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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. When I saw this today in HMV I suddenly remembered how much everyone goes on about it (at N-Europe anyway :P) So I thought I might as well get it and see what it's like! I'm gonna' have bit of a play later on so I'll be back to say if it does or doesn't live up to the hype!
  2. I still don't know why it wasn't released in Europe, I have no idea what Nintendo were thinking. It also means that you miss out on the racing equivalent of a Falcon Punch... SUPER SANDWICH!!
  3. I love it when its uber cold outside and you get to snuggle up in a warm coat and scarf On the flipside, I love just lying in the sun with a cold beer by the side of you. ...Okay, a cold Vimto, I was just trying to sound slightly manly.
  4. The Wii has been incredible and is by far my favourite console ever. The reasons... Two of the BEST Mario games ever, Galaxy 1 and 2. Seriously, I thought Galaxy was amazing and that Nintendo could never better it but they did AND on the SAME CONSOLE! There was an awesome Zelda (even if it was a Gamecube game) and the biggest and best Smash Bros to date. But those were the reasons I brought the Wii, it's the surprises that blew me away the most. The first time I played Wii Sports has to be one of the best moments in gaming! I also loved the fact that the Wii could do so much more than gaming, from messing about with peoples heads on the Photo Channel to watching the BBC, it's awesome how Nintendo have expanded the functionality of their console. what I love the most though is the local multiplayer. I've never had such fun with a console since my N64 and Mario Kart, there's so much choice too! Whether were making fools of ourselves on Just Dance, having intense dance off's on SAMBA DE AMIGO or racing on the awesome'ness that is Mario Kart Wii, there's nothing better! But finally, what really tops off the Wii is the sheer amount of incredible and over looked games! On most Nintendo consoles I stick to the usual Mario, Zelda and Metroid dose of games with a few exceptions but this generation I've brought so many INCREDIBLE games which have been so much fun! Excite Bots is one of the craziest yet most enjoyable racers I've ever played, Muscle March is the most insanely Japanese game I've ever played, NiGHTS is brilliant in so many ways, Klonoa is a cute and fun platformer... And that's before I even mention the likes of MySims, Tatsunoko VS Capcom, Excite Truck, Animal Crossing, Kororinpa, Helix, New Super Mario Bros, No More Heroes, Sports Resort and god knows what else! Yet the best thing? The fact that so far into the Wii's life time, we still have such great games to come. a SECOND Zelda on Wii, a new DK platformer and what looks like one of the best Kirby's yet! I don't care what anyone says about the Wii, for me, it is the best console ever. Shit, I forgot to mention the Virtual Console but basically - Virtual Console FTW
  5. The opening in Galaxy was brilliant, I have to agree that Galaxy 2 wasn't as epic as far as that was conerned. But man, the music was even better, this has to be the best song in nintendo history:
  6. The Galaxy games have proved brilliant! I honestly wouldn't mind if they just kept doing sequels to them
  7. I'm also a lover of Excite Truck! It's so fast paced and exciting!
  8. That has to be a highlight. It was just so magical! And the music in that level was weird, creepy in a way.
  9. Yeah, the whole "we won the war" thing is fucking stupid. Two people put it as their status' (two people that are 'best friends' and I'm close to deleting anyway) and then I saw that a few people had even joined a Facebook group under the same name! They're the kind of obsessive freaks that would instantly realise I've deleted them though... but then I found out about the wonder that is the HIDE button! Seriously, how did I not know about this before?!
  10. It's a shame that you can't tell them. I always find it hard to see WHY other people find it hard to accept what someone else is doing. A lot of people in my family are the same. I just don't understand it though, if your happy with someone, why should someone else not be and further more why do they have a right to say that they don't like it? I honestly don't think it matters what religion, sex or even age (providing its legal of course) because if them two people are happy in that relationship then they should be able to persue it. I'd much rather see someone happy than bring them down and possibly making them split up, making them unhappy. I'm so annoyed with shallow pricks these days.
  11. Why is the guy only fucked if he actually reads it? Will he be let off if he doesn't go on Facebook and read his updated status?
  12. One mystery of the universe is how this even came to exist ...I just feel as though, after hearing that, life really is not worth living.
  13. "GROW THE FUCK UP! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!" The irony is just incredible.
  14. Apparently he is a boy who wishes to be a girl, that's what was said back in the day, in the Super Mario Bros 2 instuction booklet I think but to avoid controversy, Nintendo just started referring to Birdo as a girl or 'it' One thing that I simply cannot comprehend is eternity. The thought often scares me. When I start thinking about it at night I just can't get to sleep. The fact that when I die, I will be dead for eternity, theres no end to it, it just keeps going on and on, never ending, it's just a terrible thought. Like, seriously, the thought of forever being in nothingness is just terrifying to me.
  15. If you're moving out soon and not sure how she will take the news, maybe wait until you move out to say it? But I remember my dad was similar and not too accepting of gay people but it got to a point where I just thought "fuck it" and told him anyway. It actually turned out well and he's become quite an accepting person now.
  16. The second game is by far the best! I don't know why but I could never really get into the third despite loving 1 and 2. I think it was the slower pace and a strong dislike for Kiddy Kong mainly. I also much preffered the darkness of number 2! Webwoods is one of the most atmospheric levels ever. Incredible music
  17. Whilst shallow it is a very fun game for drunken parties etc and I for one can't wait for the second Cheap, light hearted fun!
  18. just 'completed' it! Brilliant! And...
  19. That would have been awkward just for the fact your dad used the word 'bonk', let alone the actual situation! xD
  20. Can anyone else do the purple coins on that beach level? My god, it's killing me softly
  21. I have to admit, I'm kind of worried they're going to scrap all the classic characters. Whilst I liked Jungle Beat, it was nothing compared to the old games because none of the classic characters were there. It was acceptable in Jungle Beat though, as it could be classed as a different direction for Donkey Kong but in a game called Donkey Kong Country Returns I expect a lot of past references and old faces! It'd be like New Super Mario Bros without Goomba's and Koopa's! It was acceptable in Sunshine, but not in NSMB.
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