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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. I'm sure you would but hopefully you will find someone you can kiss who isn't straight and there are no complications Many fun times then And thanks for the virtual hug Have one back Coming out? I'd have to agree with pretty much all of Chair's post. I just started to get so incredibly paranoid about everything I did or said that I couldn't bare it any longer. I didn't think I would ever come out, I was that scared of the idea, now that I have I feel so relieved. The only thing that pushed me to do it was the thought that they will be shocked whenever I say it, weather i'm 16 or 30, so I may aswell just do it now. ...And so I did. I didn't go about it too well, I had no idea what to say so I just uncontrollably blurted it out. My parents were sat watching Celebrity Big Brother (atleast I made it interesting ) and so I sat down and said, "Guys, i'm gay". I then went REALLY red and felt incredibly faint, it was such a weird feeling I thought I was going to pass out! My mom thought I was joking at first just because of the way I said it with no further explanation and when she was like, "seriously?!" I was just like.. "Yeah, erm, sssdknvn" and started mumbling random shit. I tried to suddenly change the subject to "So, whats going on in big brother, I haven't been watching it". But obviously they were more interested in what I just said Funniest part was the fact that my dad was eating a yogurt and as soon as I said it he started choking Two years later and now we laugh about it, so atleast they are accepting
  2. ...People actually read manuals?! I have to say I was also kind of annoyed when I saw cloud mario on the front page because i've also tried to see as little as possible of this game.
  3. Releasing such terrible screen shots was a huge mistake. I mean seriously, it looks like a ps2 release title. The concept art was so much better and I can see why people are so dissapointed, me included. I couldn't care for this game now, it looks so generic. It reminds me of that Rayman game at the start of last generation, Hoodlum Havok - Just with Mickey Mouse instead. And for the record, I also like Glee Does that make my post void!? D:
  4. Discs: Wii Sports Wii Play Resident Evil 4: Wii edition Super Mario Galaxy WarioWare Smooth Moves Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz! Sims 2: Pets Sonic and the secret ring Wii Music Animal Crossing: LGTTC High School Musical Sing it (Im ashamed, I got it for a party :P) NiGHTS Journey Of Dreams Samba De Amigo! House of the dead: Overkill Sonic Unleashed No More Heroes Okami Call of Duty World at War Call of Duty 3 Klanoa High School Musical: Dance! (Again, im ashamed :P) MySims Lets Tap! Cooking Mama 2 Kororinpa! Sim City Creator House of the dead 2 & 3 The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess Endless Ocean The Conduit Wii Sports Resort Punch Out!! Excite Truck! Sega Superstar Tennis Mario and Sonic at the winter olympic games Excite Bots Disaster: Day of Crisis Super Paper Mario Just Dance Mini Ninjas We Sing Walk it out! Lego Rock Band Tatsunoko Vs Capcom Marble Balance Challenge Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing A Boy and his Blob Super Monkey Ball Step and Roll Fragile Dreams Pokemon Battle Revolution Mario Kart Wii Wii Fit Wii Fit Plus Virtual Console: Super Mario Bros (NES) Super Mario Bros 2 (NES) Super Mario Bros 3 (NES) Kirby's Adventure (NES) Metroid (NES) Balloon fight (NES) Super Mario World (SNES) Donkey Kong Country (SNES) Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES) Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES) Paper Mario (N64) Mario Kart 64 (N64) Pokemon Puzzle League (N64) Yoshi's Story (N64) Lylat Wars (N64) Sin and Punishment (N64) Fzero X (N64) Pokemon Snap (N64) Super Mario 64 (N64) The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time (N64) Streets Of Rage 2 (Mega Drive) Sonic The Hedgehog (Mega Drive) WiiWare: Strong Bad: Episode 1 Strong Bad: Episode 2 Helix Bit Trip Beat Dr Mario & the germ buster World of Goo The Incredible Maze Tv Show King Tv Show King 2 Yummy Yummy Cooking Jam! Lost Winds Nyx Quest Tetris Party Adventure Island (Awful, awful game) Onslaught Muscle March Bit Trip Void Tomena Sanner Pokemon Rumble Tales of Monkey Island: 1 Cubello Lets Catch
  5. Them shots look amazing! I can't wait for this! I downloaded Super Mario 64 a few days ago just to get that good Mario feeling back and I've got back to Rainbow Ride, oh the memories! If there are any levels as original as that this game will be amazing. This game just looks better every day! June 11th is too far away!
