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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. I think its the best design out of all of Nintendo's console, although the analouge sticks on my controllers are loose too
  2. I did like ONM to start with... until I realised how biased it was and how crap they are at scoring.... NSMB 96% ...wtf?
  3. Thats ashame, you would have thought they'd give you something, you could unsubscribe, and then re subscribe. xD And I liked that DVD too, it had PLOK! on it!!
  4. I want to know too, especially since games like Smooth Moves arent coming out at launch when I thought they were... And I'm surprised I havent seen adverts for it yet.
  5. Yeah, I quite liked Revoloution, would have preferred more DS content though (a bigger free magaine) Might pick up EDGE or Games? because you all seem to love it so much. xD
  6. I know that NGamer is biased, and I would get EDGE/Games? but there really is no point because I have all Ninty consoles, i dont mind though because NGamer is a funny and good magazine. I will subscribe then, if I don't get my wavebird I can always unsubscribe. xD And I was just wondering if they would give me this months issue or wait and give me the next one because I already have this months (far cry)
  7. I just wondered if any of you read this and if so, what do you think. I think its the best Nintendo mag available, with tons of cool stuff from Japan, loads of reviews (including imports) and cool features. I was just wondering if anyone had subcribed though because I was thinking about taking the one where you have to pay every 3 months but do you get the free wave bird with that? If you do how long does it take to get delivered? my old cube controller is busted now, the wire is dangerous, with all tape at the top because the plastic is comming off, the control stick is busted beccause off all the SSBM matches and for some reason the rumble has gone really loud and sounds like a drill xD Thanks for your help guys!
  8. i only use my TV speakers anyway... so I don't care. I don't care about HD either, my TV is just average, so I dont need the Wii to have all this fancy crap xD
  9. im sure Nintendo will do some good advertising, I was imressed with how they advertised the DS and arent they spending 17million on advertising for Wii and DS lite, that sounds good to me.
  10. Wario Ware! I love the monkeys but Wario Ware is so funny and a great laugh. remember the turtle balancing game
  11. I have Metroid but am stuck, should just start again. Im lost and hate it now xD Paper Mario - Its F***ing awsome! Super Smash Bros. Wario Ware (best... multiplayer... EVER! or is it SSBM?) MONKEY BALL! 1&2 (Main game is much better on monkey ball 1 but much more mini games, some improved on monkey ball 2) Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2! Henshin a Go Go Baby!! Wind Waker (its a must, I didnt used to like Zelda, but when I brought it, it was the best game I had ever played. I did get a bit obsessed! xD) Donkey Konga is good if you have more than one set of bongo's for mates. And I think that's the main ones. Btw, dont get wave race, SO overrated!
  12. If you liked the first buy Viewtiful Joe 2. Its not much difference but if you liked the first do you want it to be so different?
  13. Get the DS version. Its still a great fighter, the only thing was that t didnt have the cool cut scenes and was a bit easier than the easier (although i still havent completed it )
  14. lol, my GC's also worn out. It only plays Donkey Konga now, and super monkey ball when it feels like it. Metroid, no chance, actually the only game that still works properly is SSBM, and that was my first game. Its not my games though, they work fine on my friends, its just my cube, it can only read games that have NO scratches at all. The lazy bitch. xD
  15. Viewtiful is one of the best games ive played on the Cube. Its fantastic! I loved 1 and 2 on the GC. Ive got the DS version, its not quite as good, but its still decent. I havent got red hot rumble but i heard it isnt that great
  16. That song list sounds awsome! I hope I can get DK3. Especially all the donkey kong songs. Was that DONKEY KONG ARCADE! wow...
  17. although Donkey Konga 2 wasn't as good. It was ok, just the songs weren't that good. I think Nintendo could have sold more if they had the original artists and then that could have meant that DK3 could have possibly been released I can always get a freeloader and import the american version... If it came out in america?
  18. I LOVE Donkey Konga! Its so awsome! I have 1 and 2, I brought the 1st one on the day of release and the second earlier this year for about £15 from gamestation. I love them both, multiplayers great, I only have one set of bongos but my m8 had some too (and DK1) so I bring mine to his house and we play for ages, I love it! Especially... Oye Como Va!!
  19. I hate it, I thought it was boring, hard to control and just ... rubbish. The only good thing about it was the graphics...
  20. Ooh! thats awsome. Trust Chris to post the news first price sounds pretty good to me... if this is real, which I think it is? meh, im confused now.
  21. This sounds cool, im hoping its not more of the same, just showing the same games but to journalists. Like most of you lot have said, its probably to announce the pricing and date... Well I hope it is.
  22. I hope its a load of shit, but from what you lot have said it probably is.
  23. lol all that porn made me laugh. Why is Pokemon in there? Oh well, it must be more popular than I though.
  24. I cant wait for this, it looks really good, i loved both other monkey ball games on the cube and hope that they get the controls right. Im looking forward to the new minigames, please say monkey target is going to be one, that totally ROCKED!
  25. Extreme G. I thought it was pretty crap TBH. :o How can you say that!? DK64 is one of my favourite games! You deserve a slap...
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