought it was brill. I then brought VJ2 after wanting it for ages i saw if for just 20 quid first hand! so i brought it and its brill, just completed it in kids and doing it in adult atm, the 36 chambers are good and the overall game is rly cool. As good as the first although i think the boss' arent as memorable. If i was u i would buy it
  4. Me too, as it says in my sig, I cba to rewrite it lol. Im so lazy
  5. Congratulations everyone! Especially fierce link! U did brilliantly!
  6. Hi, Like the new site. Its a bit big for my screen too though, Have to keep scrolling across. Its still rly cool though. WELL DONE!
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