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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. To quote Excitebots... SUPER SANDWICH!! 10 STARS!! But woah, WiiSpeak! It would be awesome if it wasn't just used for online, and was an actual mode. You could shout to play tetris! ''LEFT, LEFT, SPIN, RIGHT, DROP!''
  2. I used to do art and took quite a lot of influences from this guy. His death seems so random too, it's really quite a shock.
  3. Maybe its the fabled GBA2? Y'know, the handheld that would have been released if the DS was a flop! Talking of the DS, it's weird to think that so many people thought it would fail.
  4. I think its weird how we've seen no Zelda even though its apparently out this year when we saw Twilight Princess like... 4 years or so before it was released.
  5. Seriously, NiGHTS as the FLAG MAN. *Kills self*
  6. You can't really complain about sales. Hardly anyone will know what Tatsunoko is and I wouldn't even know about this game if I wasn't on gaming websites all the time- This game needs ADVERTISING! Do any of these companies know that advertising actually works!?
  7. I want more Donkey Kong damn it!
  8. That guy is incredibly annoying :P But he has some weird hold on me, like I can't stop staring at him and I hang onto his every word.
  9. Live at the Apollo. Rhod Gilbert is terrible. John Bishop has just come on and the show has got even worse.
  10. Just seen a few gameplay videos on the 'tube and I really can't wait for this game. The graphics also look really good, I saw Viewtiful Joe and was just like ''Man, he's so shiny!''. I've heard the online is good too, so I'm in.
  11. No, I had it on Wii and really liked it. Some parts weren't great but it was still a really good game and isn't half as bad as people make out. But I didn't have very high expectations so maybe that's why? The Wii version was the first id ever seen of NiGHTS and I liked it so much I went back and got the original too. Seriously, a gamecube controller sorts out the 'control issues' and its only the on foot platforming levels I didn't like.
  12. So, my worst fears have come true. It's a Sega All Stars game... WITHOUT NiGHTS! Who is like one of the few Sega characters who haven't been destroyed (Like AiAi and Sonic). Aah well, the fact that Crazy Taxi is in there is enough to make up for it Not long now
  13. Coming of age Series 2, Episode 1. This must be one of the corniest, badly written, horrific comedies I have watched in a very long time. I want my half an hour back.
  14. Just Dance Natal Edition. I can see it now.
  15. Well you should go back and push yourself back in!
  16. Makes sense if Wii Music sells more than Metroid prime. It's the buyers fault! Though like I have always said, I do quite like Wii Music
  17. As much as I love Diddy Kong Racing, I'd have to say that Billy Hatcher is a way better character than Drumstick!
  18. I can't believe that one of the highlighted features is the fact it has a 16 bit processor :P
  19. I can't wait for Sonic and Sega all stars racing and obviously Super Mario Galaxy 2!
  20. This looks amazing! Reminds me a bit of Stage Debut, which I also desperately wanted.
  21. Happy Birthday! I remember you simply for that one day on EuroFusion where I spelt your name wrong. Have an immense day!
  22. HMV have a pretty awesome poster of Punch Out!! I nearly brought it, but after buying this huge Sonic The Hedgehog poster I literally have no wall space left for such a juicy picture!
  23. Super Mario 64 should be number 1! And yeah, why IS Galaxy so low?!
  24. Lets Tap is more worth it than L'oreal!
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