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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. I'm ashamed to admit it (but keep in mind I was about 7 or 8 at the time) I cried at the end of Mario 64 :p It was the first game I played from start to finish and I loved every second, when this music came on and panned over all of the levels, holy shit, I couldn't believe it had ended. No game has matched it (in my mind) since. That's the only game though. With films it's a whole different matter. Seven Pounds, Revolutionary Road and Rinne no Ame all had me in pieces.
  2. Banjo was scared at first and kept trying to get back in the house, but after 30 seconds he was running all over the place loving it.
  3. I would love a new Pokémon on a home console, but I can see why they won't do it. I suppose for as long as they can get away with churning out the same stuff, they will. They change a few elements, add new Pokémon and they sell millions. You can kind of see why they don't go for anything more ambitious. I still don't get why a lot of you don't think it would work though. I bet if Nintendo announced a new Pokémon RPG for Wii U at E3, you'd all be going crazy over it.
  4. I think the main problem is that we've had nothing like THIS at launch: It's early days yet, and I'm sure as soon as Nintendo start pumping out some great first party content, good times will be had. ...It's just I don't know if that first party content exists. I was a fan of the original Pikmin, but Pikmin 3 looks so dull. Wii Fit U also doesn't get my pulse racing. Bring on E3 I say.
  5. They don't have to do one or the other, I think they should keep the handheld series as it is, as to not upset the core fan base. But it would be great to also have a home console version that's a little different. It would be in the same way Nintendo release New Super Mario Bros. titles as well as Mario Galaxy/3D Land titles.
  6. @Serebii it wouldn't be changing it for no reason, it would be changing it for a console release, something that a lot of gamers have been after for years. @RedShell or transfer it to an app on 3DS?
  7. A Pokémon RPG would sell millions, I'd bet. And sure, they'd have to change a fair few aspects to make it work on a console but so what? God forbid they try and actually evolve the series *ahem*
  8. The prices weren't always great but HMV was fantastic for Wii games. They had all the obscure or fairly low key titles and it was a huge section. It was the only place I could find Boom Street on the high street (GAME didn't even know what it was) and also had the likes of Let's Tap, Fragile Dreams and Klonoa in on day one. Alas, online shopping can't be beaten!
  9. If anything, I'm surprised the Wii U has done this well, with barely any exclusives, the high price and a piss poor advertising campaign. Nintendo need a medal.
  10. Had my first good driving lesson in ages, so hopefully I'm getting back on track :p This will be me in no time:
  11. @Hero\-of\-Time Oh man, that boss is such a pain, the voice acting is totally worth it though. And if you're desperate to hear all of the great music on offer, go to the passcode mode from the main menu and type in JUKEBOX ;D Interestingly, it seems that Timber was originally the main character! I suppose the story makes a bit more sense now "Timber the Tiger's parents go on vacation and leave their son in charge of the island they live on, leaving him and his friends to race for fun. Their enjoyment is derailed when an evil, intergalactic, pig wizard named Wizpig arrives at peaceful Timber's Island and attempts to take over after he conquered his own planet's racetracks." But what happened to the sequel Donkey Kong Racing?
  12. The DS game had online, 6 players if I remember correctly! It's not often your find people to race with though :p It is a shame the DS title wasn't up to scratch And as far as Rare is concerned, I still really like them. Viva piñata is fantastic and whilst Nuts and Bolts went in a different direction it was still a great game and boasted their typically great writing and music!
  13. @Raining_again Now it seems so obvious, I feel stupid :p
  14. @\-Dem0\- Oh man, Darkmoon Caverns! It's the Stickerbrush Symphony of Diddy Kong Racing!
  15. I love reddit, have been on it every day for months now, but still haven't got my own account :p I just like seeing what's on the front page. I also went on the actual website for the first time yesterday and it looks hideous, this whole time I've been using the app 'Alien Blue' on my phone to view it and it all looks a lot nicer on there. EDIT: Though I still don't know what a cake day is and am scarred from the cumbox story
  16. Oh my GOD! How could I forget the egg game!? That used to be so fun, but yeah, picking up eggs was such a pain! The hovercraft one was a typical shooting game but was amazing fun! The last one was the CASTLE LEVEL where you had to collect the most coins. Just thinking of all those great times on multiplayer brings a tear to my eye. That MUSIC! I also like how Diddy Kong sounds like Charmander "CHAAAARRR!!"
  17. Then we can enjoy fantastic Nintendo games on other systems? Systems that are more powerful, have great online, cross game chat and achievements? That would be awful :p JK, a world without Nintendo consoles would be awful
  18. I don't know if you're taking the piss or not... but I completely agree! Sort out the song list and they could make something truly beautiful (though I worry the name is already to tarnished too win many people over) I have no idea what Nintendo have planned for this year. I hope they throw a few games in our faces like they did last year. Boom Street literally came out of nowhere, Mario Party 9 was revealed like what, a month or two before it got released? I'm pretty sure the same happened with Project Zero as well, but perhaps I just wasn't very up with my releases Anyway, the best thing, obviously, would be a new 3D Mario. That would blow my mind, but I can't help but think that might be a while off yet. Considering we had two New Super Mario Bros. games last year and Mario 3D Land in late 2011, they might want to give the big guy a break. As long as the wait isn't as bad as 64 to Sunshine, I won't mind. I really hope the Diddy Kong Racing rumour is true, but I know it most probably won't be, so I'm trying my hardest not to get excited. Other than that, bring on the new experiences. The games I loved most on Wii were all so experimental and new, I want Nintendo to start surprising us again. Or just include Mii dogs in some games, they were so cute.
  19. I was gonna mention the ice battle level, I spent SO many hours on that. It's easily as good as block fort
  20. After playing Zelda on Nintendo Land I'm now more hyped than ever for a Pokémon Snap 2, moving the Gamepad around the room to catch those 'mon. Oh man. PLEASE.
  21. That's amazing, I heard the Animal Crossing one was worldwide at some point. My 15 year old self is exploding right now.
  22. I was on Twitter today and noticed all the top trends in the UK were football related (shocker)... well, MOST OF THEM. Second trending thing in the UK: Nintendogsmemories I think I might have broken my retweet button looking through some of those, I forgot what a great game it was.
  23. I've finally found this thread! I kept thinking we need a VGM thread somewhere but weirdly my eyes always gaze over the stickied threads, probably the opposite of what should happen :P Anyway, I whipped out my old iPod again a few days ago and was reminded of this WONDERFUL game, not exactly retro yet, but by gosh is it classic. LET'S TAP, specifically, to a 70's disco beat with cheap trumpet - oh yeaaaaaaah. It makes my heart melt every time. Thank you for reminding me of this! Everything about that game was superb! I loved the relaxed pace and exploration, truly one of the best 3DS games!
  24. HEY DARREN! How are you, Visor?

  25. I have problems with pretty much everything and Virgin other than my original Wii. Think I might get a new router soon, but quite often it says I'm connected and there's no internet access, so I'm guessing it's more to do with Virgin themselves. I have no idea about this kind of stuff though so I could be wrong :p
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