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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. It's currently the best selling book on Amazon.com! http://www.n-europe.com/news/the-legend-of-zelda-hyrule-historia-releases-in-europe-enjoys-great-success-in-the-us EDIT: I want to pick this up, but have to get the history of Sonic first :p
  2. I heard about NFC last year but didn't think it made the final cut seeing as nothing has used it yet and, as Retro_Link said, all of those games come with readers anyway :P I still think it's a missed opportunity that the Wii U didn't come with a non-specific action figure and some build in software to show the NFC capabilities :p
  3. @Cube Oh good grief, I'd forgotten about the monstrosity that was Tiny Kong
  4. I don't know but now you mention it, I guess they would have had to edit the game so it didn't include banjo and conker.
  5. I've tried a few pictures but it keeps not recognising my face - I DON'T EXIST Though I'd like to think it would come out as this:
  6. Then again, Diddy Kong Racing never appeared on Wii VC and I was always told that was probably because of the DS remake :P We can all hope for the best though!
  7. @Ville I think the only reason they're a bad choice is that they don't feel very Nintendo. It's not like Tekken has really had a lot of appearances on Nintendo consoles :P Which is a shame really because it would be a good addition to some of the heavier fighters like Ganon and CAPTAIN FALCON
  8. I dreamt I was at my old secondary school yesterday, for like a school reunion. But when we walked through the doors we turned back into our 13 year old selves, it felt so weird shrinking back down to a tiny pre-teen :p Anyway, nothing else particularly interesting happened, in fact we just started going to classes and doing work... what a crazy reunion :p But then the floor suddenly started falling from beneath me and the walls started crumbling, I looked out of the window and there was a black hole in the middle (the start of our old school has like rows of class rooms forming a square in the middle which was spent for dinner times and stuff, the rest just branched out like a normal school) So yeah, it was in the middle where this huge black hole was sucking everything in, friends and parts of the school, then it started sucking me in which was awful. I started flying through the air going at such an intense speed, I remember smashing through a wall to get to the black hole and then woke up just as I went through it. My old school did get knocked down, but I'm pretty sure it didn't happen quite like that :p
  9. Imagine if it was like Marvel Vs Capcom, with Nintendo characters on the left side and third parties on the right. Half and half. ...Okay yeah, that's a terrible idea. I think it should be all first party like Melee, but have DLC in the form of third party characters. You're keeping everyone happy then, the classic SMASH! fans have an untarnished game and the ones who liked the inclusion of Sonic/Snake in Brawl can download the others.
  10. I was at my friends house and he recently got a 'chipped' ps1 off his dad with like 50 or so games (of which I'm assuming were from a dubious source). For weeks we got through this huge pile of games and they were all perfectly fine (especially Tom and Jerry, what a title) until we came across this one which was just blank on the front. We put it in, curious as to what it may be, and a menu popped up with naked ladies on it. We clicked on the one lady and a video started to play. We had no idea what was going on, we just knew that the lady was really enjoying something WHILST NAKED and that the guy had the biggest penis we'd ever seen. I went home swiftly after and held my N64, shivering in a corner.
  11. I loved the look of the remake when I first saw it, but the more I keep looking, the more I think I prefer the GameCube style. I'll wait until I see it in motion to make my final judgement though
  12. Whilst it wasn't as good as the GameCube games, I actually thought Banana Blitz was awesome... apart from the awful boss battles. Honestly, WHAT were they thinking? And The Magnificent Five in Viewtiful Joe pissed me right off! Them bosses were hard enough as it is, but I have to play them all again, one after another!?
  13. I was starting to wonder why I got so hyped for Twilight Princess before launch, then all those memories of these trailers came flooding back to me. I remember thinking the exact same thing, especially in the scene where there are hundreds of monsters across a huge field and he's running along slashing them all. I'll never forgive Nintendo for that
  14. Entei as a playable character would make all my dreams come true. I'd also love Ash Ketchum but I know there are a lot of people who don't care for the TV show :p (and could he be used in the game or is he owned by the producers of the tv show? I don't know how that stuff works :P) I just know I was fuming that they had all that Sonic music but no Pokemon music from the 2ba Master album
  15. When people say something along the lines of, "You like THAT!? What the hell? That's shit!". It's like, geez, god forbid we have slightly different tastes. I don't see why people cant accept tastes different to their own. I think FIFA is shit, but that's because I don't like football. I wouldn't constantly tell fans of that game how shit it is, and besides, I can see that it is a quality game.
