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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. I got this as I was damn excited after all those trailers. I'm not overly impressed so far but I have only played it in single player, so hopefully I will find that its a lot more fun when my mates come 'round tomorrow!
  2. This! And it would give me an excuse to buy that new black Classic Controller!
  3. Blue and Pink Wiimotes available in Japan!
  4. Maybe its the lame music, but that trailer was pretty boring.
  5. The music is pretty awful. I'd love music like in Brawl, remixes of old Mario songs. It would bring back a great feeling of nostalgia!
  6. Thanks for the pictures Serebii! This game is looking awesome, i can't wait Pikachu riding Lapras!!
  7. The first one didn't interest me much at all but this one looks awesome! The graphics seem to be much better too.
  8. Let's go to the mall! Best song ever? I'm guessing yes!
  9. I'm sick of Political Correctness but mainly because the course that I'm doing is constantly shoving it down my throat. I've done two essays on diversity, one on equality and another about having a diverse society all within the last few weeks. I don't know how many different ways I can say I accept and embrace all different kinds of people, religions, cultures etc... For what it's worth, I think the world would be a worse place without political correctness but at the same time, it does indeed go way too far, too much of the time.
  10. a quick update to you guys, I was going to ask him the question and so I said ''So, do you like anyone at the moment?'' and he said, ''Actually, yeah I do''. And for a moment my heart stopped, thinking it might be like a movie scene where he goes on to say ''...You'' But instead he said ''Yeah, this guy at my Uni, weve been getting on really well the last few weeks, Im going out with him on wednesday!'' Now that's a definition of fail :P Oh well, at least now I know and I didn't fully make a noob out of myself by asking him out.
  11. So that's what girl's do in sleepovers - Round up all of their lost stickers.
  12. I never thought of Motion Plus! I bet it would be awesome. The Wii controls were pretty good in my eyes and with the extra precision of Motion Plus it would be a great Monkey Ball game.
  13. Seconded! And did the company change? I know it's by Sega, but I remember 1 and 2 having the dev team 'AV' at the start, but the ones after, like the DS and Wii versions didn't, so maybe this is why the first two were better? That's only a guess though. And I think the Wii Balance board is uber fun so im looking forward to this very muchly.
  14. only just realised this is a proper wii game, I thought this was Wiiware. I'm pretty excited now, maybe it WILL be the next Pokémon Snap! Here's hoping.
  15. It's going amazingly with a guy at work and we always have such a laugh and then he told me he is gay, which hardly anyone knows. I really like him but i'm not sure what to do. I'm thinking I could risk it and ask him but if he doesn't like me back it will be tragic! I think I should wait for a few more signs.
  16. This is me, and I do indeed have a Koopa dangling off my phone
  17. I take it people assume the asian guy died? What if the asian guy was just kicked out of the flat a few months ago and decided to try and steal your iPhone as pay back.
  18. im still hoping for NiGHTS, but I saw a glimpse of Billy Hatcher in the trailer and so either way, I must get this game!
  19. I didn't read that! I guess it really is just an uber download! I'm definatly going to get one! I wonder if you can get all 3 or if its pot luck.
  20. The new trailer actually looks pretty fun. I don't want to bring it up again but I really see no reason as to why online could not have been incorporated. This would have been great with 4 player online and Wii Speak. It's not like it's a highly advanced game either, so I can't see them having much problems getting it online. It's simply lazy.
  21. In year 6 we saw various video's and they were all pretty weird. The first one was just some really old cartoon which claimed ''some of your bits... 'aint nice!'' and talked about how you should clean your 'area'. Then things got really weird and it had this family of naked people, the man was walking around the house with his dick flopping everywhere and the woman walking around with her saggy boobs, they went into their kids room, picked up the baby and then started talking about being comfortable with yourself. What is all that about?! But just to clarify, the kid did atleast have a nappy. Finally we watched a video of some gross woman giving birth, and man, it was so graphic, atleast, that's how i remember it. About 3 or 4 people went out feeling sick. I'd never seen so much tomato sauce and pasta in my life. So yeah, my Sex ed, if you can call it that, was pretty tragic. But back on the subject, they really should have used a condom. As for the age thing, I personally do think its way too young to be having sex but i'm probably being old fashioned.
  22. Online trading would work! But sadly, this is Nintendo, who seem to hate the thought of making any game online. Not only that, but they seem to hate Pokemon recently, seriously, how much longer can they keep churning out the same shit before people get bored? Sadly, for quite a while I think. I can't believe how many people who had Diamond or Pearl went and brought Platinum too. All that everyone has ever wanted is a full, 3D Pokemon RPG. (Or most people, as someone is obviously going to say 'Well I never wanted a 3d pokemon game) 10 years since people started waiting for this game to exist, it still doesn't.
  23. wow, that sounds like an awesome deal! Sports Resort and an additional 2 games for that price!
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