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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. This is so... Immense! =D Man I love it so much, the only reason ive stopped playing is because I must have brought it on the hottest friggin' day of the year :p I love the kendo brawler and flying around the island! I shall play more later but for now im gonna enjoy the sun and go in the garden on my DS.
  2. I saw that advert and thought exactly the same! Mario Galaxy indeed.
  3. I hated it. Until the last 10 minutes when the intense trailers were shown, im talking about Metroid other M and Mario Galaxy 2 of course. I love my Wii and the games for it, people who complain about hardcore games should do a bit of research and realise there are hardcore games on Wii or just buy a 360 and stfu.
  4. If someone's good for a job then hire them, who cares if they are black, white, male or female. It's that simple.
  5. Sounds like a bad idea but im guessing nothing will come of it. They are just trying things out, companys do this all of the time.
  6. I have the homebrew channel and was about to play wii sports resort when i was greeted with a update screen. Most new games do this and I just play them all through the back up launcher as i heard that updating your wii when you have homebrew can brick it. I tried to play resort through the backup channel and it doesnt work, I must update (maybe because of the new add on?) If I update will my Wii die?
  7. I want to own the word Cum.
  8. I heard that Jazz is all the rage right now. Have a Sax? Then go for it.
  9. the software charts should be on the main page =D or are they already and im just being blind? and woah, Wii Fit keeps selling incredibly.
  10. If you are really hardcore, it's no strap on AND no Wii Remote Jacket But thats just crazy! And the game, woah that art looks awesome, I can't wait to see more from it.
  11. How can they rate how beautiful someone is. And like a lot of you have said, it's fairly obvious that if your better looking you will end up with more kids or basically - get more sex.
  12. On Monkey Ball 2, if you went on 'Challenge Mode' it was the same as the 1Player mode in the first game, where you had 3 lives and made it all the way through the levels. I also much prefered the graphics from Monkey Ball 1 and 2 and I loved the music too, I'm so glad to hear that jump has gone, it felt so weird after playing the first two. And the bosses were awful! I'm quite looking forward to this but no matter what they use, nothing will make this game more fun that if they used the analouge stick.
  13. Mine has started to make a few noises but it doesnt effect how my game works. Does it damage the disc? If not then I won't worry about it for now as the noise doesn't bother me.
  14. VO5 Extreme Style Freeze Gel And straightening of the fringe with a bit of added hairspray. This was a good day as sometimes I can't be bothered and it looks like an intense mess :P
  15. today was pretty immense! I went to Alton Towers and had loads of fun on lots of epic rides. Oblivion was probably the best =D And I won a Diddy Kong, oh how happy I am
  16. I've been using these forums a lot again recently so thought I would throw up a picture. This was a rather cold day in February, I was in an Art gallery with college and my mate took this while I was gazing at something interesting... I can't remember what it was now :P
  17. Im the complete opposite and can only have sex with people who I am in a relationship with and close too. But then maybe im old fashioned :P ...Thinking about it, a one night stand sounds quite appealing :P But then me being me, I am completely useless at asking people out and all that lark.
  18. Watched the last episode of the Inbetweeners today, Ive loved it as a series. I remember I watched one as everyone said how great it was and I didn't really like it but after watching a few on 4oD I thought it was brilliant and ended up watching both series. Its so funny, I love it Bus wankers.
  19. It seems like this thread is against pictures as none of them are working :P And yeah although they do look beautiful they do make swimming in the sea rather scary, im lucky enough to have not been stung by one of the swines though
  20. I must agree with Raining_again and that's how I feel, or atleast used too. 95% of the time I would be fine but I have been feeling like I just need someone to cuddle and all of that love riddled stuff that comes with it, its probably because so many of my friends have ended up pairing up recently that im one of the few single people I know. And with all of my close friends being more interested in their current relationships its meant I go out less and feel like I generally have less friends. Oh how much I can moan when I get onto this subject :P
  21. Are you lonely? It sounds like a rather depressing and 'emo' question to ask and would probably be better off in a Myspace quiz but I am curious. I have been single for quite some time now and don't find it that bad, I quite like the freedom I have and don't see why for some people it's such a struggle. The next person I go out with is someone who I will actually like. And this is the question I wanted to ask... For any of you who are single, do you wait for the 'right person'? I often find myself only going out with someone if I have naturally got to know them really well and end up falling for them, but by only doing this I'm probably going to be single again for a very long time :P Do you get 'set up' with people, go out with someone to 'see how it goes' or generally just go out on the pull to find someone random to get with? I've never tried the last few as I've never wanted to be in a relationship that badly but has anyone else ever tried it? And if so have the consequences been good and you've actually ended up finding someone you really like and enjoy being with? Or was it a date that you would rather forget?
  22. I used to go to a very shitty school and its true that teachers need much more rights, they just get walked all over now. My school days were horrible and I was in a class where over 4 years we had 4 different maths teachers, 2 of which had nervous breakdowns. One of which broke down in the lesson with the vast majority of people laughing at the fact there was a grown man crying in front of us, I didn't find it funny, if anything quite disturbing. For a long time I wanted to become a teacher but the way things are now, I have been totally put off the idea. Thats just my opinion on teaching in general and not the story at hand, 'attempted muder' sounds very extreme and I wouldnt say that any child deserves to get violently abused in school. That child might have been being a complete prick but attacking any pupil is not the way to deal with things. Im not going to take 'sides' as I think there are most likely faults from both ends.
  23. Ive been listening to awesome 90's pop/dance. Its so happy and upbeat I love it - particular favourites are... Vengaboys - Boom Boom Boom Boom Aqua - Doctor Jones Sclub 7 - Sclub party Oh it takes me back =D
  24. my part time job that im not particularly fond of has suddenly turned into a full time job as there is a huge lack of workers. So its a mixture of good and bad, I will hate it but in times like this I feel lucky to be working full time!
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