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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. If it shows a lot of Game & Wario then I'm happy I can't wait for that game.
  2. I can't get to sleep and all the usual places of leisure are useless at this hour - Reddit, I've pretty much read it for the day (ahahahaa) and Twitter is suddenly all about... WWE :/
  3. If that's the case, then that is some of the worst lighting in history :p
  4. What are some of the best/worst mistakes you've seen in videogames? Be it a small typo, a huge glitch or something so incredibly obvious that you wonder how on earth it wasn't corrected sooner. For me, one of the funniest has to be the original Super Monkey Ball on GameCube. In the game, in all of the concept art and even on the back of the case they managed to get AiAi right, so I don't know why on the front cover he has a hairless, blocky fringe. To make matters worse, this is on every single print of the game. They never changed it. So, can anyone top the 'AiAi penis head' situation?
  5. I never thought I could dislike this lady until now...
  6. @M_rock & @RedShell - Those are amazing! It really makes me want FlipNote Studio (more than I did before!) but sadly I made the jump from DSLite to 3DS so never got the chance I always wonder why the don't let you download it from the DSi section of the eShop :/ And woah, I never knew there was a GBA version of PYORO! I loved the game on WarioWare Touched! (Though it wasn't as awesome as the talking parrot :P) (Just tried to find a decent YouTube video but they're all off-screen and then I come across... PYORO-S?! I never unlocked this on Smooth Moves!) Also, Animal Crossing went from zero to hero in the space of about a month back in 2005. One of my all-time favourite series now, so I'm really glad I got it even if I wasn't too sure what to make of it before buying! The game just oozes charm, and KK Slider is amazing. I don't know whether it's his amazing acoustic skills, his robot scat singing or just his overall cuteness.
  7. Yamamoto Yusuke makes my heart melt, so a guy with any of those features :p
  8. @Ashley I like your response :P But I'm also curious about the weapon story!
  9. 2D Mario platformers bore me to no end, especially the New Super Mario Bros. Series, thankfully if it is one per system we won't have to put up with those bland graphics and shockingly bad music again for some time. Pokémon is up there too, unlike 2D Mario games, I don't despise them, they are just very samey. I have to agree with the Zelda point as well, I also played Skyward Sword for a few hours and just couldn't bring myself to go back to it.
  10. As many people have already said, it's not especially about graphics but being part of a vibrant Pokémon world that's exciting. When I look at shots of Pokémon Snap, I just think how awesome it would be for a game to look like that where you could travel on foot and collect PKMN.
  11. The best intro to anything, ever. I didn't used to watch E3 back then, but I can imagine the whole thing would have only needed to be 1.30 mins long.
  12. @RedShell oh man, thank you so much! I had no idea there was a longer version of the song I need to get my hands on that cd. And I never owned the GBA game, played a bit of it though Though I have to admit, I thought the GameCube game was pretty much the same other than a few extra multiplayer modes and weird videos?
  13. I didn't mention some of my favourite titles so far because most of them are by Rare, but back in the day, I'd count them as part of NINTENDO. And with songs like this, they certainly share that same magic. But I must stop, whenever I listen to N64 music I always get far too nostalgic and sad. Someone pass the wine over. EDIT: @Retro_Link - I know, right? :P It should have been the official advert!
  14. @Nyubi Oh man, that file select music <3 I could listen to it all day
  15. This is the image that comes to mind when I think of Mario, what a game, my tiny mind was just blown away when I first ran around Peach's castle for the first time. Also, I don't know what it is about those graphics but I love them. So full of charm. This video makes my heart melt: The temple of time always gives me chills. What a beautiful place. It was truly heart breaking walking out as adult link for the first time, seeing the bustling market place dead, with them god forsaken screaming zombies So corny, so happy, so sassy. And Donkey Kong's voice just kicks ass in this, forget his bloody Scooby Doo voice over of recent years. DONKEYYY KONGA Best bonus content of all time:
  16. dark, PROFOUND eyes (possibly to make up for my tiny crab eyes :P)
  17. Aah I was mistaken! I thought the GBA games were only time exclusive too. Still, it really is shocking the amount of effort the have put into the VC. As usual, they promise to make the online store a better experience yet provide us with barely any games, and over priced ones at that. I mean seriously, GB games should be no more than £1.50. But that's a whole other matter, they can charge what they want for now as long as they start putting some titles on there. I've been waiting for Donkey Kong Land for a year and a half now!
  18. I'm starting to get desperate now, when on earth do Nintendo plan to put GBA games on the eShop!?
  19. You know I'm always here if you want some company whilst having a cheeky fiddle
  20. Anyone that has had a cheeky fiddle with their Wii will have no doubt heard of the homebrew application, WiiMC. Well, today I was searching the online radio stations and stumbled upon XAMFM, which plays some of the best JPOP and KPOP. My gosh, this is like a dream come true. It makes me yearn for Donkey Konga 3 again.
  21. I actually like the weapons, it makes the game far more skill based. Mario Kart generally gets weapons right, and they're usually great fun, but Mario Kart Wii left such a bitter taste in my mouth with the COUNTLESS blue shells per race that it put me off the entire series for a while. It's a breath of fresh air being in first place for being a good racer, as oppose to being first and being relentlessly harassed by blue shells until some loser in 8th manages to glide to the finish line at the last second. Then again, that is part of the beauty of Mario Kart :p I don't know what point I'm trying to make, so... it's great, just don't expect it to be too much like Mario Kart.
  22. Toy Story 3 was a great film but UP! is probably the one that tugs at my heart strings the most :p Oh man, that reminds me, how could I forget...
  23. Yeah, I'd say try and rent it or something? From what I can tell the demo doesn't do it justice at all. It's my favourite Wii U title so far and after being considerably disappointed after Mario Kart 7, this was a great breath of fresh air. Some wonderful tracks and majestic music, especially if you're a big SEGA fan. The one thing that could be improved is local multiplayer. Had some great fun on it yesterday with two friends but the menu's are a pain and the graphics do suffer slightly when in local play (no shadows, a few more glitches).
  24. I love this one, though it's a bit 'loud' so I only wear it out occasionally :p I love this one, wear it often: and this is just heavenly:
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