  6. Aah I had the exact situation with this one guy but whats worse is that the one day he actually kissed me. Sure, then it was the best day ever, I was so happy, especially because he was straight (apparently). He said ''This is our secret'' and I was over the moon, like happier than I'd ever been (I was madly in love with this guy). But then someone said to him that he spends a lot of time with me, he went totally off with me, said it meant nothing (The kiss) and that we shouldn't even see each other anymore. He was my best friend and then suddenly stopped talking all together, it was pretty tragic. A year later he's been going out with a girl for 8 months What was the point of my story... Don't get messed around by confused men! :P
  7. A friend who I hadn't seen in a good while met up with me a few days ago and the first thing she said was ''Woah, you've lost loads of weight!'' I nearly died of flattery.
  8. I never knew Jamaica would be on the list of worst places to be gay simply because I had a Jamaican friend who found out I was gay and he seemed fine with it. He did say a few times though how I changed his opinion of gay people and really opened his eyes which made me quite proud I should really be more aware of other cultures :P
  9. Yeah that can be a big disadvantage and one that i've experience a few too many times :P It's especially worse when said person comes to you for relationship advice about their girlfriend, it's like ''If your on the rocks then why not... GO OUT WITH ME?!'' :P Of course I didn't actually say that but y'know. You learn to deal with those things though and it often turns out that the person you liked wouldn't have been good for you anyway!
  10. But... Donkey Kong! OH GOD, WHERE THE HELL IS DONKEY KONG!?
  11. NiGHTS Journey Of Dreams! It doesn't deserve the hate!
  12. Not once have I heard them say that.
  13. Jesus, good games just don't seem to sell well at all any more. Maybe the recession actually is affecting the games industry or maybe there are just very few ''hardcore'' gamers left.
  14. I feel the same but try not to get down about it! Whilst going to clubs and hooking up with people might sound like fun, it's really not all that great. I'm in pretty much the same boat as you and it can make you feel a bit left out. Like at work, I purposely haven't told anyone i'm gay because they are the type of people to judge but the amount of times ive been sat their awkwardly at break times whilst they talk about ''fags'' and such is insane. Stay positive though, there are many upsides and when you find that special guy it will all be worth it. Man, I sound worse than a corny American teen show.
  15. Damn, them ball levels were so hard! and... THE BALL IS BACK D:
  16. I would love to have some lines in this, even if most of you are unaware of who I am
  17. I wasn't that interested in the game, I did like the first Prime, but the back tracking put me off. I just watched this trailer though and WOW! This has instantly become one of my most anticipated Wii games! It just looks fantastic!
  18. It did I remember now! :P ...And.. That one level in the sky, when you fell off the stage, you fell down to the outside of princess peach's castle!
  19. I really liked it! I thought it was boring to start with, but once i'd got to the underwater, abandoned city I was blown away. I loved Mario 64 and everything about it, it was so magical and new. Nothing has ever come close to being as exciting as Mario 64 once was but with it being the first 3D game I ever had, I doubt anything else will. One of the biggest 'wow' moments was when in hazy maze cave, you go deep underground and find that big water monster! I was like ''WOAH, A LAPRAS?!''. Oh and another Hazy Maze Cave moment, the bit where you turn into metal mario and there is a stream, but if you walk down the stream to far... you fall out of the waterfall which is outside princess peach's castle! I thought it was great at how the world connected. Yeah, Hazy Maze Cave was by far the best level, for all it's secrets! Mario 64 is my favourite, then Galaxy, then Sunshine. I really liked Sunshine, especially Isle Delfino but it didn't have as many crazy moments as Mario Galaxy.
  20. Are there any particular sayings and phrases that annoy you? Personally, I hate the saying ''If it aint broke, don't fix it''. I think it's one of the worst, I totally disagree with it. If we all thought like that then nothing would progress. For example, if Nokia followed this saying, in the late 90's they could have been like, ''This 3310 works well as a phone, it has the ability to send texts and has decent sound quality for calls so we may aswell not bother making any new versions'' and no one would have the pleasure of taking pictures and surfing the internet on their phones. Everything can be improved, it's how we progress! So, what about you guys? Any phrases or sayings you've heard lately that have annoyed you for some reason?
  21. No Hub for Mario Galaxy 2 confirmed! I'm furious, I loved Princess Peach's Castle in Super Mario 64. Whilst the hub world in Galaxy 1 wasn't very good, surely they could have just IMPROVED IT instead of not having one altogether. This has really annoyed me and as far as I can see, this will destroy the exploration side of things, not that there was much exploration to have in the original Galaxy anyway.
  22. Josh64

    Pikmin 3

    I loved the first Pikmin but never got 'round to buying the second. I shall make it my mission to buy and complete Pikmin 2 before the third one arrives. Do I go for Gamecube game or New Play Control?
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