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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. What a list, I'll be happy if the Wii U manages to churn out as many classics! EDIT: But Skyward Sword is better than Galaxy 2!?
  2. They fixed the controls! Maybe... I haven't updated yet :P Will have another pop at it soon! This is from SEGA's Facebook: "We've released a patch for NiGHTS into dreams... on PSN and XBLA. First, we’ve adjusted the controls to allow analog input in 24 directions, which will give you greater control. Second, we’ve changed the drill-dash speed so it aligns with the Saturn version of the game. The patch is available now!"
  3. That's great news! DKC 2 deserves to be on every system I own. As for the whole removal situation, I still hastily fire up Twitter every day to see if any news of a HD collection emerges, it never does.
  4. Yes, they are! http://www.n-europe.com/news/white-nintendo-3ds-xl-mario-kart-7-super-mario-3d-land-trailers And the above post is a tasty deal indeed. Thanks for the heads up @welsh_gamer
  5. New trailer on front page! I'll stop complaining now because, despite the story woes, it still seems to have plenty of that Paper Mario charm. http://www.n-europe.com/news/paper-mario-sticker-star-launch-trailer
  6. The final chapter is still one of the greatest in any Mario title : peace:
  7. Could you enlighten me on this? :p (Breaking Bad is amazing btw)
  8. I usually try and get 7, anything less and I'm completely useless. Thankfully I start work at 12.30 5 days a week, so it means this doesn't effect my bad habit of getting to sleep around 3-4 am :p Waking up is SUCH a hard task every day, I set two alarms on my phone, one an hour before I wake up (which is some random piano solo) which I keep snoozing every 10 mins, then a more annoying one half an hour before I should be up, which is far more annoying as it's just a bunch of ducks quacking. The final one is this beast of an alarm which sounds pretty much like an old school fire drill, I put it at the other end of the room so I just have to get out of bed. When I think about it, it's a good job I wake up when everyone else has left the house else they'd be fuming. The one day I set my alarm as barking dogs, my lord, what a riot that caused. My real dogs in the other room were going crazy.
  9. My brother is getting his girlfriend one of those old style Jukeboxs that plays CD's so I got the perfect present to go along side that... Also, because my brother loves (this awful) TV series: ...And I have nothing else :p SO much shopping to do
  10. Ugh, is Miyamoto serious?! As far as I'm concerned, the story has always been the main part of the Paper Mario series. I think I'll get this from Love Film before I buy it, which is shocking as it was my most anticipated 3DS title. I just want a true sequel to Thousand Year Door
  11. You found a random Sonic shirt still in its wrapper and you didn't wear it?!
  12. Dug out my old ipod today and found these guys, I was happy indeed.
  13. Work told me today I'll lose "26 hours a week", which isn't great. They rang me just before I went Christmas shopping, which is a good thing I suppose. It wouldn't be as bad if they gave me some warning, but it was literally "don't come in tomorrow". I'll have to cut back on the Taiko Drums, Sonic tshirts and... WII U.
  14. I feel sick, this news is horrific. I need some beer now.
  15. I'm always up and down but haven't been this uncertain for quite a while. I suffered from anxiety, panic attacks and all sorts back in school, missing 6 months at one point thanks to not being able to leave the house. It was weird and if I'm honest, I can't remember most of it, when I try to remember what happened in year 11 it's pretty much completely blank. Anyway, as time went by I started to improve and pretty much become completely fine again, I'd always get the odd day where I was on edge and stuff, but I made friends and even started hanging out socially. It was pretty crazy. Anyway yeah, since then I've been on and off. I don't think anyone really knows though, I don't really speak much about my sanity. But anyway, that brings me onto why I'm here. The last few months have been really weird. My anxiety has been through the roof, and whilst I'm not as bad as I was (I still attend social events and stuff as oppose to hiding away in my room) it certainly seems to be a downward spiral. I don't know, I get like this every now and then, I'll probably be fine in a few days, but the last few weeks have been really hard and I don't really have anyone to talk to about it, so this seemed like the best place to spurt my feelings. Some days I just don't want to get out of bed, I just feel like staying there and letting the world go by. I know it will pass, it always does, but I don't know. I suppose my anxiety always gets worse when bad stuff is happening, and this year seems to have been handing out shit on a plate.
  16. Got a SEALED copy of Tatsunoko vs Capcom from Morrisons a few weeks ago for £7 and then hear today that it's no longer in print. http://www.n-europe.com/news/tatsunoko-vs-capcom-is-going-out-of-print Awesome! Also, managed to bag myself THREE sealed classic controllers for £15.
  17. I was itching to reply, but Magnus took the words out of my fingers! And I'd say Excite Truck is better than Excite Bike, I'd love to see a sequel with online! Or just Excite Bots on the eShop!
  18. I'd love third party support like... Viewtiful Joe 3 and Super Monkey Ball 3! Sadly though, the closest we'd get to that is VJ as a playable character in a Capcom VS game and SUPER MONKEY BALL BANANA EXPLOSION FUN! or something... The death of so many of my favourite third-party franchises is saddening, especially Monkey Ball, but it has forced me to try new things this last generation at the very least. What even was I talking about? Gee it's late. Oh yeah, to get me excited I'd have to say... A NEW 3D MARIO! That is really all I would require. For the first year of having an N64 I only owned Super Mario 64 and even then knew that it was my favourite console. That's when I really started getting into games because shockingly, I've never been that interested in 2D Mario games. Remember Rocket the robot on wheels? Ubisoft should bring that back for sure. Good night.
  19. I went to a Halloween/fancy dress party this Wednesday (because that's the only time we all managed to be off work!) and went as a (kind of) Ash Ketchum. I say kind of as I got the hat from eBay but the rest is made up of clothes that just barely resemble the boy wonder from the likes of Tesco and Matalan :p Though it's still better than any previous attempts! In first year of primary school I was the hungry caterpillar (it was book day or something, not Halloween) and everyone in my class kept calling me bug boy. At the time, an insult as extreme as 'bug boy' was like being stabbed in the heart. I kept my cool throughout most of it, but then I cracked near the end, tears spewing :p Rest assured, my face ended up looking like a green mush. That's why it's taken 16 years to dress up again ahahaha
  20. I'd never played the original so I have to say I'm slightly disappointed by it. Especially as I love the Wii version, I actually have no idea why people consider that to be shit when compared to this. The controls feel pretty clunky and the game itself is just so zoomed in. The pop-up seems horrible and the graphics in general are so messy with awful textures that it's hard to tell what's going on. I know it's a Saturn game and I'd have expected it to look this way in the Saturn version, but with the remake I was expecting more effort on SEGA's part like with Daytona USA. *hides in cave*
  21. I like it but no where near as much as I thought I was going to. The style, the music and the setting are all great but the controls ruin it for me. Bad controls mixed with a camera which isn't always great have made it really hard to enjoy, which is a shame for something I'd been looking forward to getting for so long.
  22. I'm not too fussed about frame rate issues, obviously I'd prefer it without them but growing up with many an N64 Rare title has made me almost immune.
  23. After watching GREAT TEACHER ONIZUKA recently I've been really into this guy. I want his shirt.
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