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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. The Homebrew Channel shows what the Wii can do. It also shows how lazy Nintendo are as they could easily make a media player channel, as MP3's and video work really well using the Homebrew Channel.
  2. Josh64

    Wii Music!

    Ive added you mike, and I shall add StrangeCookie too, my Wii Number is under my avatar
  3. I think it will sell well :P If its good is another matter although that euro dance music is sweet ;D
  4. last week I was up the town centre and tried giving out my CV to a few places. Out of about 10 places I went to only one of them even wanted my CV :P
  5. It's odd that you would make such a thread as just a few days ago me and my mates were talking about how amazing jellyfish look and how they seem almost like aliens, it made me go and buy Endless Ocean! a few years ago when I was in spain I saw one swimming for the first time (as opposed to the washed up ones that just look like big lumps of fat on the floor) and it looked beautiful with all of the colours and the way it moved, I was so shocked.
  6. I wish they would release some 3rd party N64 games, I'm thinking along the lines of Rocket The Robot on Wheels!
  7. I will buy the game if Liz comes packaged with it. Wii Liz.
  8. Sometimes I wish Solitanze was a member on the forum as well as the main site, I'd love to see his views on the whole subject of motion controls coming to the 360 and PS3. Nintendo are DOOMED unless they release NEW ADULT CORE GAMER RPG with ONE THOUSAND HOURS PLUS.
  9. Josh64

    Wii Music!

    I love Wii Music, I don't get why its so universally hated and if anyone wants to swap a few songs then drop me you wii code I am quite proud of a few of my Mario Bros 'remixes' my Wii console number is: 1129 8607 1913 5523
  10. In my hippy-type way of thinking I would love for no army to exist and for us to live happily, but of course this is perhaps one of the most un-realistic things anyone could ask for. The army are there to protect us and I think they do an amazing job and should be given the right equipment to do so, especially when you see people popping out kids to literally, just get more money from benefits. The government really need to get their priorities right.
  11. I read all of the Iwata Asks, and was quite interested about the whole Island Concept. From what I can see, most Wii games from now on (Think, Play, Music, Sports, Fit) Will take place on this Island. There was a mode that I hadn't even heard of until reading the interview where you have to slash 70 Mii's with your sword, that looked pretty funny :P EDIT: That review box looks lush! It's a shame it won't sell like that
  12. Im wondering what ONM will give it, just because I recall them scoring Wii Play 91% :P I'm gonna get this very soon, just to see what the online is like really.
  13. My mind will truly be blown a clock - Sounds like a good advertising slogan as it got me excited ;P
  14. I hear there is a calculator for download? Woah.
  15. I haven't been on animal crossing for ages! But looking at these pictures really makes me want to go on it again
  16. mcj, don't talk down to me just because I had to learn the controls. I think a lot of people would agree with me on that one - but then again I am quite a casual gamer I suppose which is probably the main reason I couldn't get into this game. Im all for simple controls, another example of this is how I much prefer Smash Bros to Street fighter - I can't stand street fighter for having to pull off all of those button combinations, I just don't see the fun in it.
  17. Maybe, just maybe - The controls aren't 'complicated' they're just bad. I shouldn't HAVE to spend ages learning how to control a game properly. And its quite obvious that a first person view is a terrible camera angle for platforming.
  18. as far as metroid is concerned I think some of the problems people have mentioned will be fixed in the new game - Most notably the platforming parts. I agree that they were stupid in Prime as you couldnt see your feet! But Other M seems to change camera angles quite a lot and so hopefully it will keep the platforming element but improve on it immensly.
  19. 2D levels, New Super Mario Bros Wii :P
  20. The galaxy screenshots looks truly mind blowing, it improves the graphics dramatically. I never really realised what a difference HD made as at the time, when everyone was moaning about how the Wii has a lack of HD, my tv didn't have it anyway, so I didn't really look into it. Now though, my Wii looks pretty terrible on my TV, I often find it hard to see small writing as its just a fuzz.
  21. That video was really quite disturbing to watch and I agree that this forum is a brilliant place. I remember last year reading this thread just before I came out to people, it was really a big help. It confuses me when people ask me when I decided to be gay :P I didn't decide and there wasnt a time - I just was gay and always have been.
  22. Im not fussed about Super Mario Kart. I love most Mario Kart games but this one seems hard to control and it just looks so ugly now. Anyone that says its the best version is obviously running off pure nostalgia. (Awaits death threats from everyone, especially RedShell :P)
  23. I don't care about Online leaderboards at all but then that's probably because every game that has them, I never end up coming close to even being in the top 1000 :p On Tetris Party im ranked like 8000 or something and I always considered myself good at tetris D:
  24. I agree that flicking your wrist for the spin attack was fine. It almost felt more fluid than pressing a button but i'm sure most of you are willing to disagree.
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