  16. I used to know a lot of people in college who tried desperately hard to be 'unique' and it was cringe worthy. Especially when most of the stuff was perfectly normal. This one guy once said he watches animé and listens to indie bands as though it was something that no other nerdy 16 year old had done before :p I do remember one guy who didn't have to try though. He was so fucked up. He used to wear a big trench coat and have his hood up all the time (almost looked like the Resi 4 merchant) and avoided eye contact with everyone. Fine, I thought. He's just a shy goth, whatever. But then the one day we had life drawing. The first weird sign was how excited he got, clasping his hands and running to the easel when we went in. We then all proceeded to draw the saggy, middle aged woman (beautiful by Nivea adverts standards, I'm sure). At the end of the lesson we all had a look around at each others lame drawings and we got to his and he'd decided to draw her with a decapitated head that had a knife in it. Another weird lesson was when we had to draw these stuffed animals (which I found bizarre in itself) and then his finished picture was the fox that was in front of us, but milking its own boobs with (presumably himself) underneath. Sadly, the one day I wore a Shy Guy tshirt (the Mario character) and he came up to me and asked if I'd like to sleep over at his house and play Metroid Prime all night. Whilst this would surely be great if it was any other person, his awful stench and 'possible murderer' vibe put me off. Every time he saw me he mentioned it, it got so awkward constantly making excuses to not go.
  17. At least we didn't have Dr Mario in Brawl, aye? I'd love Paper Mario as a new title, but that could be considered cloning, despite being able to have very different moves
  18. I think they need to tone down some of the more obscure characters. I know it's great to celebrate everything about Nintendo, but I think the likes of Ice Climbers, Lucas, King DeDeDe, Wolf and Meta Knight could be swapped for much bigger names (and I just picked on them because they're generally all clone characters) To get rid of Mewtwo for Lucario was a sin in my eyes, but I'm a sucker for classic Pokémon, so I'm sure big fans of the Pokémon series didn't mind it at all. I'd just like, say, King K Rool (I really can't believe they swapped him for DeDeDe), Little Mac, Rosalina (I don't think there are enough women in this title, for one), BIRDO, Chibi Robo and and perhaps another Wario character (as that series has really exploded since its debut) As far as third parties are concerned, I'd say keep it very limited. Especially keep the likes of Snake away. I mean really, apart from the NES titles and that one on GameCube, why was he in a game that celebrates everything Nintendo? Sonic seems like a perfect fit though, especially after this last generation. On the Namco side, Klonoa is a must have. Other third parties: Professor Layton, Sissel (Ghost Trick) and Pheonix Wright.
  19. the characters in Brawl make so much more sense now than they did back then :p It really was an insight into the next few years of Nintendo. Zero Suit Samus wasnt properly featured in a game until Other M (which was 2010 or thereabouts), Pit didn't get his modern debut until last year and the vast amount of Kirby games in the last few years almost validates the inclusion of Meta-knight :P
  20. I often get annoyed or stressed over things but barely ever get angry, in fact I can't remember the last time. When I am stressed I tend to just revert back to my 15 year old self - listen to Scatman John/play Super Monkey Ball 1 (I always desperately crave that game when drunk as well, I have no idea why) or... well that's about it. Not much then, which is probably why I always just end up being awake for ages haha Maybe I should start punching walls etc too? :P
  21. I often dream really bizarre things but... forget most of it within a few minutes (which is probably for the best :P) And @Animal - Are you a big fan of swans? I can't say a dream where a swan died would have stuck out too much for me xD And speaking of nightmares...
  22. Yeah, it's those issues that stuck out to me, I don't know why but I didn't really notice them the first time I played it but perhaps I was just too impressed to be playing Sonic (it was the first Sonic title I owned) I love the music in the casino levels! I remember them being pretty tricky but yeah, they're great. Like I said, I love most of the game, I just wish it was a bit more solid!
  23. I loved it back in the day, have you been back to it recently though? I played through it again last year and my gosh, it's just so glitchy, the jumping often messes up, I found myself just falling through things a lot of the time and the camera was something else entirely. I still love it for what it is though, and nothing will beat the theme
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