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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. I own this beast, though back when I purchased the thing it was merely a DS holder. No third dimension for my Mario, I'm afraid. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Now with added Pikachu!
  2. "This video has been removed by the user". Build me up to let me down, man! I shall wait excitedly for you to explain why unless you take the form of NOA and simply ignore this thread from now on. It's ok, we have Kirby's Epic Yarn. But yeah, I watch many 'YouTube Celebrities', it must be the teenage girl inside of me screaming out of my Justin Bieber wannabe exterior, so the title alone got me more hot under the collar than that time I thought Donkey Kong Racing was going to be released on GameCube.
  3. I found an uneaten jelly snake earlier that tasted all the nicer for being old and withered; just like the best wines, I find that cheap confectionery only gets better with age. I'm not actually fond of much wine unless it has some sort of chav stamp to assure me it won't be overly potent, like 'Lambrini' or that one called 'Chantelle', you know a drink with a name befitting underage pregnant women is going to taste great. But yeah, why was my day actually great? I found out I'd passed my course! To celebrate I've emptied my cupboard of unfinished, drafted, resubbed and just shit articles/essays/assignments. Now I just need to find my lighter and some petrol, I'll report back later on how well it went. (I jest, fires are only for The Prodigy and yobbish school kids, right?)
  4. I find the girl to be very talented which is rare in this day and age.
  5. I can see why Nintendo would hold back on releasing some titles but at this moment in time they should be releasing these big games. Even if they risk making a loss I think it would surely be a risk worth taking when the Wii has such little going for it right now. It seems as though not only have third party publishers now given up on Wii but so have Nintendo. Skyward Sword and an unreleased Kirby game from 2004 aren't enough to keep me excited about Nintendo's console and this generation has been the first where I've had to buy another console because of the lack of quality games. It's weird because this time last year the Wii was fantastic with the likes of Galaxy 2, Sonic Colors and Epic Mickey - I wouldn't have thought it would suddenly fall flat on it's face.
  6. This. And it's by 4Kids, anyone that watched the earlier Pokémon movies should be used to the mix of CGI (Especially the opening scene of 4Ever, with Celebi)
  7. I'm watching it now, I'm glad the streaming is good quality (At least in comparison to the Nintendo Channel) but seriously, how freaky is that mustache wielding snail?
  8. If I remember correctly the cartoon isn't that great but it sounds like a cool channel all the same and the theme music is amazing.
  9. Demo tomorrow?! Oh man, I can't wait! It had better be on XBLA anyway, if it's not I will have to endure hours of sorrow. Green Hill Zone looked stunning in the trailer but then I'm still fairly new to the PS360 scene after only getting a 360 a month ago so maybe I'm still just used to the ways of Wii. Either way... Head explosion! (Penis head obvz)
  10. Who'd have thought it would actually happen!
  11. I'm expecting good things from this after Sonic Colours last year and I'm especially happy that classic Sonic has returned! (Even if he is just shorter and fatter) And it seems I'm the only one who was incredibly excited at the City Escape music being in the game?
  12. I thought Motion+ was dead until this years E3 but now it makes sense why Nintendo are still pushing it. Developers might still be wary because of the lack of people with Motion+ but when you consider it's being bundled with every Wii console, by the time the Wii U is out there will surely be a huge user base. I'm guessing that the Wii Remote Plus will be the standard 2nd player controller for the Wii U and is what most games will support along with the Wii U tablet.
  13. I got this upon release, regretted paying full price but it's still a cute little game and as far as Pokémon spin-offs go this is up there with Pokémon Snap and Stadium!
  14. I heard King K. Rool was going to be in Brawl but they decided upon King Dedede instead? I don't know how true this is but I'd have loved for him to have been in the game. Oh and Mewtwo, we need Mewtwo.
  15. http://www.n-europe.com/special.php?sid=e32011conference Get to the Live Blog, everyone!
  16. No Friend Codes, a decent online mode and a new installment of one of the big franchises (Pikmin 3, Starfox, F-Zero etc) and I'm happy!
  17. I'd love Thriller to be played at my funeral whilst I jump out of my coffin as a zombie and start dancing (which I've perfected thanks to Ubisoft shovelware) but sadly I doubt this would be possible and so... Well, I don't know. I've never actually thought about my funeral. I guess I don't care either, after all, I'll be dead. Though I wouldn't want an open casket, unless they put fake tan on me or something, I'm pale enough whilst alive.
  18. It's refreshing to see a great game on WiiWare because the service has been somewhat neglected in the last few months. I'll be sure to get myself some Wii points this week as this game looks amazing and I miss the days of F-Zero GX.
  19. I was thinking the same, I could certainly do with another Motion Plus controller and I got the Red Wii bundle for Christmas so to have another red Motion Plus would be doubly awesome. The game doesn't look great but as far as casual games go it looks quite fun and definitely an improvement over the original Wii Play. After all, what you have to remember about games like this and Wii Party is that you are essentially just buying the controller and having a free game with it so for what it is, it looks like a decent buy. Also, I can pretend I'm playing Luigi's Mansion Wii and dream of what could have been
  20. Will do, my friend said to do the same I'll leave it in the seal and hopefully get more for it. My 360 is due today, I just checked the parcel tracker!
  21. I heard about the Rapture the day it was meant to happen so I was in two minds, Do I go to work and possibly die doing something I hate? Or do I not turn up and face the wrath of my manager the next day? Turns out I'm so fearful of my manager I'd rather risk dying at work. But yeah, I didn't believe for a second that this guy was anything more than some crazy, deluded religious type. It seems to have had a lot of hype though, when I saw all those adverts in America I was starting to lay an egg and I'm no Billy Hatcher. People are too quick to point towards natural disasters and claim they are to do with the end of the world though.
  22. That's an awesome story, the ending literally blew me away as I remember thinking the same thing a few years ago. I've always been interested in reincarnation, I'd love to see life through another persons (or creatures) eyes. If I had to be something it would be a Dolphin as they seem to have such happy lives and are so beautiful. I'd just be sure to steer clear of Japan
  23. I was on YouTube earlier and saw this in my subscriptions - YESZ! As others have said, this is way better than Comedy Rainbow (though the name Comedy Rainbow is still majestic)
  24. I've just listened to the album for the first time - Fashion Of His Love is amazing! I'm quite impressed by the album but I'll give it another listen before I give full judgement on it.
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